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Bulletin of the World Health Organization ;L. On 17 June , the United Nations UN Human Rights Council passed a resolution that expressed grave concern at violence and discrimination against individuals based on their sexual orientation and gender identity. It was published in November and stated:. Such violence may be physical including murder, beatings, kidnappings, rape and sexual assault or psychological including threats, coercion and arbitrary deprivations of liberty. These attacks constitute a form of gender-based violence, driven by a desire to punish those seen as defying gender norms.

An updated resolution confirmed these conclusions and culminated in the designation of an UN Independent Expert on sexual orientation and gender identity in September Although the UN recognized violence against individuals based on their sexual orientation and gender identity as a form of gender-based violence, we do not know whether such violence is characterized by the same gender dynamics and motivations as gender-based violence against women or if it follows a different path.

Violence against individuals based on their sexual orientation is one of the ways in which sexual stigma is expressed. Stigma based on gender identity works along the same lines of a gendered society in which only two gender possibilities, masculine or feminine, are perceived as valid. This stigma is incorporated by a society and enacted by its institutions.

This can result in physical punishment, death penalty, arbitrary arrest and torture, ill-treatment in health facilities and forced sterilization. This internalized homophobia or transphobia has detrimental effects on their mental health and might result in self-harm or violence among individuals.

People identifying themselves as homosexual, bisexual or nonbinary sexual, such as pansexual and polysexual, or people engaging in homosexual, bisexual or nonbinary sexual behaviour or identifying with or expressing as a different gender than the one assigned at birth male, female or another , or intersex people. It includes both the personal sense of the body — which may involve, if freely chosen, modification of bodily appearance or function by medical, surgical or other means — as well as other expressions of gender, including dress, speech and mannerisms.

The term gay can refer to same-sex sexual attraction, same-sex sexual behaviour and same-sex cultural identity. Unless individuals or groups self-identify as gay, the expression men who have sex with men should be used. A lesbian is a woman attracted to other women. She may or may not be having sex with women, and a woman having sex with women may or may not be a lesbian. The term women who have sex with women should be used unless individuals or groups self-identify as lesbians. People whose gender identity and expression does not conform to the norms and expectations traditionally associated with their sex at birth.

It includes individuals who have received gender reassignment surgery, individuals who have received gender-related medical interventions other than surgery e. An individual with both male and female biological attributes primary and secondary sexual characteristics. A person who challenges or is not conforming to prevailing gender norms and expectations or to heterosexual norms.

Several comprehensive reviews have demonstrated that sexual and gender minorities are more likely to be victims of physical and sexual violence than the general population. Our study aimed to review the research evidence on the prevalence of physical and sexual violence motivated by perception of sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression among sexual and gender minorities.

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We distinguished this from violence inflicted on a random member of the general population or violence experienced by sexual and gender minorities, but not specifically perceived to be motivated by their sexual orientation or gender identity. These searches were supplemented by a scan of the citations in the articles for studies not found in the search and by consultation with individual experts about their knowledge of other studies.

Studies were eligible for inclusion if they included people belonging to a sexual or gender minority. We included both peer-reviewed and grey literature reporting studies that measured the prevalence of physical and sexual violence perceived as being motivated by sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression. We excluded intimate partner violence and self-harm.

Studies had to be published from to the search date, refer to data collected after and include at least 50 participants. Two researchers screened the identified abstracts. When there was doubt or disagreement about whether an article met the inclusion criteria, the article was taken to the next stage of screening. The researchers then independently assessed the full text of potentially eligible studies. If needed, we contacted the authors of the articles for further information.

After initial screening, we appraised the included studies for quality. According to the current count, Biden leads by less than 21, votes or roughly 0. The Trump campaign also is seeking to intervene in a Pennsylvania case at the Supreme Court that deals with whether ballots received up to three days after the election can be counted. Democratic prospects of taking control of the Senate were diminished after Republican incumbents, including Joni Ernst in Iowa, Steve Daines in Montana, and Susan Collins in Maine, all fended off challengers.

