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Already a subscriber? Log in or link your magazine subscription. Account Profile. Sign Out. Tags: mane course horse meat mane course. Most Viewed Stories. The Sixth State Reform was undoubtedly a historic step with the substantial transfer of federal competences to the communities and regions. The whole package of power transfers was extensive and represents nearly 20 billion euros , especially in comparison with previous State reforms. Almost all sectors of the Belgian economic and social landscape were concerned. For the very first time, competences regarding social security were decentralised.
The responsibility concerning family allowances was decentralised from the federal level to the communities. The reform included a split of the electoral constituency of Brussels-Halle-Vilvoorde into one electoral district for Flemish Brabant and one for Brussels-Capital 19 municipalities. The Brussels district became one of the 12 new legal districts created by the justice reform.
The Belgian Constitution: The Efficacy Approach to European and Global Governance | SpringerLink
The reform also fundamentally modified the Special Finances Act. With the financial reform, communities and regions are financed differently, with a substantial increase of the fiscal autonomy of the regions. The reform was transposed into national legislation by the Special Laws of 6 January and entered into force on 1 July On 23 April , after members of the then Belgian opposition brought the matter to the attention of the Council of Europe, the Parliamentary Assembly asked the Venice Commission to provide an opinion on the recent constitutional amendment procedure in Belgium, more particularly concerning the amendment to Article of the Constitution relating to the revision of the Constitution.
The amendment of the Constitution was aimed at opening the way for the sixth stage of the State reform that should also contribute to the solution of the governmental and political crisis of the country. In its opinion on the revision of the Constitution of Belgium, adopted on June , the Venice Commission concluded that the procedure did not seem to have violated this Constitution or international standards, although more transparency would have been desirable through a longer formal procedure ensuring proper debate.
It considered that the constitutional and legislative foundations of self-government were fully complied with throughout the country and that the scope of local self-government was generally respected. The Congress invited the authorities to improve the procedure for consulting the communities and regions, and urged the community and regional authorities to pay particular attention to the financial situation of municipalities and provinces, ensuring that they had diversified and adequate resources.
On 25 May , triple European, federal and regional elections took place simultaneously.
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Regional strategies played a strong role in shaping the new federal coalition that took office after three months of negotiations. For the first time since , the governing coalition did not include the francophone Socialist Party PS. Since the May elections, the Humanist Democratic Centre cdH is no longer part of the federal government.
In a page coalition programme, the government developed a reform agenda on the fiscal, social and economic fronts. According to the coalition parties, the programme is based on a strong common consensus which is instrumental in the implementation of its related policies. They consider it a major change from the past as, in their view, the new political set-up will allow actual implementation of reforms. Belgium has been severely affected by the global economic crisis.
The coalition government committed to cut its public sector deficit in line with EU obligations and to reach a balanced budget by Major criticisms were raised from the political opposition and trade unions. At the end of , a month of intermittent industrial action was launched by the Belgian trade unions to protest against new government austerity measures, which culminated in a general stoppage in mid-December At the beginning of , the trade unions launched new anti-government action against austerity measures.
The coalition government is confronted with various challenges due to the complexity of the institutional, political and economic situation in the country. Although the coalition has 85 of the seats in the Lower House, it only has 20 out of 63 French-speaking deputies in the Lower House. In addition, the political representation in the federal government totally differs from the representation at regional level in the French-speaking part of the country, which could lead to political tension and create a challenging environment for the implementation of important reforms.
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Furthermore, the Prime Minister is not the leader of the biggest coalition partner. The government is also facing strong and mostly united political opposition in the Chamber of Representatives. The announcement by the Belgian Prime Minister of a point plan against terrorism and radicalism following the Paris terrorist attacks and the anti-terror raid conducted by the Belgian police on 15 January has prompted additional tensions within the ruling coalition. Following the recent attacks in Paris and the dismantling of a terrorist cell in Belgium, the Belgian government announced 12 measures to improve the effectiveness of the fight against radicalism and terrorism including, inter alia : extending the use of special investigative methods; expanding opportunities for deprivation of citizenship; temporary withdrawal of an identity card, passport denials and assets seizure; exchange of information and capacity to analyse State security; the fight against radicalism in prisons; calling the army for specific supervisory tasks.
The League of Human Rights expressed concerns over the measures taken , recalling that the principles of necessity and proportionality should be applied, so as to ensure that fundamental freedoms do not become collateral damage in the legitimate struggle against terrorism. In the Belgian constitutional set-up, in which the State powers are divided among and exercised by the federal authority, the communities and the regions, co-ordination between the different State entities is essential for the protection of human rights.
In the field of anti-discrimination, the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance ECRI published its last report in February , in which it noted steps forward. However, it highlighted a number of issues, such as the problematic application of the anti-discrimination legislation in certain areas and certain questionable aspects of the integration programmes.
The legislative process to turn the existing Centre for Equal Opportunities and Opposition to Racism into an inter-federal institution still needs to be completed. Numerous judicial proceedings have been initiated against individuals and legal entities advocating hatred and violence. Media self-regulatory bodies are particularly active in combating the dissemination of hate speech through the media.
Anti-racism and anti-discrimination legislation is scattered in a number of laws at federal and federated entities level, and its implementation remains problematic. Data on hate speech and racist violence are too fragmentary to give a clear picture of the situation in the country. Ethnic and religious groups, in particular Muslims, continue to face discrimination. Although measures have been taken by the authorities in recent years, there are still not enough properly equipped transit sites for Travellers. Despite specific provisions of the law, there is no independent body competent on questions relating to discrimination on grounds of language.
