Design work on the weapon commenced at the end of December and concluded in late January The first weapons were built and ready to ship by April , as the situation in France became increasingly desperate with the rapid advance of the German army that would eventually run out of steam just short of Paris. Pershing, wanted the weapons delivered to France as fast as possible. The primary reason for the delay between when the weapons were ready to ship and when they went into action was uncertainty as to which ports would still be in Allied hands given the rapid German advance.
Efforts by the other Allies, and the U. Army, to develop similar long-range rail artillery were generally not completed or deployed before the armistice. Each of the initial five batteries consisted of one inch naval rifle on a special railroad car. As the newest U. In addition to the gun car, each battery included a locomotive, two ammunition cars with 25 rounds each, two construction materiel cars, a crane, fuel, a workshop, berthing, kitchen and medical cars, all under the command of a Navy lieutenant.
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- H Navy in World War I.
The five batteries were each independently mobile, but under the overall command of Rear Admiral Charles P. Plunkett, who had his own staff train. The entire unit had about 25 officers and enlisted personnel. Due to the limited traverse of the gun, a railway siding would have to be quickly constructed that pointed in the direction of the intended target, hence the construction cars. In addition, to elevate the gun, a pit had to be dug underneath the rail bed, and the rails removed due to the width of the gun breech.
The Mark II components to the gun fixed these issues, but they were not ready before the war ended. The weight of the gun carriage greatly exceeded the rated capacity of French railroads, so the trains were constrained to a speed of only about five miles per hour. The mobility of the trains was their best defense, but they were subject to German aerial observation and occasional air attack and counter-battery fire.
However, only one U. Navy crewman was killed as a result of enemy action and a number wounded.
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An example of the Navy railway gun is on display at the Washington Navy Yard. This Mark I gun was used for testing in the United States and is not one of the five that deployed to France.
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Those were later turned over to the U. Army, with some serving as coastal artillery between the world wars before eventually being scrapped. Although the largest U. Coast Guard Cutter Tampa —operating under U. Navy control with a Coast Guard crew—was torpedoed and sunk by German submarine UB in the Bristol Channel on the evening of 26 September with the loss of all personnel aboard. Originally commissioned in as the cutter Miami in the U. Lifesaving Service to create the modern U. Coast Guard. In February , Miami was renamed Tampa.
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Coast Guard and its 25 seagoing cutters were subordinated to the U. Navy on 6 April In message traffic during the war, the ship was referred to as USS Tampa. Following replacement of her older weapons with two 3-inch guns, a pair of machine guns, and depth-charge racks and projectors, she and five other Coast Guard cutters were ordered to proceed to Gibraltar, arriving on 27 October and forming Squadron 3 of Division 6 of the Atlantic Fleet Patrol Forces.
From October until she was sunk, Tampa escorted 19 convoys with ships between Gibraltar and the Irish Sea and the southern coast of England, during which only two ships in those convoys were lost to German U-boats. Although Tampa fired on several possible submarine targets, there were no confirmed interactions between her and German submarines prior to 26 September However, under the command of Captain Charles Satterlee, USCG, she did receive very high marks for her high state of readiness and morale, despite being underway over 50 percent of the time she was stationed at Gibraltar.
In the late afternoon of 26 September , Tampa detached from escort of northbound ship Gibraltar convoy HG as the convoy entered the Irish Sea. UB was a comparatively small Type-UB III coastal submarine—about tons, feet, crew of three officers and 30 enlisted personnel, speed 13 knots surfaced and 7 knots submerged, armed with one 4.
UB sank four ships, with Tampa being the second. The torpedo hit Tampa on her port side amidships. At the time, visibility was fading in the darkness, and Hertwig reported the ship only as a dark shape. All Coast Guard personnel 11 officers and enlisted , four U. Navy personnel three officers and one enlisted , 11 Royal Navy ratings, and five Admiralty Dockyard civilian workers aboard were killed. Two enlisted U. Hertwig actually came to the surface and searched for survivors, but found nothing.
