They will look both at the history of electricity and the current use of raw materials from the DRC for electronics and energy storage. What are the human, environmental and economic consequences of mining in Katanga, in DR Congo? Digital Earth Talks brings together artists, scholars and designers from Africa, Europe and Asia to explore how technology influences not only interpersonal relationships but also contemporary geopolitics and our understanding of the world.
How do digital technologies shape the way we map and understand space in different regions? How have diverse worldviews, shaped by social and spiritual concerns, affected the way technologies have been developed and implemented across the globe? These and other questions will be explored by a rich two-day programme of talks, screenings, panel discussions and performances.
Reenacting a spectacular experiment with a selfmade Tesla coil, the performative act 'Charging Tesla Crash' , developed in collaboration with Marjolijn Dijkman, returned to the utopian ideas of Nikola Tesla about wireless and available energy for everyone around the globe.
The performance reflects the so called 'green energy revolution' and global inequalities present today. One of the seven African countries crossed by the Equator, the Congo claims the longest segment of the parallel on the continent. This places the region not only at the heart of Africa, but also at the bisecting line of the globe, at the zone of intersection between southern and northern hemispheres.
The closure of the major mining operations in Manono, a town in the Tanganyika Province of the Democratic Republic of Congo DRC in the early 80s, left an altered landscape whose logistical equipment has slowly fallen into disarray. How can we imagine the unbelievably long lifespan of radioactive waste? And how do we make it clear to future generations that they are on a disposal site?
A few artists worked with these and other questions. The Contemporary Art Days Summit will focus on the sustainability of art organisations. In order to highlight the interaction between larger and smaller actors and the value of small and medium-sized art activities, the field of art has been described as an ecosystem. The Contemporary Art Days Summit will invite participants to discuss art field sustainability beyond the idea of value.
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Which relationships between art actors need to become more sustainable? Which platforms can we use or develop to enable us to further our artistic activities? ICC is looking for artefacts, documents and photographs representing the life and work in Congo of former European colonists, or their children and grand children. Georges Senga wins summer award ! Full Residencies are awarded competitively to artists from the whole of Africa. Applicants are evaluated by an independent committee of art professionals, who are appointed by the Board of the Foundation. Those selected are offered accommodation and a studio space for a three month period.
Congo and Enough Room for Space Drogenbos, Belgium that reflects on environmental and economic implications of the extraction and processing of Lithium, the main raw material needed for the global production of Green Energy. Congo and Enough Room for Space in On-Trade-Off is an ongoing artistic-research project that reflects on the environmental and economic implications of the extraction and processing of Lithium, the main raw material needed for the global production of Green Energy.

PeriFeria Festival allows you to discover the outskirts of Brussels and its particularities in an unconventional way. Together with local residents, neighborhood organizations, designers, researchers and artists, City3 has created an exciting program of workshops, guided tours, artistic interventions and made-to-measure activities. For the 4rd edition, PeriFeria ventures into the fascinating southern periphery of Brussels.
They conducted a whole range of interviews with people ranging from artisanal miners, the director of the Ministry of Mines and Geology, the Luba chef, the head of Manono Abbey among others. The biennale consists of three main phases: 11 - 12 January, 17 - 19 May and 18 - 20 October Moving through space and assuming shifting roles we will speak in tongues about one of the central questions that haunt these elections: is a new future possible for the EU? For once not seeking sleek solutions or half baked compromises, we will entangle ourselves in the different strands of the Gordian knot and stretch these to their extremes, as we dig ourselves deeper in our post-factual truths that may or may not untangle new vista beyond the EU.
In the discussion, we will look at the history of energy and address the importance of raw materials from D. Congo in both the industrial and technological revolutions. At the same time we will address experimental models of sustainable energy production and future prospects for lithium mining in D. The group withdrew from the process after they felt their advises were not taken seriously. No one who ever came to know himself with the detachment of an observer, is ever the same again. Interacting directly with a maleific object that remains in archival limbo in the Mucem collection, Balmain worked with the museum staff towards addressing ideas of the value of objects within cultural and capital contexts: access, commodity, archival and conservation practice, along with the complex issues this particular object raises: superstition, optics, art history, the occult, class and hierarchy within museological contexts.
Arno M. This lecture is part of De Mont's research on the function of the alter ego in artistic practice. Feld's lecture will be preceded by a brief introduction by performance artist Johanna Sarah Schlenk. After the lecture by Feld, an informal conversation will take place between Alice De Mont, Christoph Baum, Johanna Sarah Schlenk and the public on the use of an alter ego as an artistic tool.
Nicknamed 'green gold', lithium is both a fundamental resource for the ecological transition into a fossil fuel free economy, but also an element at the heart of a virulent industry that is harmful for the environment. Enabling the mass production of lithium-ion batteries used by smartphones or cars, it becomes a convenience, a motto, a green label.
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The "new black gold" then becomes currency, transforming in fact into "green gold". The ongoing research and work of Alice De Mont focuses on the construction of personalities by means of the creation of characters and alter egos. These characters function as a method to solve artistic problems. A character; a living and thinking thing, has the capacity to embody a problem, to bring in nuances, to change it and to accept inconsistencies.
