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Would you like to be featured like this? Contact the host Dennis Velco. With is 30 years of financial institution experience lense in early Myles sought out a US-based LGBTQ financial services organization and found there was none. Knowing the institutionalized discrimination that many traditional financial services organizations impose on the LGBTQ community and individual biases of staff of otherwise well-intentioned institutions, Myles saw the strong need for a new financial services organization that is focused on the needs of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, interest, asexual, queer, questioning persons and our wonderful community supporting allies.

He also understands that most nonprofits serving and supporting the LGBTQ community struggle to meet current operational expenses let alone have the financial option to grow. So, from the outset, Myles set his sights on creating a new financial service organization that supports the individual, small business owners, and community nonprofits. So far it has been a 4-year journey.

It is with good reason a highly regulated industry and therefore Myles and his team been working tirelessly to meet and exceed all state and federal regulations to ensure Superbia Services is a safe and sound financial institution. Watch or listen to the conversation to learn more.

Don’t undervalue yourself

It provides all the traditional financial and banking services for personal and small businesses. The services side is working to provide life and health insurance as well as wealth management. Meyers has decades of financial services experience and founded Superbia based on the discrimination and biases many in the LGBTQ community face. Superbia, which is Latin meaning Pride, is designed to serve a community need as well as provide needed funding for LGBTQ community nonprofits.

The more you use the services the more that, it can be provided to the community. It is a social impact business that creates an equal financial playing field where all members are treated with dignity and respect.

As Mr. Fifteen years of marriage have brought us happiness and contentment in our personal lives. After both working in the gay scene for 30 years and therefore having no prospect of getting a pension we decided it was time to leave the urban gay scene, move to the countryside and start a new life, more suited to our needs as we grew older. We slowly built up a new circle of friends and neighbours and started a new business selling antiques, growing herbs and giving workshops.

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Then, after 20 years of building a small but steady farm business in Holland, our landlord suddenly wanted us out! We were confronted with the choice of either downsizing or taking on a new challenge.


We chose the latter and decided to move to Belgium where we could hope to rebuild a bigger and better business and support our modest lifestyle. Our new neighbors told us how happy they were to welcome us to Belgium. And we kept in touch with everyone with regular newsletters and updates to our website. After we landed, the paperwork took most of a year to organize.

We scratched our way through immigration, health insurance, car registration, residency permits, work permits, and myriad other forms until we eventually felt that we were beginning to settle. We opened our new farm-shop and found slots at local markets where we could start to sell our produce. We made friends with other local farmers. We started to grow our business again and get support from the local community. But we had still overlooked the snakes in the grass. Our new business started to grow and we sold well in the summer months. Then we learned that the Belgian government wants not only the Sales Tax for the summer, but six months of Sales Tax in advance!

The income we can generate at this point will not pay for both the advance taxes and the investment we need in equipment and to build up our stock. Retailers and restaurants want to buy our products in the future, but we still have a big investment to find before we are ready to supply them. If we were straight folks then we would perhaps have a better chance. But our social circle has been decimated by HIV, leaving lots of them sick and living on benefits.

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And since we are no longer shopping around for casual sex, we seem to have little direct contact with the majority of the LGBT community. The business keeps us both busy for 16 hours a day, up to our elbows in jam and manure, with little time to work on anything else. Perhaps you can help us find the way forward or just want to offer us a web-hug? And finally, of course, perhaps YOU are in a position to help us with our crowd-funding campaign? Do you all too often have more month left over at the end of your money? Do you work hard for your paycheck only to watch it go out faster than it comes in?

We are John and David. Sure, everything looked good on the outside. But we were hurting on the inside. Can you relate?

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Our community. Sound familiar? We paid off that credit card debt in less than three years! It took a lot of soul-searching, and we attribute that success to figuring out what was most important to us. Yes, our community has systematic and personal struggles with money. For many, the chance to set your own salary sounds like a dream come true. But small business owners know the reality is a little more complicated. You should only pay yourself out of your profits — not your revenue.

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Before you take your cut, you also need to take account of things like taxes, payroll, fixed costs and overheads. It will let you keep track of all expenses and calculate profit rather than revenue or turnover. It will also help identify areas you can make tax deductions. Setting your own salary will depend on your location, your industry, your profits, and how much you want to earn.

But there are a few things to think about that can help you land on a reasonable figure. If your business is still in its startup phase, you might not turn a profit during your first year. Take out what you need to avoid causing problems for your business and your personal life. Build that into your business plan right from the start, perhaps with a rising salary as your business grows.

This will also look better to your employees. Regular small payments will be more acceptable to them than random large lump-sum withdrawals from the business. They will also look more acceptable to the government, too. If you take out big sums of money at irregular times, it may raise eyebrows at the tax office or lead to an audit of your company.

LGBT Dating and Love Re-imagined

This is known as the amount of money that the government expects you to take from your business. It depends on the size of the business, the market sector, and the level of turnover and profit. You can also talk to founders of other, similar businesses and try to find out roughly what they pay themselves. This is a good way to start networking, though you might have to be tactful about it. How much you can pay yourself, and when, might be restricted by the legal structure of the business you run.

But other types of business, like incorporated businesses, usually have the business owner on the payroll. They would receive wages on a regular basis, just like any other employee.

5 Tips for Gay and Lesbian Singles New to Online Dating

Be sure to record all transactions in your accounting software so you have an audit trail too. Do this just in case the tax office decides to investigate your payments to yourself. Tax rates and allowances will also vary depending on how your business is legally structured. Here are some ideas to consider:. Leaving aside wages, there are some great financial benefits to running your own business. Medical insurance and k contributions are just two types of benefits to consider. But you can claim for the business use portion of an item. This might mean you get to drive a new car in your personal life at a reduced overall cost.

When in doubt, check with your accountant to find out what will work for you. If you think your business is going to grow in the future, it makes sense to use some of your profits to help fund that growth. The more money you invest sensibly into your business, the more likely it is that your company will grow. And that means you should be able to pay yourself more at a later date. It looks bad, and would seriously affect their morale if you did. Ultimately the amount you pay yourself will depend on the success of your business. The more money your business brings in, the higher the salary you could reasonably be expected to draw from it.

It makes sense not to get carried away and pay yourself too much, for reasons described. The traditional ways to raise money were through personal savings, bank loans, or retirement funds. So which type of funding is right for you? If you have some savings you could use them to finance your business. Using retirement funds is another option. It may be possible for you to draw down funds from your k to put into your business.

Be sure to check the tax implications of using personal savings or retirement funds for business purposes. Banks can be useful sources of funding, but the loans or credit they provide will usually have to be secured.