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Other conductors were amazed when they heard that between an arduous morning rehearsal and a demanding evening performance, Richard would spend the. Richard was particularly renowned for his love and championship of British music. He made over CDs, more than half of them with Chandos, several of them winning Gramophone awards, and it was for services to British music that he received his CBE in The following year he was made an Honorary Doctor of Music in the University of Durham, especially for his services to music in the North of England. Cindarella was a popular choice and very entertaining!

The winners of the quiz this year were Catering Secretary, Carol Lewis, and her team. During the year the Staff have raised a great deal of money for various charities. For Children in Need some staff wore yellow for the day to raise funds. Also some of the office staff held a Christmas Card amnesty again this year and raised money for the East Anglian Air Ambulance. During the year the Catering Department has again excelled.

Congratulations also to Byron Franklin who came away with two silver medals and one bronze medal at the Cambridge Colleges Chef Competition. The Staff Sports and Social Committee once again sprang into action for the Christmas season and the first event was the annual Christmas Shopping trip, which was to Milton Keynes. It was a chance for keen shoppers to take advantage of the doorto-door coach service.

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Special thanks to Jim Coulter who played Father Christmas in his marvellous grotto and to other members of the Committee who helped make this event so successful. The Staff Carol Service was taken by Jonathan Holmes and the readings given by members of the College staff, their friends and relations.

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The Dinner Dance was just a few days before Christmas this year and was a chance to enter into the Christmas spirit with an excellent traditional meal and a live band for entertainment. The retirement of Mrs Jane Pearson centre, with her husband after nearly 25 years as College Housekeeper. She has successfully steered the Housekeeping Department through a period of enormous change and the College is most grateful for her many years of service.

Judy Gordon, who has been a bedder for very nearly 20 years, and Bob Spaxman also retired from the Housekeeping Department. The Maintenance Department has welcomed some new staff to boost their team.

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Gill Hervey-Murray. On the ground floor, one room was converted to a bedroom adapted for the disabled, and another bedroom was sacrificed to an enlargement of the offices of the Housekeeping Department. A planned continuation of these works to provide ramped access to the ground floor of BB, CC, and DD and re-cladding of the courtyard in Portland stone was deferred until for lack of time.

In Erasmus Building, the gyp-room on the first floor was enlarged by incorporating space from former communal showers and WCs which have been disused ever since the bedrooms were en-suited in Work to satisfy the requirements of the Housing Act continued from that reported last year. Many fire doors have been upgraded throughout Cripps Court and T staircase. Throughout the college, all gyp-rooms have had timers inserted in the electricity supply to cooking equipment, so that power is cut off if cooking is left unattended.

At the Barton Road Sports Ground, the pavilion roof of was renewed. Re-roofing was also found to be urgently required for the. Chapel, where rust had eaten away many nails securing laths to the rafters. New red tiles were used in imitation of the old ones from ca Some of the stone parapets were found to require renewal: in many cases, they had originally been secured by iron pegs, which had rusted, blowing the stone apart from within. A draught-proof layer was included under the tiles, and thermal insulation was inserted in the gaps between the rafters.

While the scaffolding was in position, the opportunity was taken to clean the great east window from outside. The final touch was to provide the entire building with lightning protection. Many generations of our older alumni might recall the facilities in the basement of E staircase of Old Court. This area, created in , has been gutted and modernised. At our house at 77 Panton Street, the staircase was found to be unsafe, owing to some previous owner having cut through important supports.

To repair this, the house had to be emptied of tenants before building works could begin. The more work we did, the more we found to be wrong with the building, and in the end we had to re-wire it throughout, and replace the heating boiler. We took the opportunity to upgrade the shower rooms with insulated walls to reduce condensation and mould, and installed secondary double-glazing to reduce energy consumption.

These works took five months. Many of our various plant-rooms and boiler houses have been updated with control systems which can be remotely accessed over the data network, permitting staff to observe and remedy problems that would otherwise have gone undetected without a physical visit. Robin Walker Brian Callingham. The Dean of Chapel returned from sabbatical leave in January. The number of students willing to read lessons in Chapel has been built up slowly throughout the year.

