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More off when my kids were born. Plus, I periodically take month-long breaks. So when I joined the Vancouver-based cannabis company Burb as a consultant, we landed on launching a podcast to connect the brand with a community that bridges cannabis past, present and future. Socially, politically and economically cannabis touches on so many issues right now.
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David Hershkovits : My guests have included Fab Five Freddy Brathwaite, a renaissance man of hip hop who paints, directs, acts, produces. We spoke on the occasion of Grass is Greener , a Netflix documentary that goes into the history and culture of the plant, especially as it relates to music and the creative impulse. David Hershkovits : Cannabis culture is alive and well in NYC, not only on the streets where vaping and puffing proliferate and people are willing to spend to get the best shit, legal or otherwise.
It spans all demographics from skate to art to foodies on the hunt. Secret clubs catering — and selling — to cannabis connoisseurs are opening as well. In a recent survey New York was named as the largest consumer of Cannabis world-wide. So there! Still sucks, though.
New York City feels like the un stoned age compared to Cali. His home is a shrine to lurid giallo, 70s XXX and any and every midnight movie classic you can shake a stick at. But why would you want to shake a stick at a bunch of movie posters to begin with? That would be pointless. And stupid. Van Halen would typically play three or four minute sets a night there, multiple times a week, once every four weeks.
The band was up for any sort of odd gig owner Bill Gazzarri would throw their way, which included the running of the dance contests held at club. Note the photos of past dance contest winners on the wall in the background. Well known rock acts like the Doors and the Byrds got their start there, but by it was a shell of its former self, a tacky hole-in-the-wall that attempted to appeal to tourists.
This stipulation contributed to the bad reputation of the venue and the disrespect shown to bands that frequently performed there. Despite having sub-zero expectations, Bingenheimer and his companion were blown away by Van Halen. The overall sheer force of the group was undeniable, and the pair were impressed that VH made the covers they played sound like originals. But first VH would have to make a decision to accept the Starwood date or not, as they risked angering Bill Gazzarri by performing at a rival club.
Though there was some trepidation amongst the members of the band, David Lee Roth convinced them to go for it—the opportunity was too good to pass up. The band went on to play other L. Records executive and producer, Ted Templeman, first saw the group perform; Van Halen would go on to make six classic albums with Templeman.

A sonic upgrade of the audio was recently uploaded to YouTube, and sounds awesome. You should also know about the new—and very cool—Van Halen collection, The Japanese Singles , which features replicas of the thirteen VH 45s released in Japan during the initial Roth era. The singles are housed in a cigarette-style box, and the set is available in standard black vinyl, with a limited edition red vinyl version offered only at Rhino.
Most journalists, bloggers, writers, and what-have-yous hope to find that one special thing very few people know about and get the opportunity to bring it out to the attention of a wider audience. Rarely do stories fall into laps, they have to be earned, written, shaped and created. But then again, sometimes you get lucky. A couple of weeks ago, I was friended-up on social media by a guy called Immanuel Martin. A day or so later, a message popped up in my in-tray. It was from Martin.
He sent me an email detailing the life and work of a photographer he knew called Mary Lou Fulton. She was now in her eighties and living with her family in California. Martin explained how he had met Fulton when she worked as a photo-journalist back in the s.
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He said that she had documented the punks, the mods and rockabilly gangs who hung around Los Angeles. Her work had been published in L. Martin was one of the young teenage punks Fulton had photographed. Mary Lou snapped several photographs and we chatted. Though Mary Lou and Pat were in their 40s, my friends and I were impressed with their genuine interest in our subculture and non-judgmental attitude.