The situation concerning hate speech on the Internet is extremely worrying, and Belgium has not ratified the Additional Protocol to the Convention on Cybercrime, concerning the criminalisation of acts of a racist and xenophobic nature committed through computer systems. Once available, the conclusions of the roundtable will be a useful tool to assess the state of implementation of the recommendations and to ensure proper follow-up.
The Belgian authorities have taken a number of important steps to prevent and combat trafficking in human beings in compliance with the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings. The government is expected to report to the Committee of the Parties on the measures taken by 7 October Applicants claim that they are kept for long periods of time in institutions which do not offer the care and support their psychiatric condition requires, i.
In several cases, the Court also held that there was a lack of an effective remedy to complain about the conditions of detention violation of Article 5. Concerning the violations of Article 5. Moreover, the authorities have engaged in a reflection on ways in which medical assistance to interned persons can be improved. The authorities also reported on the adoption of a new law on psychiatric detention on 5 May The structural issue nevertheless remains and further efforts are needed. This question has been at the core of several media articles in recent months, with a number of mentally ill prisoners in Belgium having requested euthanasia due to the absence of adequate medical treatment in the detention facilities.
This raises important issues about the use of euthanasia, in the light of the discussions within the Parliamentary Assembly in recent years. A series of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights have assessed the compliance of the Belgian procedure with international standards when immigration decisions could have a detrimental effect on human rights. Both the Belgian Constitutional Court and the European Court of Human Rights have come to the conclusion that the Belgian framework of immigration litigation lacks the necessary level of effective remedy when claims of violation of human rights are presented.
The question of whether asylum seekers benefit from a remedy with automatic suspensive effect only in cases where they are deprived of their liberty nevertheless remains open. Concerning the detention of asylum seekers, the United Nations Committee against Torture recommended in its concluding observations on the third periodic report on Belgium that the State Party should only detain asylum seekers as a last resort and, when it is necessary, for as short a period as possible and without excessive restrictions, In , the authorities increased the number of spaces in reception centres for asylum seekers.
However, according to Amnesty International, places remain insufficient, and undocumented migrant families are still denied access.
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It is worth recalling that various measures have been taken by the Belgium authorities over the years to adapt the former detention policy for unaccompanied and accompanied minors. In its Resolution , the Assembly noted with satisfaction that Belgium had taken steps towards ending the immigration detention of children.
See Belgian language and Nordwestblock. The leaders of the Belgic alliance which Caesar confronted were in modern France, the Suessiones , Viromandui and Ambiani and perhaps some of their neighbours, in an area that he appears to distinguish as the true "Belgium" of classical times. The Menapii and northern Germani lived among low thorny forests, islands and swamps, and the central Belgian Nervii lands were deliberately planted with thick hedges, in order to be impenetrable to cavalry.
There is also less archaeological evidence of large settlements and trade in the area. According to Tacitus , writing a generation later, the Germani cisrhenani who included the Eburones were in fact the original tribe to be called Germani , and all other uses of the term extended from them, though in his time the same people were now called the Tungri.
Modern linguists use the word "germanic" to refer to languages but it is not known for sure whether even the Belgian Germani spoke a Germanic language , and their tribal and personal names are clearly Celtic. This is in fact also true of the possibly related tribes across the Rhine from them at this time.
Archaeologists have also had difficulty finding evidence of the exact migrations from east of the Rhine which Caesar reports and more generally there has been skepticism about using him in this way due to the political motives of his commentaries.
But the archaeological record gives the impression that the classical Belgian Germani were a relatively stable population going back to Urnfield times, with a more recently immigrated elite class who would have been of more interest to Caesar. These Roman provinces were broken into civitates , each with a capital city, and each representing one of the major tribal groups named by Caesar.
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At first, only one, Tongeren capital of the Tungri, was in modern Belgium. The Nervian capital was in the south of the territory in modern France, at Bavay , and later moved to Cambrai.

Trier , the capital of the Treveri, is today in Germany, near Luxembourg. The northeastern corner of this province, including Tongeren and the area of the earlier Germani , was united with the militarized Rhine border to form a newer province known as Germania Inferior. Belgica Prima was the eastern part and had Trier as its main city, and included part of the Belgian province of Luxembourg. It became one of the most important Roman cities in Western Europe in the 3rd century. Christianity was also first introduced to Belgium during the late-Roman period, and the first known bishop in the region Servatius taught in the middle of the Fourth century in Tongeren.
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The modern Belgian language boundary derives from this period, as the area was a contact point of Frankish and Romanized populations. As the Western Roman Empire lost power, Germanic tribes came to dominate the military, and then form kingdoms. Coastal Flanders, the old territory of the Menapii, became part of the " Saxon Shore ". In inland northern Belgium, Franks from the Roman frontier in the Rhine delta were allowed to re-settle in Toxandria in the 4th century. Wallonia, dominated by bands of forests and poor farming land, remained more heavily Romanized, although eventually became subject to Franks in the 5th century.
Franks remained important in the Roman military, and the Romanized Frankish Merovingian Dynasty eventually took over northern France. Clovis I , the best-known king of this dynasty, first conquered Romanized northern France, later called Neustria , then turned north to the Frankish lands later referred to as Austrasia , which included all or most of Belgium.