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The lack of trained teachers hampered government efforts to offer bilingual education opportunities to indigenous peoples. Indigenous people were not fully consulted in the management of their lands or natural resources, particularly lithium mining, in part because responsibility for implementing the law is delegated to the 23 provinces, the constitutions of only 11 of which recognize indigenous rights. Projects carried out by the agricultural and extractive industries displaced individuals, limited their access to traditional means of livelihood, reduced the area of lands on which they depended, and caused pollution that in some cases endangered the health and welfare of indigenous communities.
Conflict occurred when authorities evicted indigenous peoples from ancestral lands then in private ownership. On July 16 and 17, indigenous Mapuche activists occupied an inactive hotel, staged a sit-in at a government office, and blocked a major roadway in the city of Bariloche. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex LGBTI persons generally enjoyed the same legal rights and protections as heterosexual persons.
No laws criminalize consensual same-sex conduct between adults. LGBTI persons could serve openly in the military. The law gives transgender persons the right legally to update their name and gender marker on identity documents to reflect their gender identity without prior approval from a doctor or judge. On May 18, the National Observatory of Hate Crimes registered official complaints of discriminatory or violent acts against LGBTI individuals in , the most recent year for which data was available, compared with only 31 complaints in These complaints included 13 hate-crime-related homicides.
The transgender population made up 58 percent of reported cases and 90 percent of reported homicides of LGBTI persons. The ruling was the first to apply aggravated penalties for a hate crime based on gender identity. Rape and Domestic Violence : The law criminalizes rape, including spousal rape, and the government enforced the law effectively. The laws of individual states and territories provide the penalties for rape. The law prohibits violence against women, including domestic abuse, and the government enforced the law.
Violence against women remained a problem, particularly in indigenous communities. Females were more likely than males to be victims of domestic violence, including homicide, across all states and territories. Police received training in responding to domestic violence. Sexual Harassment : The law prohibits sexual harassment. Complaints of sexual harassment can lead to criminal proceedings or disciplinary action against the defendant and compensation claims by the plaintiff.
The HRC receives complaints of sexual harassment as well as sex discrimination.
The penalties vary across states and territories. An independent review of the Victoria Police Department released in found workplace sexual harassment to be an endemic problem despite more than 30 years of legislation prohibiting sex-based harassment and discrimination. The review found evidence of chronic underreporting with victims afraid of negative professional and personal consequences resulting from making a complaint.
Discrimination : The law provides for the same legal status and rights for women as for men, including under laws related to family, religion, personal status, labor, property, nationality, and inheritance, as well as employment, credit, pay, owning or managing businesses, education, and housing.
Section 1. Respect for the Integrity of the Person, Including Freedom from:
The government enforced the law effectively. Children born in the country to parents who are not citizens or permanent residents acquire citizenship on their 10th birthday, if they lived the majority of their life within the country. Failure to register does not result in denial of public services. In general, births were registered promptly. Various indigenous groups protested the slow pace of land demarcations.
In a case that lasted more than 30 years, during the year a court ordered the return of 20, acres of land to the Pankararu indigenous community in the municipalities of Tacaratu, Petrolandia, and Jatoba in the state of Pernambuco. On August 11, indigenous leader Jorge Guajajara was killed in Maranhao. Police were investigating the case. The Quilombola population—descendants of escaped African slaves—was estimated to include 6, communities and approximately five million individuals, although the government had no official statistics.
The constitution recognizes Quilombola land ownership rights. In March the governor of Para State concluded a year land dispute by signing over titles for more than , acres of Amazon forest to the Quilombola community in Cachoeira Porteira. Federal law does not explicitly prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or sex characteristics, but several states and municipalities have administrative regulations that prohibit such discrimination and provide for equal access to government services.
The criminal code states offenses subject to criminal prosecution fall under federal statutes, leaving hate crimes subject to administrative, not criminal penalties. Sao Paulo was the only state to codify punishments for hate-motivated violence and speech against lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex LGBTI individuals. In the state of Rio de Janeiro, the law penalizes commercial establishments that discriminate against individuals on the basis of their LGBTI status. In both Rio de Janeiro and Brasilia, sanctions vary from warnings and fines to the temporary suspension or termination of a business license.
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On April 5, five persons accused of the murder of a transgender woman, Dandara dos Santos, in Fortaleza, Ceara State, were convicted and sentenced to imprisonment ranging from 14 years and six months to 21 years. In August and September, unknown perpetrators committed acts of arson, vandalism, and destruction of sacred objects against seven Afro-Brazilian temples or places of worship terreiros on the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro.
