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If this conclusion is correct, greater attention must be given to integrating models which account for the production of nucleotide additions and deletions into those concerning misrepair mutagenesis. Phys FilmMakers: teaching science students how to make YouTube-style videos. Phys FilmMakers PFM is a new type of course in which a science expert and science communicator partner teach physics students how to make YouTube-style videos on cutting-edge scientific research within the university department. Here, we describe this new course, outline its key components and provide recommendations for others considering implementing a similar FilmMakers-style course using feedback from course tutors and students.

The course has two major components: workshop sessions in which students learn the key elements of film-making and independent video production where PFM students partner with senior PhD or post-doc researchers to produce a video on their research. Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 HIV-1 exploits multiple host factors during its replication. Sitemap

Publisher's Note: High-temperature superconductivity stabilized by electron-hole interband coupling in collapsed tetragonal phase of KFe 2 As 2 under high pressure [ Phys. B 91 , R Here, we report a high-pressure study of simultaneous low-temperature electrical resistivity and Hall effect measurements on high quality single-crystalline KFe 2As 2 using designer diamond anvil cell techniques with applied pressures up to 33 GPa.

In the low pressure regime, we show that the superconducting transition temperature T c finds a maximum onset value of 7 K near 2 GPa, in contrast to previous reports that find a minimum T c and reversal of pressure dependence at this pressure. The appearance of a distinct superconducting phase above 13 GPa is also accompanied by a sudden reversal of dominant charge carrier sign, from hole- to electron-like, which agrees with our band calculations predicting the emergence of an electron pocket and diminishment of hole pockets upon Fermi surface reconstruction.

Our results suggest the high-temperature superconducting phase in KFe 2As 2 is substantially enhanced by the presence of nested electron and hole pockets, providing the key ingredient of high-T c superconductivity in iron pnictide superconductors. Erratum: Evolution of precipitate morphology during heat treatment and its implications for the superconductivity in K x F e 1.

B 86 , In this article, we study the relationship between precipitate morphology and superconductivity in K xFe 1. Scanning electron microscopy SEM measurements revealed that the superconducting phase forms a network in the samples quenched above iron vacancy order-disorder transition temperature T s, whereas it aggregates into micrometer-sized rectangular bars and aligns as disconnected chains in the furnace-cooled samples.

This paper was published online on 20 May without several of the authors' corrections incorporated. D 78, This underestimation can be attributed to the difference between the reconstructed thrust axis and the original quark-antiquark axis. The corresponding correction factors are 1. Because of a flaw in the original analysis program, these correction factors were not applied to the A UC-type asymmetries in Table V as well as in some figures.

These omissions affect all but the charm asymmetry results. The systematic uncertainties of the original publication remain unchanged.

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In the process of TLS stalled high-fidelity replicative DNA polymerases are temporarily replaced by specialized TLS enzymes that can bypass sites of DNA damage lesions , thus allowing replication to continue or postreplicational gaps to be filled. It is shown that the behaviour of the hydration thermodynamic functions obtained in the 3D Mercedes-Benz model of water by Mohoric et al. It is also pointed out that the failure is due to the fact that the used 3D Mercedes-Benz model of water [A.

Bizjak, T. Urbic, V. Vlachy, and K. Dill, J. Recent studies reveal that airway epithelial cells are critical pulmonary circadian pacemaker cells, mediating rhythmic inflammatory responses. Ethical violations and discriminatory behavior in the Med Phys Match. The purpose of this survey study is to investigate behaviors in conflict with the ethical standards of the Medical Physics Residency Med Phys Match MPM process as stated in the MPM rules a and with the nondiscrimination regulations of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission EEOC b , in addition to other behaviors that may in other ways erode the fairness of the system.

