Nonetheless, larger body size enhances male mating success even in the absence of such male-male interactions. Thus, even in mating systems where males compete physically and where larger body size confers a significant advantage in male-male competition, the actual selective force for larger body size in males may relate to forcible insemination of unreceptive females.
Experimental studies are needed to determine whether the same situation occurs in other organisms in which body-size advantages have been attributed to male-male rather than male -female interactions. Rogue Males? This three-year longitudinal study explored the approach to study and academic performance of a group of male psychology undergraduates. In induction week, new psychology students completed the survey. Later in the year, some of the males were interviewed in small groups. Performance was measured from marks at the end of Years 1 and 3. In Year…. Where Are All the Males? Study abroad represents a powerful tool for internationalizing students' higher education experience; however, current participation numbers indicate that male students go on study abroad programs at half the rate of female students.
This rate reflects broader engagement trends for male college students, who have fallen behind female participation…. Synchronous male breast and colon cancer presenting with ileus: A case report. Cancer developing from more than one origin is called multiple primary cancer MPC and is a rare situation.
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In this article, we report a case presenting to the Emergency Clinic with symptoms of ileus who was diagnosed with synchronous colon and breast cancer. A 57year old male patient presented to the Emergency Clinic with abdominal pain, vomiting, constipation and lack of flatulence. The patient was taken to the operating room for emergency surgery with the diagnosis of intestinal obstruction. While still hospitalized, breast ultrasound was performed, revealing a mass lesion in the right breast measuring 2cm.
The core biopsy result was suggestive of invasive ductal adenocarcinoma. Right modified radical mastectomy with removal of the level 2 axillary lymph nodes was performed. The result of the histopathological investigation of the right hemicolectomy specimen was reported as moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma, while that of the mastectomy material was invasive ductal adenocarcinoma. Synchronous colorectal cancer is recognized as an important clinical entity, its clinical and pathological properties as well as prognosis are still undetermined.
A family history of cancer might be a significant factor in synchronous cancers. Many of the theories about the etiology of multiple primary malignant neoplasia suggest the role of genetic, hormonal, environmental and immunological factors as well as iatrogenic causes. Especially for patients whose treatment begins in the emergency settings, meticulous systemic physical examination is recommended to initiate treatment of a possible synchronous tumor at an earlier stage.
Published by Elsevier Ltd.. A study on male homosexual behavior. Male homosexual behavior carries a high risk of transmitting sexually transmitted infections STIs. Ignorance regarding the associated high risk, indulgence inspite of no natural homosexual orientation and not using protective barrier methods can affect the sexual health of adolescents and adults. After obtaining consent from the subjects, questionnaire - based interview used for obtaining data for this observational cross-sectional study.
For those with natural homosexual orientation, the importance of protective barrier methods in homosexual behavior needs emphasis. Aetiological diagnosis of male sex ambiguity: a collaborative study. Mean serum levels of anti-mullerian hormone and of serum testosterone response to chorionic gonadotropin stimulation were significantly decreased in both conditions, by comparison with patients with unexplained male pseudohermaphroditism or partial androgen insensitivity PAIS. Sequencing of exons of the androgen receptor after study of testosterone precursors following human chorionic gonadotrophin stimulation is recommended when gonadal dysgenesis and true hermaphroditism can be excluded.
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On the basis of general theories of delinquency and the specific situation of immigrants, this longitudinal study investigated predictors of initial levels and rates of change in delinquency among male ethnic German Diaspora immigrants from the former Soviet Union FSU in Germany, male native German adolescents, and male Jewish…. Psychosocial profile of male patients presenting with sexual dysfunction in a psychiatric outpatient department in Mumbai, India.
Introduction: Sexual dysfunction can occur due to biological problems, relationship problems, lack of proper sexual knowledge or a combination of these. India is often known as the land of Kamasutra. But as far as sexuality research is concerned, there is a paucity of relevant data from India.
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In view of this, we conducted a study to assess the psychosocial profile of males presenting with sexual dysfunction to psychiatry out-patient department of a tertiary medical hospital. Materials and Methods: Hundred consecutive male patients presenting with sexual dysfunction were screened using Arizona Sexual Experiences Scale for clinical sexual dysfunction and after obtaining their informed consent were included in this study.
Results: Majority of our respondents were in the 18—30 years age group and were married. Premature ejaculation was the most common sexual dysfunction seen in the respondents. Marital discord was seen in significantly lesser number of respondents Discussion: Premature ejaculation was the most common sexual dysfunction in our sample.