Republicans hold a advantage in the Senate and Democrats need to flip four seats to take the majority if Trump is re-elected — or three if Biden wins. Democrats have gained one seat. Earlier Tuesday, Judge Emmet Sullivan ordered the Postal Service to search facilities after the agency said that some , ballots it had received had not been scanned for delivery. The judge gave USPS until 3 p.

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Someone may have a price to pay for that. The Trump formally notified the United Nations a year ago that the U. Several states have already recorded more votes than they did during the election — Texas, Washington, Montana, and Hawaii — and several battleground states — Florida, Georgia, and North Carolina — are nearing their totals. Postal Service to sweep processing facilities in multiple battleground states for any remaining mail-in ballots and to rush delivery. Trump readies lawyers for election battle. Supreme Court last month left in place an extension that would allow the state to count ballots received as many as three days after the Nov.

Here are the voting lawsuits that could lead to post-election fights over ballots. Jason Miller appears to have been paid as recently as July by Citizens of the American Republic, and appears to have also taken monthly payments from a firm co-founded by two Trump officials — one of them being Trump campaign manager Bill Stepien.

Campaign finance experts say the arrangement is illegal. Scott Gottlieb said the U. No state ever reports final results on election night, and no state is legally expected to.

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The Texas Supreme Court rejected a Republican effort to invalidate , ballots that had already been cast in Harris County, Texas , which includes Houston and is largely Democratic. A Nevada judge rejected a Republican lawsuit seeking to halt early vote counting in Clark County , which includes Las Vegas. The campaign and the Nevada Republican Party alleged that Clark County refused to allow full observation of the ballot-counting process as required under state law.

District Judge Emmet Sullivan ordered the U. Anthony Fauci warned that the U. Fauci […] to choose three days before an election to play politics.

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The daily caseload surpassed the 97, cases reported by India on a single day in September. The stockpile, however, has 2 million. Anthony Fauci after Election Day. The Biden campaign canceled at least one event in Texas following the episode. Meanwhile in New York and New Jersey, a caravan of Trump supporters halted traffic on two major highways. The CDC will allow cruise ships to sail in U. USA Today.

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The Dow closed out its worst week and month since March. Wall Street Journal. Trump Jr. The documents show that hospitals report detailed information to HHS every day, which is reviewed and analyzed daily, but not widely circulated. Brett Giroir, appears to receive the documents directly. The FDA issued stricter safety standards for a vaccine in September, the CDC reversed guidelines that had called for less testing for individuals exposed to the coronavirus who showed no symptoms, and Dr.

Deborah Birx, the White House coronavirus response coordinator, has taken her message directly to state and local officials, urging them to adopt mask mandates and restrict large gatherings. Trump will instead spend the evening at the White House. The on-time rate for ballots in 17 postal districts representing 10 battleground states and electoral votes was Border Patrol official have been expelling migrant children from other countries to Mexico.

More than children from countries such as Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador have been sent without an adult into Mexico, where they have no family. Foreign Policy. Trump ordered the Pentagon to draw down U. The Trump administration stripped gray wolves of their Endangered Species Act protections in the Lower 48 states. While the economy grew 7.


At an annual rate, GDP grew by In the Pennsylvania case, the court left in place a lower court ruling allowing ballots to be counted until 5pm on Nov. The court also declined to block lower court rulings that allowed six extra days for accepting ballots sent by mail in North Carolina. Justice Amy Coney Barrett did not participate in either case, saying she did not have time to review the briefs.

While a vaccine is unlikely to be approved until later this year, the CDC ordered states to have five sites ready by Nov. The push to de-emphasize tests coincided with a drop in testing across Florida at the end of July and early August. By early September, the seven-day average in daily tests dropped by nearly half. Trump political appointees and the contractors hired, however, vetted celebrities for the ad campaign based on whether they had ever criticized Trump, or supported Obama, gay rights or same-sex marriage.

Of at least celebrities under consideration, 10 appear were approved. Emails show that Susan Pompeo routinely gave instructions to State Department officials from her personal email address about travel plans, restaurant reservations, and maintenance requests for the house the Pompeos rent, including repairs to the HVAC system, the porch, and the stairs. Germany and France imposed new lockdowns as the rapid spread of the coronavirus overwhelms health services. French President Emmanuel Macron imposed a new nationwide lockdown, which will start on Friday.