Subsequent searches by Allied ships located one unidentified body, while three others were eventually recovered, one at sea and two washed ashore. In , the Coastguardsmen who perished on Tampa were awarded Purple Hearts. As a result of the sinking of Tampa , the U. Coast Guard suffered proportionately the largest casualties of all U.
UB continued her patrol, sinking two more ships, including the Japanese-flag Hirano Maru on 4 October , during which of people aboard were lost. The submarine returned safely to Germany in time to be surrendered at the armistice. Of note, the largest loss of U. There is no evidence her loss was a result of enemy action. The worst loss of life aboard a ship by any nation during World War I was the Italian-flag transport Principe Umberto, which was torpedoed by the Austro-Hungarian submarine U-5 on 8 June with the loss of 1, troops and crew of 2, aboard.
The U-5 , one of only four operational Austro-Hungarian submarines at the start of the war, had previously been commanded by George Ritter von Trapp, who sank the French armored cruiser Leon Gambetta — of men lost—on 26 April in the Strait of Otranto.
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Von Trapp was the pater familias of the famous Von Trapp family singers, and is the Austrian sea captain depicted in the movie The Sound of Music. The only actual surface action that U. Twelve U. Navy submarine chasers under the command of Captain Charles P. Nelson, USN, participated in a combined Italian, British, and Australian naval force against ships, submarines, and shore batteries of the Austro-Hungarian Empire near the port of Durazzo.
The 12 sub chasers provided screening services for an Allied force consisting of an Italian battleship, 3 Italian armored cruisers, 3 Italian light cruisers, 5 British light cruisers, 14 British destroyers, 2 Australian destroyers, 8 Italian torpedo boats and a partridge in a pear tree. The Austro-Hungarian naval force mostly bugged out before the battle commenced, leaving only two destroyers, a torpedo boat, and two submarines to oppose the Allies, and even they all managed to escape, albeit damaged.
A heavy Italian bombardment by the armored cruisers directed at the naval base mostly succeeded in leveling a large part of the adjacent city. So, there is good reason why you probably never heard of this battle. In September , an Allied force that had been bottled up in a quagmire at Salonika, Greece, on the Aegean Sea for well over a year finally started making progress, advancing into Macedonia and knocking Bulgaria—a German ally—out of the war.
The French commander of the operation requested a naval action to prevent Austro-Hungarian reinforcements or supplies from arriving via Durazzo, the major Albanian port on the Adriatic. The Italian navy agreed, somewhat reluctantly, to the request and supplied the major capital ships as well as the commander, Rear Admiral Osvaldo Paladini. The American sub chasers, which had arrived in Corfu, Greece in June to assist in trying to prevent Austro-Hungarian and German U-boats from getting in and out of the Adriatic via the Strait of Otranto, were invited to participate.
The battle began with an early-morning air attack on Austro-Hungarian troop concentrations and shore batteries by Italian and British aircraft.
While the Italian battleship stood off as a covering force, the Italian and British cruisers moved in close to the port to commence a bombardment after the American sub-chasers found a path through the offshore mine fields, coming under fire from shore batteries as they did so, without damage. Once through the minefields, some of the American sub chasers and Allied destroyers and torpedo boats were tasked to engage the two Austro-Hungarian destroyers and torpedo boat in the port.
The Austro-Hungarian ships spent the first part of the battle steaming around the harbor, dodging torpedoes and shellfire—the torpedo boat was hit by a dud torpedo—before they made their escape to the north. The three Italian armored cruisers then engaged in a lengthy shore bombardment that proved highly destructive to the civilian areas near the port. Sub chaser No. SC then sighted and depth-charged another U-boat, which also damaged but not sunk. U succeeded in putting a torpedo into the British light cruiser HMS Weymouth , which blew off a large part of her stern, but did not sink her. Another British destroyer was also hit by a torpedo, but not sunk.
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At one point during the battle, SC headed off a column of Allied destroyers that was about to blunder into a minefield by shooting into the water ahead of the destroyers. However, as the first surface engagement for the U. Navy since the Spanish-American War, the mostly very junior and inexperienced crews of the sub chasers acquitted themselves well. Captain Nelson was awarded the Navy Distinguished Service Medal and a variety of foreign awards, and would later be promoted to rear admiral.
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