Old gay people dating Esneux Belgium

They have no more than one and a half years to work out a very ambitious government agreement of institutional, socio-economic and fiscal reforms. The next elections are in , which means campaigning will start at the beginning of that political year, and local elections are next year. A bumpy ride ahead, but let's hope for the best, otherwise the end of this country is waiting at the other side.

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It also shows that politics and politicians - no matter how crazy they can sometimes drive people - can still do what they are designed for, and that is to make sure that the interests of all people are taken into account, and not just one specific group, lobby or community. One of the things that bothers Flemish people the most is the fact that our new prime minister does not even speak Flemish. This government was formed under pressure from outside Belgium and unfortunately has resulted in a hodgepodge coalition, a coalition which is just willing enough to address some of the economic and institutional problems Belgium faces but without going the whole hog.

I don't expect this government to last long. Its economic budget is based on out of date figures and extra taxes are in the works to stave off a bloated state deficit. A deficit which is not being helped by the government itself, as internal cutbacks in the administration have not been prioritised, instead they are still wrangling about the finer points of the social and demographic problems Belgium will face in the future. Belgium swears in new cabinet.

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Profile: Belgium's Elio Di Rupo. Belgium reaches one year without a full government. Staphanie, Brussels. Maryvonne Remacle, Esneux. It's very hard for foreigners to understand how difficult it is to form a government. Work began on the building in and completed before the end of In the Tour de France , Seraing acted as the finish of Stage 1.

Seraing is twinned with:. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. For other uses, see Sere disambiguation. This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. Municipality in French Community, Belgium. Coat of arms.

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