Despite the sexual dysfunction, marital discord and depression were seen less commonly in our respondents. Sexual dysfunction can occur due to biological problems, relationship problems, lack of proper sexual knowledge or a combination of these. Hundred consecutive male patients presenting with sexual dysfunction were screened using Arizona Sexual Experiences Scale for clinical sexual dysfunction and after obtaining their informed consent were included in this study. Majority of our respondents were in the years age group and were married.
Premature ejaculation was the most common sexual dysfunction in our sample. Churg-Strauss syndrome or eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis is a systemic vasculitis affecting the small and medium-sized vasculature. It is commonly associated with asthma and eosinophilia. Most patients are diagnosed at around the age of We report a case of biopsy-confirmed Churg-Strauss syndrome in a year-old male with a history of eosinophilic asthma and peripheral eosinophilia who was later diagnosed with Churg-Strauss syndrome.
This study surveyed male counselor educators regarding the impact of being male upon their professional relationships. Mixed-methods analyses revealed a…. The purpose of this study was to describe the essence of being a male elementary general music teacher MEGMT. I sought answers for two research questions. First, what are the perceived uniquely male experiences in elementary general music teaching? Second, in what ways might gender be a consideration in the preparation of elementary general….
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The efficacy of exercise referral as an intervention for Irish male prisoners presenting with mental health symptoms. Purpose The use of exercise as an intervention to improve health in the general population is well documented. The purpose of this paper is to explore whether an exercise referral scheme can be an effective health promotion tool for male prisoners in Ireland, presenting with mental health symptoms.
Reliable and validated symptom assessment scales were used to assess levels of depression, anxiety, stress, self-esteem and anger amongst a sample of 40 prisoners pre- and post-intervention.
Semi-structured interviews were also conducted with a subset of the participants post-intervention to further test and contextualise the symptom ratings. The data gathered from the self-rating scales were imported into SPSS 22 for statistical testing for significance. Wilcoxon's signed-rank test was then used to measure significance of changes.
Thematic analysis was performed on the qualitative data.
Findings In the post-intervention, significant levels of improvement were achieved in the levels of depression, anxiety DASS , anxiety Zung , stress, anger, and self-esteem for 29 of the 30 prisoners who completed the study. The incidence of normal mood scores rose from 33 to 90 per cent after the intervention; the incidence of extremely severe scores for anxiety changed from 40 to 7 per cent, severe stress scores changed from 27 to 3 per cent, normal stress levels rose from 17 to 73 per cent, marked anger ratings reduced from 40 to 3 per cent and low self-esteem levels reduced from 20 per cent of participants pre-intervention to 7 per cent post.
Male breast cancer is rare: an initial presentation may be as an abscess. Breast cancer in men is rare. Breast cancer presenting initially as an abscess has been described only a handful of times in the literature. We present the first described case of invasive adenocarcinoma presenting as an abscess in a man.
An year-old diabetic man presented with symptoms typical of a breast abscess. The abscess failed to respond to percutaneous therapy and excision of breast abscess was performed. Histology revealed an invasive carcinoma. He went on to have a mastectomy. Histology should be obtained from breast abscesses not resolving within 2 months of initial percutaneous therapy. Histology could be obtained by ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration FNA , core or vacuum assisted biopsy, or by formal incision and drainage.
Comparison of males versus females with culture-confirmed early Lyme disease at presentation and at years after diagnosis. Lyme disease is the most common vector-borne infection in the United States with , estimated cases per year.
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The purpose of this study was to compare the presenting clinical features and long-term outcome of males versus females with culture-confirmed early Lyme disease. Males and females with early Lyme disease had a similar likelihood of having multiple erythema migrans skin lesions and had a similar number of additional subjective symptoms, such as fatigue, at study entry. Among the 71 males and 57 females able to be followed up for years, there were no significant differences in baseline symptoms, rate of seroreactivity to Borrelia burgdorferi, or in frequency of post-treatment symptoms.
Males and females with culture-confirmed early Lyme disease had similar clinical features, rates of seropositivity, and long-term outcomes. NIH study confirms risk factors for male breast cancer. Pooled data from studies of about 2, men with breast cancer and 52, men without breast cancer confirmed that risk factors for male breast cancer include obesity, a rare genetic condition called Klinefelter syndrome, and gynecomastia.
Novel presentation of a fourth branchial cleft anomaly in a male infant.