Csiro Plant Industry: Australia, 62 Paradox database now on Windows Relational database software specialist Borland International has announced a version of its popular Paradox database management software for the Windows environment. Paradox for Windows can store im fl handle mmimH images , such as signatures, graphics, photos and even moving video Images. Barbecue gives up smoking As chill winter winds awthme, many people might dream of a summer barbecue.
For many more, the idea of a barbecue might conjure up ideas of charred food and acrid black smoke. A Swansea inventor. Bill Darby, believes he has overcame the problem af the smoking barbecue with a soft plastic fuel which could be sold in giant toothpaste tabes or plastic containers. The fuel uses abase of charcoal or anthracite mixed with lighting agents, and because It burns efficiently produces no smoke.
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On lighting, flames appear for iV to 12 minutes. Then a hot glowing carbon mass remains. Darby; UK, His latest model is the Dyson. Dyson Is more interested in how his products work than how they look. He trained in product design at the Royal College of Art, but sees Wmsaif as an inventor, rather than a designer. My thrill is com- ing up with something new and embodying it in an exciting way.
The result was the G-Forca C onventional vacuum clean- ers work by sucking in dirt and air, then separating them through a filter. The air escapes and the dirt collects in a paper bag.
The problem is that the filter gets blocked, making the machine progressively less efficient Dyson's cyclone system performs the same function as a filter by whizzing the dirt and air around at high speed, but does not dog. The dirt collects in a plastic container which be clipped off emp- tied. He designed the G-Force so that its handle operated as a hose. At the time, most upright vacuum cleaners had clip-on hoses which were not part of the machine. He chose to make the G-Force look different from the sober-col- oured machines then cm sale.
T also Eked the Idea of a vacuum cleaner being fun to look at. Dyson has used the income 30, models axe stQl sold each year to set up a product-development unit near his country home in Bath with a team of 15 designers.
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But the biggest project is the Dual Cyclone. This time, he has installed two cyclones.
One operates at mph to process bigger hits of dirt and the' other at SOOmph to treat tiny dust particles. The Dual Cyclone has the same playful quality to its design as the G-Force, although the shape is less exaggerated and Dyson has chosen. Its identification, fid- lows a seven-year genetic study of people from 70 families, funded by the Wellcome Trust and National Asthma Campaign. In technical terms, the gene codes for the beta chain of the receptor for IgE. The gene on chromosome II accounts for about 60 per cent of asthma and hay fever in the fami- lies studied by the Oxford group.
The reasons for its exclusively maternal activity are not known. The scientists now want to relate molecular variations in the IgE receptor gene to cases of asthma and hay fever. That would prove that it is indeed an Important allergy gene - and would be the first step towards improving the treatment fin these disorders, which are poorly controlled by existing drugs steroids, a nHhigtgrnlripq and broncho-dilators.
In the UK there axe an estimated 6m seasonal suffer- ers from hay fever, and asthma affects 2m-8m people causing 2, deaths a year. The idea would be to switch off the gene or to block the receptor fin: which it codes. They are unlikely to be convinced by the latest fevidmwft from Oxford. He cannot explain the dfe 1 crepancy with the other studies! Responsibilities: - Ad hoc work will include preparation of Business Plans, liaison with shareholders and taxation planning. In this capacity, we are engaged in neentomentand training activities, and operate one of die largest purchasing functions within the oil industry to the UK.
We are seeking to SB the newfy created position of Rnancni Accountant. Reporting to die Group Fvundai Accountant, you wffl be concerned with certain financial activities pertaining do jswaby 08 Service, associated, and subsidiary organisations. Previous experience must Indude the production of statutory accounts as well as consofldaoon of group aocoivKS.
AppBcams should be in their lace 20s and have a recognised accounting quaBficadon. You should be fu8y conversant with computerised accounting procedures. This position offers a real opportunity to consolidate upon your pose qualification experience and provides scope for further career development. Yesterday Nortel named Its new European president and chief executive as Ian Craig, formerly the company's chief operating officer fin tire region.
Scots -bom Craig, 69, will take np his new appointment immediately. He has been with Nortel for 36 years and has held senior positions In mar- keting, sales and strategic planning as well as research and development. Yesterday he was flying to North America, no doubt to be briefed about his new respansi- blfftiss which Include sales and marketing throughout Europe, the Middle East and Africa.
Since the acquisition of STC, the region contributes 17 per cent of the group's revenues. The reshuffle at Nortel was initiated by toe sodden resig- nation as chief executive late last month of Paul Stem, the outspoken and colourful figure who led the company's drive to expand business outside North Ame ri ca.
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Barrie Fallen - Taxation. A major contract has been secured requiring a team to be based in Johannesburg - to manage the project and to assess other available business opportunities. A commercially astute accountant is needed to support the team. This key role, reporting to die Operations Director, will be responsible for evaluating and presenting detailed proposals, and for assessing, in a wider sense, overall long term market possibilities for the Company in South Africa.
