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Additionally, this emphasis on privacy also extends to the app's back-end. According to Minns, the app has an auto-purging data policy, which means "every piece of data has a life span and is automatically erased. For full transparency, Butterfly also offers users the ability to access every piece of data stored about them "with a single button click" in the settings.
Plus, unlike other dating apps, Butterfly only stores geolocation data "in an approximated format to mask true locations," according to Minns, who also explains that "location data is never sent to the app, only calculated distances. That said, the user base is still small, though Minns says there's a sizable amount of users who log in multiple times a day — a measure that's oftentimes much more important than initial sign-up numbers. Plus, these numbers will likely go up once the Android version is launched early next year, so a larger pool of potential dates is definitely on the way.
In the meantime though, Minns says he's still soliciting a lot of user input to figure out how to make the app even better for trans folx seeking meaningful relationships of all stripes. And the way you can help? If you're interested, download Butterfly via the Apple app store, here.
Welcome to "Sex with Sandra," a column by Sandra Song about the ever-changing face of sexuality. Whether it be spotlight features on sex work activists, deep dives into hyper-niche fetishes, or overviews on current legislation and policy, "Sex with Sandra" is dedicated to examining some of the biggest sex-related discussions happening on the Internet right now. Fashion Beauty.
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Entertainment Music. Black Lives Matter. Photos courtesy of Butterfly. Sign Up. You May Also Like.