We welcome contributions from any discipline with a research focus on gender and China, including but not limited to: gender studies, media studies, cultural studies, film studies, religious studies, literature, history, sociology, anthropology, and queer studies. Please send a word abstract to: change ulb.
Applicants will be notified of the outcome in December , and successful applicants will need to submit full papers by 1 March All submissions will then be submitted to a double-blind peer review process, based on which contributions to be published in the January issue of Sextant will be selected.
For further information, please contact the guest editors at the above email address. Research articles can be submitted in English or in French. They should be no longer than 8, words and follow the format of articles guidelines available here. Further precisions on formatting will be sent to applicants preselected at the abstract review stage.
Interdisciplinary at core, Sextant is the main journal specialized in women and gender studies in francophone Belgium. Dedicated to making original research accessible to all, the journal is moving to the online platform Open Editions by Meanwhile, back issues are available freely on the website of the University Press. Follow one of our three handpicked streams, or make your own from our full list below. Happy conference! You can also download the conference guide as PDF here. Send us an email at change ulb. The China Academic Network on Gender will be organising a get-together event for members during the conference.
Gallen, Switzerland. Location: Huizinga 0. Register here. They will also have the chance to gain feedback on their research from leading scholars in the field who will act as discussants in each panel session. In addition, participants will have the opportunity to enjoy the conference with a film screening related to the conference topic in the evening.
The event is conceived both as the network official public launch and as its first scientific manifestation. As a starting point for future collaborations undertaken within the network, its roundtable and research workshops will seek to uncover the main challenges, practices and methods of gender research in China to outline a state of the field we aim to promote. The network will also organise biennial themed conferences at partner universities starting in Keynote: Prof.
Joan Judge York University, Canada. Harriet Evans University of Westminster , Prof.
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Natascha Gentz Edinburgh , Prof. Harriet Zurndorfer Leiden University. Workshop aims and overview:. The workshop brought together 37 researchers from 10 countries dedicated to humanities research on gender issues in modern China late Qing — s. Researchers from different fields including history, literature, film, arts, education, translation and religious studies all participated.
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We hoped to uncover the multiplicity of gender experiences by tracing the genuine experiences articulated by women and men from different age groups, marital status, classes and professions. We aimed to probe the divergence between how gender identities were defined by official state and public media discourses, and conversely, how women and menexperienced these gendered identities, appropriating, adapting and resisting these discourses in their own lives. Twenty-seven papers were chosen to be included across seven panel sessions.
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Please find the full workshop program here. Day 1: Friday 17 th February. After a welcome session, and the first panel focusing on Roles in Family and Society , the keynote address was delivered by Prof. The approach takes into account the visual and textual sources in a magazine or newspaper and also pays attention to the materiality of the document itself. As Prof. Judge asserts in her book Republican Lens :. Situating that topic within the ecology of the journal rather than positioning it within a discursive trajectory of the scholars own making, this approach is attentive to the ways ideas resonate and conflict within different cultural registers — linguistic, visual, and literary — and to the interactions amongst these different registers.
Day 2: Saturday 18 th February. After lunch Prof. His talk focused on the life and work of Gao and the magazine he edited Eyebrow talk , published in Shanghai in the early Republican period. In his paper, Prof. His talk was followed by a paper from Prof. These talks were followed by a lively question and answer session.
Following were the last two panel sessions of the day : Elites in Politics and Education and Beliefs and Feminist Theories. Day 3: Sunday 19 th February. During her talk Prof.

She also touched on issues of translating certain terms and theoretical constructs from English into Chinese. Following Prof. Judge opened the discussion by reflecting on some of the themes and issues raised during the workshop, including how to integrate theoretical perspectives into our studies.
Other issues raised by the participating scholars included how to integrate gender perspectives into mainstream academic disciplines, and what special value a gendered approach can bring to more established disciplines such as history, literature and the study of religions. Comments from scholars were followed by a free flow question and answer session with participating researchers. The discussion focused on archival access and networking in China.
In the second half of the roundtable discussion, we discussed ideas for the future of our newly established network. This website is under construction. Please stay tuned for updates to the website. Table of contents Gail Hershatter. Foreword [Full text]. Legible and Thus Legitimate?
Day 1 | Thursday, 14 February
What is Obscenity? Morality and Modernity in s China [Full text].
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- Identities, Politics, and Theories.
Visual Encounters in Global Shanghai. Chang, Another Face of Zhang Zhujun? Stay tuned for the full conference report and pictures! Free entrance with registration. How do we re-envision gender in China? Sex, Relationships, Kinship, and Community. Bisexuality, Organisations, and Capitalism. Bisexuality and Citizenship.
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Bisexuality, Activism, Democracy, and the State. Back Matter Pages About this book Introduction This book provides an accessible introduction to bisexuality studies, set within the context of contemporary social theory and research. Drawing on interviews conducted in the UK and Colombia, it maps out the territory, providing a means of understanding sexualities that are neither gay, nor lesbian, nor heterosexual.
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