In the past year De Mont developed her alter ego Subject 23; a personality with an artistic practice which explores the relation between environment and human nature. Between and , Lena Chen developed an alter-ego called Elle Peril; a nude model, in order to cope with the trauma of revenge porn. Christoph Baum explores the role of an art coach. Their public program aims at exploring agency of project spaces, and how such initiatives can move society.
They also reflect on their irregularity which consists in a low level of institutionalisation, shared economy, as well as DIY culture and how this allows for new types of institutionalisation that correspond to how our environment is structured today. This is the first in a series of conversations that will be held throughout the year.
Digital Earth is a 6 month-long fellowship for artists and designers based in Africa or Asia, working across a variety of media, who would like to investigate our current technological reality. Residency and working period at Picha in Lubumbashi, D. Congo in the framework of the long term research project On-Trade-Off. During the residency period Jean Katambayi and Daddy Tshikaya made a scale model of the famous Tesla X, using copper wires and other recycled materials. Maarten Vanden Eynde worked together with the Lubumbashi based painter Musasa on the creation of painted wall charts, inspired by old educational charts.
The charts summarise the origin, use and influence of Lithium and other pivotal elements like copper, gold and uranium.
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To be understood as a collective artistic trajectory, the project looks both at the importance of one specific raw material, called lithium, for the transition into a green and fossil fuel free economy, and the influence its extraction and transformation has on everyone and everything involved, ranging from the miners who take the lightest metal in existence out of the ground, to the produced batteries that power cars, homes and potentially the entire planet. The public orchard surrounding the FeliXart Museum 5 HA consists of many different sorts of fruit and nut trees and other edible plants.
The orchard was once owned by Felix De Boeck, an early modernist Belgian painter who used it to make his living and work independently without having to sell his work. Raewyn will be in residence within the framework of Uncertainty Scenarios, and will create a series of animations in and around the residency site. The animations will be made up of moments in time of small-scale biopolymer interventions.
The biopolymer medium is fugitive and highly sensitive to the surrounding conditions. Raewyn will use the medium in proximity to the Senne valley which will engage the Brettanomyces Bruxellensis wild yeast as an agent within the film. The sensitivity of the biofilm makes it analogous to the light sensitivity of celluloid film. All the images, texts and objects collected by Guy became part of his personal story within the context of the significant history of the jungle of Calais.
Uncertainty Scenarios will host a session focusing on the Sun, its influences and repercussions of radiation on the future. The impact of the Sun on life on Earth has been recognised since prehistoric times. The Sun has been regarded by some cultures as a divinity, having influence on the course of our future by predicting misfortune or promising rising prospects. The Sun has supported the evolution of life but can also become a destructive force within the changing climate of our planet. It's energy is more than sufficient to supply us with all we need, but at the same time one big solar storm can wipe out vital life supporting technologies like electricity and Internet networks.
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While the aerial and outer space views are a magnificent instrument in the evolution of human knowledge, it also suggests a potential absence of limitations, which filled with unpredictability our close futures. Finnisage: 9 June At a specific time in the future museums all over the world will likely be forced to surrender all their ceramic objects, even the oldest items, to supply the production of semiconductor silicon.
For the third year, ERforS flied the rainbow flag together with cultural institutions, in hope of a more openly tolerant Commune of Drogenbos we can be proud of. In this video-based episode of the project, a small group of researchers attempt to heal the phantom pains of their mauled counterparts through self-designed therapeutic rituals. Screening continuously from - Their collaboration is part of Uncertainty Scenarios, a collective experimental research project that explores the ways people throughout history have tried to speculate, predict and anticipate the future and different attitudes that go along with this.
Amongst others Bie Michels will present the process of End to End and the group of participants will collectively activate the performance on site. Coinciding this period, Justin Balmain has been working on the research for a new upcoming film project to be produced in France in The video work 'The Symbol for Silence is Called Zero' by Justin Balmain was installed for a whole-night screening event with invited guests.
Research trip and in depth introduction looked into the history of Belgian's nuclear industry, properties of radiation, the HADES research lab in Mol, and the test architecture for the Low Level waste site at Dessel, Belgium. The title of this lecture, 'Water Finds its Own Level', is a simple, direct statement introducing a set of questions connected to the notion of liquidity, as a means to explore what we can understand as material uncertainties.
Uncertainty Scenarios is a collective experimental research project that explores the ways people throughout history have tried to speculate, predict and anticipate the future and different attitudes that go along with this. After the intense 7 days full of vibrant conversations at Place de La Monnaie in Brussels as part of the Performatik Biennial 17, two installations are installed respectively at Kaaitheater and Verbeke Foundation. At the atrium of Kaaitheater you'll find a large wall installation with portraits of all the couples that participated and quotes from the conversations, and the sculptural mobile home found a place at Verbeke Foundation where the posters and t-shirts are still available as well.
Other times, 'paranormal investigators' try to communicate with ghosts. From time to time, 'radio hams' make contacts, talking in a coded language and following obscure protocols.