A survey was sent to all applicants and program directors registered for the and MPM. Survey questions asked about application, interview, and postinterview experiences, match results, and overall satisfaction with the process. Fifty-seven percent of respondents who were asked this question indicated being uncomfortable or very uncomfortable answering, including In , In the first two years of the MPM, there were widespread instances of ethical violations and discriminatory questioning during the interview process.

Educating both interviewers and candidates on the MPM rules and general EEOC guidelines should decrease these instances and increase the fairness of the residency selection process. Journal of Applied Clinical Medical. The purpose of this research is to describe the results of higher order thinking skills in physics Phys HOTS measurement including: 1 percentage of Phys HOTS level and 2 percentage of the domination of response in the category of students in each analyzing, evaluating, and creating skill. There were 10th grade students in Bantul District as the respondents of this research.

It was divided into two sets consisting of 44 items and including 8 anchor items stated valid by a Physicist, Physics Education Expert, and Physics Education Measurement Expert. The instrument was fit to PCM. The reliability coefficient of this test is 0. The results of the measurement show that: 1 The percentage of each category of Phys HOTS for the 10th grade students in Bantul District for the very low, low, medium, high, and very high category is 4.

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The order in evaluating skills, starts from the weakest, is critiquing and checking. Meanwhile, the order in creating skills, starts from the weakest, is producing, planning, and generating. It has recently been argued that a self-consistency condition involving the Jarzynski equality JE and the Crooks fluctuation theorem CFT is violated for a simple Brownian process [L. Chen, J. This note adopts the definitions in the original formulation of the JE and CFT and demonstrates the contrary. The recent article by de Souza, Lorenzini and Rizzatti [J.

Lorenzini, and M. Rizatti, J. The model used by them is not suitable for the study of erythema. Circadian oscillation of body temperature is a basic, evolutionary-conserved feature of mammalian biology1. Additionally, homeostatic pathways allow organisms to protect their core temperatures in response to cold exposure2. However, the mechanism responsible for coordinating daily body temperature rhythm and adaptability to environmental challenges is unknown.

A dogma in the mitochondria field is that there is no other polymerase present in the mitochondria of mammalian cells. We demonstrate localization of REV 3 in the mitochondria of mammalian tissue as well as cell lines. Rev 3 expression is increased in human primary breast tumors and breast cancer cell lines. Inactivation of Rev 3 decreases cell migration and invasion, and localization of Rev 3 in mitochondria increases survival and the invasive potential of cancer cells.

Taken together, we demonstrate that REV 3 functions in mammalian mitochondria and that mitochondrial REV 3 is associated with the tumorigenic potential of cells. REV 1-mediated recognition of ubiquitin in the proliferative cell nuclear antigen is thought to be the trigger for TLS activation. All rights reserved. The translesion polymerase Rev 3L in the tolerance of alkylating anticancer drugs.

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Temozolomide and fotemustine, representing methylating and chloroethylating agents, respectively, are used in the treatment of glioma and malignant melanoma. Because chemoresistance of these tumors is a common phenomenon, identification of the underlying mechanisms is needed. Here we show that Rev 3L, the catalytic subunit of the translesion DNA polymerase zeta, mediates resistance to both temozolomide and fotemustine. Rev 3L knockout cells are hypersensitive to both agents. It is remarkable that cells heterozygous for Rev 3L showed an intermediate sensitivity.

Rev 3L is not involved in the tolerance of the toxic O6-methylguanine lesion. However, a possible role of Rev 3L in the tolerance of O6-chloroethylguanine or the subsequently formed N1-guanine-N3-cytosine interstrand cross-link is shown. We also show that Rev 3L exerts its protective effect in replicating cells and that loss of Rev 3L leads to a significant increase in DNA double-strand breaks after temozolomide and fotemustine treatment.

These data show that Rev 3L contributes to temozolomide and fotemustine resistance, thus acting in concert with O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase, BER, mismatch repair, and double-strand break repair in defense against simple alkylating anticancer drugs. A recent article by Dandekar, Abbate, and Frankel [J.