There was again a well-attended special introductory service for first years at the beginning of the Michaelmas Term featuring music from QJazz. In the Michaelmas Term the Chapel community was especially pleased to welcome Madeleine Lovell as Director of Music to help train the Choir and lead the music making in Chapel.

The Service of Music and Readings for Passiontide in March actually on Passion Sunday for once attracted a good congregation as usual and featured 12 readings as well as music by Mussorgsky and Rachmaninov both played by a Brass Quartet , Purcell, Holst, Leighton, Lotti and Mendelssohn. Record numbers of Alumni from the year and earlier and their guests joined the regular congregation for the Service of Remembrance on 9 November.

The Chapel was as packed as it could be for the annual Advent Carol Service, which featured choir items accompanied by solo piano, oboe and harp, as well as by the organ. News had spread, however, and people came from far and wide, especially from High Wycombe where Richard had been educated. By coincidence Sir David Willcocks was in College to give the Choir a masterclass, so fortuitously he was available to conduct the Chapel Choir in what proved to be a very moving service.

For many years the lesson readers on this occasion have been arranged by the College Housekeeper, Mrs Jane Pearson. The College was pleased to welcome the present Lord Bishop of Ely to preach on this occasion.

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The Choir are particularly to be thanked for singing at this service so soon before the exam period. There have been eleven weddings in Chapel including a Lutheran and a Roman Catholic service this year. There have also been two baptisms. Roman Catholic mass was celebrated in Chapel one evening in November as part of the series organised through Fisher House, the Catholic Chaplaincy. However, attendance has dwindled of late and the decision was taken this year to discontinue them, though the Dean did help with some weekly teas put on by the JCR.

The Brian Callingham. Christian Union continues to use the Chapel for prayer on Friday mornings in term time.

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The Dean was most grateful for the assistance he was able to give despite a major family crisis. They helped organise the Informal Service towards the end of term and have assisted the Dean in many ways in pastoral work and with services. Some mention must be made, of course, of the Chapel Choir. They have continued to perform to a very high standard under the direction of Bertilla Ng and Alex Breedon, since October with the great assistance of the Director of Music.

Lady Eatwell has also made a great contribution to the training of the Choir and also to teaching the Organ Scholars many of the secrets of successful choral conducting. The promise of a tour to New York and Boston in December attracted a very large number of singers from all over the University to audition.

Alex in particular has worked tirelessly to put together a slightly larger than usual group of singers of great quality. The tour to the United States was a resounding success. Many former members of the Choir who sang under the direction of Stephen Armstrong, Organ Scholar —79, got together for a reunion in September. After a short rehearsal with Stephen conducting and Dr Phil Coad back at the organ console, the Reunion Choir reinforced by a few spouses sang an Evensong for quite a large congregation of friends and family and then had a dinner in Old Hall.

We had perhaps forgotten how good we were this was the era of the first recordings made by the Chapel Choir and surprised ourselves by singing extremely well! A new piano has been purchased by the Director of Music for use in Chapel. For most of the autumn and winter the Chapel has been enveloped in scaffolding. The roof was found to be in a very poor condition and in need of replacement as a matter of urgency.

The decision was taken to maintain the pattern of services as scheduled throughout the building works. On several occasions the Dean and lesson reader at Morning Prayer had to yell at each other at the tops of their voices to make themselves heard over a cacophony of hammering and even the sound of dozens of loosened tiles cascading down the roof.

The Chapel now has a pristine and waterproof new roof, though the scaffolding is still partially up to allow for the installation of a lightning conductor and for the cleaning of some of the stained glass windows. Jonathan Holmes. Should I start quietly and accentuate the positive developments, communicate the good news, and generally stress the triumph of Life over Adversity?


Or should I give way to the temptation to complain first, have a good moan, then pull myself together, stiffen the sinews, and lead out the reader triumphantly towards the future? So I think the best thing to do this year is to get my bad news and my grumblings out of the way first, and then move on to more agreeable topics.