In the first of the series we address contemporary gender related issues mainly about female inclusivity. Here we state that diversity is not gender related.
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The exhibition setting is a place to express contemporary issues not just please the public with "sellable stuff for commercial gain". We purposefully selected a group exhibition made by a full female selection to emphasise female diversity in a setting away from the patriarch. Even though we are not exclusive to men, this is the optimal situation to prove our point, and prove it we will. You can appreciate this internationally acclaimed selections' beauty, relevance and historic value as well as a very diverse exhibition where contextualisation is key!
The exhibition also functions as a 'Trigger Party' a term appropriated from the 60s movement 'situationist international' where the selected artists are given an absolute free platform to express their voice in direct communication with the public and untouched by a political intention. We will set up a public livestream in an all inclusive setting generating an opportunity for direct public discourse.
A diverse selection in media is prevalent in the exhibition: performance, painting, photography, sculpture, video, virtual reality, installation, in situ De leukste zaal van Gent stopt ermee. Uitwuivers van dienst zijn: Alpha Whale Don't call it a comeback. Spelen nog 1 keer speciaal voor jullie. Pink Room Speelden het afgelopen jaar heel Vlaanderen en omstreken kapot. Nog 1 keer in Gent om het af te leren. Hebben geen introductie meer nodig. Good stuff. Poprock van de bovenste plank. Rockte vroeger nog bij Voodooland. Punk-pop de Bruxelles! Met leden van Frances Foes en Phoenician Drive.
De naam power-trio waardig.
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Deathstar MacGyver Antwerpse popgod. Doe die kara maar weg want het is gewoon dik OKE. Sorry nooit meer mopjes maken. Ze brengen jullie de afterparty der afterparty's. Wat kunnen jullie verwachten? Behoorlijk wat. Zo valt er, vijf dagen voor ze de winkelrekken sieren, een eerste gelimiteerde lading van vinyls van CASCO te scoren. Daarnaast zijn er ook cd's te koop, net als allerhande Fake merchandising in alle maten en vormen. En alsof dat nog niet voldoende zou zijn, zal er ook een kleine expo opgezet worden, die helemaal in het teken staat van de plaat.
En de boys zouden tepois niet zijn als ze niet nog een en ander in de mouwen verstopt houden, zo zijn ze wel. Toegang voor dit alles? Helemaal gratis en voor niks. Wees erbij en wees op tijd. De poorten gaan open om en het spektakel gaat door tot Tot dan! Many are called, but few are chosen On their new record 'Are Forever' 30, Monkies are living that dream. An immortal slab of noise, stuffed with pounds of suave sludge and riffs that sound like a zillion champagne corks popping all at once.
Much more than documents.
The message is loud and clear: 30, Monkies are forever, and champagnemetal is here to stay. Hard hitting drums and beats. Hip-hop, punk, noise and jazz. Dark, atmospheric and melodic.
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Also hard to describe so check it out. On time it will start collapsing till it melts down and becomes water again. Iedereen is vrij om mee invulling te geven. Daarnaast is het een werkplek met kunstateliers. Deze underground expositieplek is in een leegstaand gebouw in Ledeberg. De nadruk ligt op ontwikkeling van en met jonge kunstenaars. Schrijf je nu in! What better way to close off summer than by supporting our very own local talents with a Lil Soiree at In De Ruimte?
Come through! First gaining international recognition with the self-released album Burning Circles In the Sky featuring the cult classic "Warpainting" , the band almost immediately disappeared again, leaving in its wake a haze of mystery that only started to clear five years later when the band re-emerged with a string of ever-more esoteric recordings for underground labels such as Cardinal Fuzz and Fuzz Club.
A quadriptych of albums for New York label Beyond Beyond is Beyond saw the band delving deeper into drone, free jazz, and middle eastern influences, culminating in their most recent release: 's kaleidoscopic opus Borderlands. A loose concept album using US-Mexico border conflicts to examine the idea of "frontiers" in all aspects, the album makes elevated use of non-traditional rock instrumentation such as electric viola, bouzouki, and horns, and betrays influences as diverse as La Monte Young, Albert Ayler, and Fairport Convention.
Each collective has a designated zone in which they can display autonomous work, of themselves or a selection of work by invited artists.

You will find the entrance at the right side behind the museum SMAK. Located in the cultural quarter of Ghent, surrounded by the Citadelpark, Museum of fine arts and close to Gent-Sint-Pieters railway station. Beating the bushes This expression originates from the way in which hunters scare animals into the open where they can be catched or killed. For this expo Lahaut and Pauwaert are beating the bush together. Here we are!
Belgian Women Poets: French-English Poetry of Belgium
Azmari is a journey between Ethiopian groove and Afrobeat, oriental sounds and rhythmic fury. At once energetic and captivating, the sound of Azmari transports us into a vibrant, hypnotic and rebellious experience. The six musicians from Brussels will present their first album on the 24th of may in a deluge of roaring saxos and afro rhythms. Support : Karibu Orchestra Karibou Orchestra is known for its trippy melodies, groovy soundscapes and daring songstructures. It's hard to put a label on their music but if you had to, psychedelic fusion jazz would fit the bill.
De vier schilders stellen de menselijke figuur, het schilderen van en naar het leven, voorop.
Belgian Women Poets: French-English Poetry of Belgium | Surrealism | Symbolism (Arts)
In dit atelier is er plaats voor de traagte en gevoeligheid van de schilderkunst. Een medium als middel tot het onderzoeken van tijd, intimiteit en de identiteit van de schilder en diens omgeving.
Saturday This record is now ready! Melting mallows: Sticky lofi bubblegum dreampop from the city of Stella Artois. The nephews of Pascal Deweze. Limited capacity! Hij is een trouw bezoeker van assertiviteitstrainingen waardoor zijn zelfvertrouwen wordt opgeblazen en hij zichzelf als een onfeilbare zakenman en echtgenoot beschouwt. Door zijn overdreven investeringen en hautaine houding brengt hij zijn firma echter in moeilijkheden en wanneer de crisis toeslaat is een faillissement onafwendbaar.
Tony is an energetic personality well on in his 30s, presuming upon having everything under control. He's married to Nora, and they have two kids. Tony frequents tough assertiveness training sessions, owing to which he boosts up his self-confidence and considers himself to be the never-failing businessman and the perfect husband. As a result of his excessive investments and his haughty attitude, his company gets under a heavy cloud. When bankruptcy has become inevitable, his problems also affect family life.
He starts taking his problems out on his wife who seems to be able to cope with the new situation more easily. She makes him see how vulnerable he really is. You can look at it but you cannot touch it. A photograph can only show the past, but it represents it in such a way that it appears in the present. What is the photograph more than "a small thread of what we remember above an ocean of forgotten things" Milan Kundera?