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A rather large portion of that article is devoted to the shear strength of AlN and, in particular, to our data of with longitudinal and lateral stress gauges [Z. Rosenberg, N. Brar, and S. Bless, J. Since our highest data point has an error of 1 GPa, much of the discussion and conclusions of Dandekar and co-workers are not relevant once this error in data reduction is corrected. We also discuss the relevance of our shear strength data for various issues, such as the phase transformation of AlN at 20 GPa and the general shape of Hugoniot curves for brittle solids.

In a recent paper, Jaradat et al. They claimed that the Agrawal procedure [O. Agrawal, J. Their work should have been done based on a formulation as reported by Baleanu and Muslih [ Phys. Revision of 'Cumulative effect of the filamentation and Weibel instabilities in counterstreaming thermal plasmas' [ Phys. Plasmas 13, Stockem, A. Dispersion formalism reported in Lazar et al.

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Plasmas 13, ] is affected by errors due to the misfitting of the distribution function 1 used to interpret the counterstreaming plasmas, with the general dispersion relations 4 and 5 , where distribution function 1 has been inserted to find the unstable solutions. The analytical approach is reviewed here, providing a correct analytical and numerical description for the cumulative effect of filamentation and Weibel instabilities arising in initially counterstreaming plasmas with temperature anisotropies.

Plasmas 13, ]. Physically, this can be understood as an increasing of the efficiency of magnetic field generation, and rather enhances the potential role of magnetic instabilities for the fast magnetization scenario in astrophysical applications. Comment on "Analysis of single-layer metamaterial absorber with reflection theory" [J. In a recent paper, Xiong et al.

Noting that even at non-resonant frequencies the real part of the permeability shows an over-high average value and its imaginary part drops abruptly from positivity to negativity, we argue that their simulated results are unphysical, resulting from an incomplete understanding of the retrieval procedure. This is a text version of. It has been previously reported that avian retroviruses, i. Rev ManHAL: towards automatic text generation in systematic reviews.

Systematic reviews are a key part of healthcare evaluation. They involve important painstaking but repetitive work. A major producer of systematic reviews, the Cochrane Collaboration, employs Review Manager Rev Man programme-a software which assists reviewers and produces XML-structured files. This paper describes an add-on programme Rev ManHAL which helps auto-generate the abstract, results and discussion sections of Rev Man-generated reviews in multiple languages.

In this way, considerable parts of the review's 'abstract', 'results' and 'discussion' sections are created and a phrase added to 'acknowledgements'. Rev ManHAL's output needs to be checked by reviewers, but already, from our experience within the Cochrane Schizophrenia Group maintained reviews, reviewers , Rev ManHAL has saved much time which is better employed thinking about the meaning of the data rather than restating them.

Many more functions will become possible as review writing becomes increasingly automated. Ras proteins are small GTPases that serve as master moderators of a large number of signaling pathways involved in various cellular processes.

Activating mutations in Ras are found in about one-third of cancers. In the present study, we suggest that H- REV forms a strong complex with activating oncogenic mutation Q61H K-Ras from various biochemical binding assays and modeled structures. Finally, a novel molecular mechanism describing K-Ras and H- REV binding is suggested and insights into new K-Ras effector target drugs are provided.

Consequently, users of these software packages are simultaneously forced to use a number of programs for a given study, while also lacking the freedom to explore models that have not been implemented by the developers of those programs. We developed a new open-source software package, Rev Bayes, to address these problems. Rev Bayes is entirely based on probabilistic graphical models, a powerful generic framework for specifying and analyzing statistical models. The strength of Rev Bayes is the simplicity with which one can design, specify, and implement new and complex models.

Compared with other programs, Rev Bayes has fewer black-box elements. Users need to explicitly specify each part of the model and analysis. Moreover, it will motivate the search for improvements to existing methods by brazenly exposing the model choices that we make to critical scrutiny.

Rev Bayes.