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Write a review. Traveler rating. Selected filters. All reviews musicians gallery tickets. Janece N wrote a review Apr Mass with the Vienna Boys' Choir. Went to the 9. It was a wonderful and memorable experience. Allowed to enter at 8. The acoustics of the chapel are incredible and was amazed to see so few boys when …. Read more.

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Date of experience: April Helpful Share. VivienneR wrote a review Mar Reno, Nevada contributions helpful votes.

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Mass with the Vienna Boys Choir! We attended 9 am mass to hear the Vienna Boys Choir! The bonus was that the Boys came down after the service and grouped in front of the altar rail and sang! Wonderful experience in a lovely chapel. Date of experience: February Kathleen W wrote a review Mar By the same edict, he ordered fortified bridges to be put up at all rivers to block the Viking incursions. Two of these bridges at Paris saved the city during its siege of Louis the German, also a candidate for the succession of Louis II, revenged himself by invading and devastating Charles' dominions, and Charles had to return hastily to Francia.

After the death of Louis the German 28 August , Charles in his turn attempted to seize Louis's kingdom, but was decisively beaten at Andernach on October 8 , Charles again crossed the Alps , but this expedition was received with little enthusiasm by the nobles, and even by his regent in Lombardy , Boso , and they refused to join his army. At the same time Carloman , son of Louis the German, entered northern Italy. Charles, ill and in great distress, started on his way back to Gaul, but died while crossing the pass of Mont Cenis at Brides-les-Bain , on 6 October According to the Annals of St-Bertin, Charles was hastily buried at the abbey of Nantua, Burgundy because the bearers were unable to withstand the stench of his decaying body.

He was to have been buried in the Basilique Saint-Denis and may have been transferred there later. It was recorded that there was a memorial brass there that was melted down at the Revolution. Legacy Charles was succeeded by his son, Louis. Charles seems to have been a prince of education and letters, a friend of the church, and conscious of the support he could find in the episcopate against his unruly nobles, for he chose his councillors from among the higher clergy, as in the case of Guenelon of Sens , who betrayed him, and of Hincmar of Reims.

It has been suggested that Charles was not in fact bald, but that his epithet was applied ironically - that, in fact, he was extremely hairy. In support of this idea is the fact that none of his enemies commented on what would be an easy target. However, none of the voluble members of his court comments on his being hairy; and the Genealogy of Frankish Kings , a text from Fontanell dating from possibly as early as , and a text without a trace of irony, names him as Karolus Caluus "Charles the Bald".

Certainly, by the end of the 10th century, Richier of Reims and Adhemar of Chabannes refer to him in all seriousness as "Charles the Bald". She died in In , Charles married Richilde of Provence , who was descended from a noble family of Lorraine , but none of the children he had with her played a part of any importance. Another name for Ermentrude was Irmtrud.

Birth Notes: Ancestral Roots has b. FamilySearch has b.

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Judith, Princess of France 46 47 48 was born in Oct in France and died after Hersent was born about in France. Charles next married Richildis. Godfrey, de Burgh Godfrey married someone. Baldwin I, de Burgh Baldwin married someone. Another name for Pepin was Pepin of Vermandois.

He was the son of King Bernard of Italy and Cunigunda. Pepin first appears in as a count to the north of the Seine and then appears as same again in In that year, he supported Lothair I against Louis the Pious. Pepin's wife is unknown, but his heir inherited much Nibelungid territory and so historian K. Werner hypothesised a marriage to a daughter of Theodoric Nibelung. Their children were: Bernard c.

Pepin married someone. Bernard, Count of Laon was born about and died after Pepin, Count of Senlis and Lord of Valois was born about and died in about age Herbert I, Count of Vermandois 51 52 53 was born about and died from 6 Nov to about age Gunhilde de Vermandois. Birth Notes: FamilySearch has b.

Lothair married Waldrade 25 54 in Another name for Helletrude was Ermengarde of Lorraine. Giselbert was born about and died about about age Another name for Giselbert was Gilbert Count of Brabant. Blichilde, of Maine.

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Another name for Judith was Judith of Flanders. Research Notes: Baldwin I was her third husband. Through her marriage to two kings of Wessex she was first a queen, then later through her third marriage to Baldwin, she became Countess of Flanders. Soon after, Ethelwulf's son Ethelbald forced his father to abdicate. Following Ethelwulf's death on January 13 , , Ethelbald married his widowed stepmother. However, the marriage was annulled in on the grounds of consanguinity. Elopement Judith eloped with Baldwin in January They were likely married at the monastery of Senlis before they eloped.

From there they fled to Pope Nicholas I. The pope took diplomatic action and asked Judith's father to accept the union as legally binding and welcome the young couple into his circle - which ultimately he did. The couple then returned to France and were officially married at Auxerre. Baldwin was accepted as son-in-law and was given the land directly south of the Scheldt to ward off Viking attacks. Although it is disputed among historians as to whether King Charles did this in the hope that Baldwin would be killed in the ensuing battles with the Vikings, Baldwin managed the situation remarkably well.

Baldwin succeeded in quelling the Viking threat, expanded both his army and his territory quickly, and became one of the most faithful supporters of King Charles.

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The March of Baldwin came to be known as the County of Flanders and was for a long time the most powerful principality of France. Judith died in He conquered Kent on behalf of his father in Egbert had been a grizzled veteran who had fought for survival since his youth. He had come naturally to the throne of Wessex. He proved to be intensly religious, cursed with little political sense, and too many able and ambitious sons.

The Saxon Kings. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, He gave the eastern half, that of Kent, Essex, Surrey and Sussex to his eldest son Athelstan not to be confused with the later Athelstan the Glorious. Each of his sons succeeded to the throne. Alfred, the youngest son, has been praised as one of the greatest kings to ever reign in Britain.

In Rome, he was generous with his wealth. He distributed gold to the clergy of St. Peter's, and offered the Blessed Peter chalices of the purest gold and silver-gilt candelabra of Saxon work. A History of the Anglo-Saxons. London: Oxford UP, The family quarrel, had it been allowed to continue, could have ruined the House of Egbert.

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  5. He was buried first at Steyning and then later transferred to the Old Minster in Winchester.