Ideally, but not exclusively, candidates will be graduate qualified accountants. Previous overseas experience whilst not considered essential would be advantageous. An initial contract for one year, with an attractive expatriate remuneration package, is available together with positive fixture career prospects.
Julien believes ft was chronic fatigue syndrome, also known as ME, and Irr e v erentl y as yuppie fin. But JoHen, at 54, says be Is no yuppie. More Important, he Is substantially recovered, and Is taking Cbfitesn as the - first iff what he hopes will be a number of nonexecutive directorships which he Is m w Miti y examining.
Dennis Tapper, flu executive chairman, says he expects Julian - its first non executiv e director - to tender his experience of large companies and strategic development. Simon has sold off nearly all its environmental businesses this year because of falUrife profits. When Cadbury decided to shut down a factory at Framp- ton on Severn as part of a rationalisation programme. Guest was responsible for find- ing a developer to take over the site and develop an indus- trial estate.
This enabled Cad- bury to replace the jobs which had gone with the factory clo- sure. This project led to contacts with Business in the Commu- nity and in Guest became a regional director, helping to set up several enterprise agen- cies in the Midlands, After two years he retained to Cadbury to cntnWne planning with com- munity affairs, becoming group community affairs man- ager In- Councils, chambers of commeroe and enterprise agen- cies, to reassess their roles. AneartypH- ortty is to improve the qualify of the service provided aftd member agencies will be expdb- ted to conform to the BS67So quality standard or an' eqiiiw- lent within two years.
Sir Graham Day his agreed to become founding : president rifthe federation. Uke WJ. The young girl s to be found gazing out of anything from the cover of a National Gallery day book sold in museum shops to leaflets promoting skin-care products. The tale of how succes- sive generations in various countries have responded to end interpreted Rembrandt's somewhat ambiguous "Girl at a Window" is both more typi- cal and more subtle, and it begins -in the master's studio. The ability to paint in the manner of Rembrandt was a prerequi- site of a successful artistic career in Amsterdam.
The artist was not the first to paint a figure leaning out of an open window; he had also drawn Saskia in comparable pose some 12 years before. Characteristically, however, he -was to make a conventional formula entirely his own. The girl Is too young to be Hcndrickje Stoffels, as has often been suggested. She is more likely to be a servant or even a prostitute, given her direct gaze and gaping bodice.
A pool of water gathers around her left elbow: is she straight from her bath or the washing? The painting is not so much a portrait as a genre study of dis- arming naturalness and fresh- ness. From Woburn comes a studio adapta- tion. It Is fascinating to see this small group.
The show takes us on to 18th century France, where the vogue for 17th century Dutch genre painting is reflected by the presence of the Dulwich, Stockholm and Washington pictures. One of the canvases - probably "Girl at a Window" - belonged to the art theorist, painter and spy Roger de Piles and would have been easily accessible to the artistic com- munity for most of the cen- tury. Certainly the Dulwich picture was to prove the most influential and widely imi- tated. One of the first to pursue the formula was Antoine Pesne, later painter to the Prussian court His girls at a window of and illustrated In reproduction are pretty and simpering, and their expanses of bare bosom make explicit the implicit sexuality of Rem- brandt's painting.
A few years later Jean-Baptiste Santerre attempted a far more faithful, albeit sentimentalised version. Her Impact on British art. Sadly we can- not sec the the copy apparently painted by Sir Joshua Reyn- olds, although a replica in the 1 Hermitage shows it to be accu- rate but still sugar-sweet. We can see Reynolds using it as a point of departure in the "Laughing Girl" from Ken- wood, a full-blown essay in the master's sombre rich tonality and clotted-cream im paste.
It obviously had it copying uses, too. I understand that Kurt Jooss always wanted Green Table to end an evening, so that audi- ences might leave with the message still fresh in their minds. It seems wholly unnecessary to perpetuate this routine, and It makes for awful pro- gramme-building. The Green Table, after 60 years, has its devotees. It is, as people never tire of telling us, still dreadfully true in portraying the horrors of war.
But when, given human stupidity, was this not so? As a s artefact, this anti- war poster has an historic interest Its message was unprecedented in the dance repertory of its time and place. Its dance language has a certain monumentalism - pose better than step - and the original principals most of whom I saw boasted an emo- tional and physical weight which lent It credibility. It Is Marion Tait as the Hie Old Mother the very names tell yon what to expect from the dance who has the absolutely sure dramatic presence that I recall from the Jooss interpretations of the s. This is a serene duet made for Sibley and Dowell in , whose hushed, ecstatic mood and flowing shapes Miss Tait captures perfectly.
Her partner, Kevin O'Hare, has the unenviable task of reproducing movement conceived for Dowell's impeccable line, and he makes it look tense where it should unfurl with the sweetest muscular ease.