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Heb je nog vragen of opmerkingen? Aarzel niet om Thijs Reyniers treyniers itg. For the 26th time organized on the 27th of September The rules are easy: at the beginning of the party each person decides if he will be a mare or a stallion. Mares will be blindfolded and will be available for the stallions. The stallions can fuck the mares they want. A team of stable masters will watch, so that everything happens safe. See you. No place to park your Car in the neighbourhood of The Boots club?

Metal gate is closed but opens automatically when descending the entrance. No place to park your Car in the neighbourhood of the Boots club? The solution: Q-Park Antwerp Godefriduskaai Zeevaartstraat 11 Antwerpen This parking is more difficult to access due to road works. Surrounded by outside space. Progress at Edingen. The chimney and the windows.

Dremon \

A new future for an old history. Thinking about care in a psychiatric institute. In collaboration with BAVO. Reconversion of a specific corner building into several studios and an office along the canal in Ghent. Building a new facade behind the existing one. Reconversion of a single family house. Currently working on a new Kavel project. Construction works on the LWWK project will start very soon. Reconversion of an office building for a law-firm, Brussels.

The Venice summerschool has come to an end. Debate and lecture series Late August the Flanders Architecture Institute organised Encounters in Optimism: Utopia in a Finite World, an interactive programme of lectures, debates and workshops that took place in various national pavilions at the Venice Architecture Biennale. Together withThe British Council, the Deutsches Architekturmuseum and the Creative Industries Fund NL the Flanders Architecture Institute has put together a programme for architects, students and the general public to reflect on how architecture can redefine the city.

The economic climate and the idea of utopia are the main topics in these discussions. The Flanders Architecture Institute invited several architects to discuss the material making of architecture in relation to the notion of utopia within the context of the messiness of everyday life. Custom Made Architecture from Flanders and the Netherlands. A selection of approximately sixty architectural models places the emphasis on tailored work, precision and craftsmanship as undercurrents in Flemish and Dutch architecture of the past thirty years.

The exhibition sets itself the task of giving an overview of the last 60 years of architectural history, while at the same time taking stock of contemporary tendencies in architecture - pointing out interconnections between past and present. To learn more on how to apply please check here.

We are very honoured to be able to say that we are one of the three offices selected by the Board of Trustees for the Schelling Architecture Foundation for its architecture prize.

Daily diving - Happy Bubbles Diving Center

Their architecture plays with the expectations of the individual viewer, their perceptual habits, and reinterpreting materials. We are very honoured to be able to say that the De Aedibus international 13 architecten de vylder vinck taillieu is now available online and in several bookstores. De aedibus international 13 Quart Architektur 80 pages, 22,5 x 29 cm images, 16 plans Stitched brochure. Looking back on the amazing opening of the Belgian pavilion at the Venice architecture biennial Great to see all the people that established this exhibition enjoying the release of pressure.

Very proud to be part of this 12th edition of Flanders Architectural Review. Publication by Flemish architecture institute. How can architecture contribute to society? By delivering projects that are tailor-made, and through designs that reveal a cultural and social purpose.

The projects in this edition of the Flanders Architectural Review give shape to this ambition.

Together, they tell a story about the role of architecture within a complex European context. Recent developments in architecture are covered in thirteen essays. Under four main headings — life, city, scale and form — they deal with contemporary issues regarding communal space, reuse and repurposing, the status of the public domain, and a visual language for large-scale interventions in the city.

The quest for typological solutions and formal figures is also discussed. Photographic essays by leading architectural photographers provide an introduction to each theme. President Paolo Barrata 's intervention at the Belgian Pavillion.


Available in the biennale 's official bookstores. Invited competition, Grand transformation of the existing Palais des Expositions at Charleroi. Project for Igretec and Charleroi Bouwmeester. Furnitures as backbone of the houses, houses as backbone of life. Go and follow the official facebook page. This lecture will put the service center in a broader context, in the light of our other projects and for the city of Ghent.

This new center is an outpost for the services of the city of Ghent and holds both civil as police functions. The building will be festively reopened on. Looking back on our contribution for the exhibition 25 architectes, 5 absents. Alongside of 51N4E.

Daily diving - Happy Bubbles Diving Center, Gumbet Traveller Reviews - Tripadvisor

As architects often have a close relationship with the visual arts and artists are often inspired by the spatial environment, MANIERA intends to crystalize these proximities into new design proposals. More than just furniture, the objects issued by MANIERA are a deliberate search for collisions between the realms of architecture, design and art. Looking forward! Not retained. Honourable mention. Open competition, not retained. Spring in house HUIK. The construction on the KERK project has started.

Our proposal for the new sports center in Waasmunster. Competition for the city of Waasmunster.

What travelers are saying

We are currently working on a visitor center for Paddenbroek. Won competition for the city of Gooik. Releasing end of May Looking back on the nice lecture at the Washington University in St. Louis we did on the 1st of April 2O Looking back on the lecture in Paris we did the 17th of March Looking back on the lecture at TU Eindhoven 16th of march The team, consisting of architecten de vylder vinck taillieu, doorzon interior architects, and architectural photographer and artist Filip Dujardin, explore the question of what craftsmanship can mean in a context of scarcity.

Venice IT. This accompanying publication is a further elaboration of the work exhibited in the pavilion and a contribution to the architectural debate in Flanders and beyond. Comprised out of essays, interviews and images, this book offers an answer to the question what craftsmanship can mean today.

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The catalogue will be revealed during the vernissage of the pavillion and can be purchased at the official bookshops of the Biennale. We are honoured to be involved in the summer architecture workshops in Venice, 27th of June - 15th of July Curated by the University di Venezia. Pleased to announce that the submissions for the tennis re-enactment have successfully found their place in the Chicago Architecture Biennial. We would like to point that submissions are still more then welcome!