In another case an individual entered a terreiro during a meeting of practitioners and stabbed four persons, including one minor. Rape and Domestic Violence : The law criminalizes rape, and authorities generally enforced its provisions when violations came to their attention. Sentences for rape convictions range up to 20 years in prison.
While authorities could prosecute spousal rape under the general rape statute, they rarely did so. It empowers courts to impose fines, issue restraining or eviction orders, or require special counseling. NGOs voiced growing concerns in the past several years of increasing cases of the killing of women or girls because of their gender.
According to the village mayor, Aishegyul had complained frequently of beatings and harassment. As of November, Saliev was in custody and the case was in pretrial phase. The Animus Association Foundation and other NGOs provided short-term protection and counseling to domestic violence victims in 22 crisis centers and shelters throughout the country.
The government funded an NGO-operated hour free helpline that victims could call for counseling, information, and support, as well as to report abuse. Police and social workers referred victims of domestic violence to NGO-run shelters. In April the prosecutor general issued specific step-by-step instructions regarding how prosecutors should respond to reports of domestic violence, death threats, and violations of restraining orders.
Sexual Harassment : The law identifies sexual harassment as a specific form of discrimination rather than a criminal offense, although prosecutors may identify cases in which harassment involves coercion combined with sexual exploitation. If prosecuted as coercion, sexual harassment is punishable by up to six years in prison. Discrimination : While the law provides women the same legal status and rights as men, women faced some discrimination in economic participation and political empowerment. The law establishes equal opportunities in all spheres of public, economic, and political life; equal access to public resources; equal treatment; exclusion of gender-based discrimination and violence; balanced representation of men and women in decision-making authorities; and overcoming of gender-based stereotypes.
The law requires the registration of births within seven days. Violence against children continued to be a problem. The four-year National Program for Prevention of Violence and Abuse against Children identified a growing rate of child victims of violence. The National Program for Child Protection, adopted in April, emphasizes preventing violence against children and continuing the process of deinstitutionalization see subsection below on Institutionalized Children.
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The report card found lack of progress in reducing child poverty, systemic problems with child protection, poor interagency coordination, delays in juvenile justice reform, and insufficient support for professionals working with children. The government funded an NGO-operated hour free helpline that children could call for counseling, information, and support, as well as to report abuse.
Helpline operators reported a trend of previously reported cases resurfacing with more serious or different types of abuse. Early and Forced Marriage : The minimum age for marriage is In exceptional cases a person may enter into marriage at 16 with permission from the regional court.
NGOs criticized authorities for treating early marriages as an ethnic Romani rather than a gender problem but acknowledged that child marriage was pervasive in Romani communities. The authorities enforced the law. The legal minimum age for consensual sex is Displaced Children : As of September, unaccompanied minors sought asylum, a nearly 50 percent drop from and more than 90 percent from In December the ombudsman petitioned the Supreme Administrative Court to impose uniformity in court practices which, according to her, applied different standards in determining whether migrant children were unaccompanied and routinely placed children so designated in detention centers for irregular migrants.
Institutionalized Children : The government continued to close residential care institutions for children, and on September 1 launched the last stage of its deinstitutionalization strategy, which aims to close all institutions by and replace them with community-based care. In July the government closed the medical and social care home in Vratsa, which at the end of accommodated three children—down from 89 in NGOs reported abuse in the new family-type placement centers.
Media reports and videos of personnel abusing children with disabilities in family centers in Gabrovo in January and a correctional boarding school in Borovan in February prompted a discussion between authorities and NGOs, resulting in a joint plan of measures, including training 6, child-care workers and improving coordination. The census indicated that 1, Jews lived in the country, but local Jewish organizations estimated the actual number as 5, Anti-Semitic rhetoric continued to appear regularly on social networking sites and as comments under online media articles.
In the end they might succeed. Souvenirs with Nazi insignia were available in tourist areas around the country. The government, NGOs, international organizations, and diplomatic missions denounced the rally. Sofia mayor Yordanka Fandakova had banned the march in , but the Sofia Administrative Court overturned the ban. On November 29, the country became the 32nd full member of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance. As of November authorities had not identified the perpetrators who in September knocked down gravestones and broke grave slabs at the Jewish Cemetery in Sofia.