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Write a review. Traveler rating. Selected filters. Bracciforti, Alberto. Professor of mathematics and natural sciences at the technical school of Viadana in northern Italy. Conci German lawyer and naturalist in Mainz. Niehuis Hungarian physician and zoologist; a large part of his beetle collection was acquired in with the collection of Eduard Knirsch by the Field Museum in Chicago while the Chrysomelidae, the exotic Cerambycidae, and Curculionidae are in Museum Georg Frey in Tutzing, Germany.

German physician and naturalist; associate professor at the University of Berlin; later, professor in Saint Petersburg, Russia, and director of the zoological department at the Academy of Sciences; made several collecting trips in the Russian empire. Ratzeburg 72—76 ; Strauch 5—28 ; Stieda ; Adler —, P. Italian senator of independent means, naturalist and etcher; director of the Albertina Academy; his collection is at the Zoology Museum of the University of Turin. Menzel , P ; Bremi-Wolf , P. British geologist and clergyman; rector of Down Hatherley in Gloucestershire; later, vicar of Rowington in Warwickshire.

Woodward , P ; Anonymous d.

British military, educator and entomologist; entered the army at the age of 16 and participated to the Crimean War — ; afterward stationed in Burma and later in India; retired from the army in at the age of 24 and the next year moved to New Zealand; appointed Captain and served during the Maori War and eventually raised to the rank of Major; from to , worked as a teacher in several places in New Zealand; in , appointed government entomologist in Auckland; his collection of New Zealand beetles is at the Natural History Museum in London.

British banker and naturalist; manager of the Burton, Uttoxeter and Ashbourne Union Bank in Burton-on-Trent; his collection was sold at auction in March Anonymous c. Brown, Peter? English Danish-born naturalist and natural history illustrator in London. Bryan ; Raat — Irish physician and naturalist; spent a year in the Caribbean before studying botany and medicine in Paris — and Leiden; practiced medicine in London for two years; travelled several times to the West Indies where he practiced medicine, mostly in Antigua and Jamaica, and collected natural history specimens; retired to Ireland after Anonymous ; Chalmers — ; Nelson , Desmarest ; Jaussaud and Brygoo — ; Cambefort Danish zoologist and mineralogist; lecturer in natural history and economy at the University of Copenhagen — ; later, superintendent of silver mines in Norway.

French lawyer, physician, botanist and compiler. Feller — ; Monfalcon ; Dezeimeris et al. British geologist, palaeontologist and priest; lecturer in mineralogy at Corpus Christi College in Oxford; appointed dean of Westminster in ; first professor of geology and mineralogy at the University of Oxford; wrote the first full account of a fossil dinosaur, which he named Megalosaurus.

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British explorer, naturalist, artist, and author; appointed schoolmaster and superintendent of the botanical garden at the British island of Saint Helena — ; travelled to South Africa between and and to Brazil between and where he collected intensively; spent the last three decades of his life in England cataloguing his enormous collections; after his death by suicide, his insect collection went to Oxford University Museum. Olivier , P ; Cambefort — Cadolini, Luigi [Aloysius].

Italian physician; his collection, including the types, were in the hands of [Jos. Hagen German forester, ornithologist and entomologist, with a special interest in beetles.

Schenkling 26— Belgian physician, entomologist, and photographer; physician and director of a hospital for the mentally ill; best known for his work on the family Elateridae; a first collection of Elateridae up to went to the Natural History Museum in London via F.

Godman and O. Salvin, while a second collection of Elateridae and other families went to the Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique in Brussels. British physician, university administrator, invertebrate zoologist and physiologist; practiced medicine for a few years in Bristol before being appointed Fullerian professor of physiology at the Royal Institution in London in ; later, registrar of the University of London — Cederhjelm [Cederhielm], Johann [Johannes].

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Russian naturalist. British entomologist; hired by Frederick Du Cane Godman and Osbert Salvin as collector and left England in for Guatemala, Panama, and Colombia; returned to his native country four years later where he served as secretary and chief assistant to Godman and Salvin, the editors of the Biologia Centrali-Americana; most of the specimens he collected are in the Natural History Museum in London. Belgian physician and entomologist, particularly interested in Coleoptera; practiced medicine in his native town; part of his collection Chrysomelidae, Ipidae and Platypodidae was acquired by the Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique in Brussels while the rest went to the Natural History Museum in London.

Anonymous b ; Weidner ; Anonymous b. Russian entomologist of independent means, who specialized early in life in the study of Carabidae; at 15, left for Dorpat Tartu to study law but never obtained his degree; made the sole extensive collecting trip of his life, a 40 day-journey to the Caucasus in company of M. Swiss entomologist and botanist of French origin; studied medicine and natural history at Montpellier; moved to Winterthur in but during the French occupation was forced to leave Switzerland and fled to Erlangen, Germany; co-founder of the Schweizer naturforschenden Gesellschaft; mainly interested in Odonata, Diptera, and Coleoptera; his collection of beetles is located at the Natural History Museum in Basel.

Geilinger ; Evenhuis b, P ; Schaefer British cleric and entomologist with an interest in Coleoptera; made collecting trips to Cape Verde Islands and Brazil among others; his collections of Hydradephaga, Phytophaga and Elateridae were purchased by the British Museum Natural History in London but his collections of British Coleoptera and Lepidoptera were sold at auction in Newman ; Staines Fabre ; Capeille — ; Orousset 20— Figuier — ; Larousse a: ; Knight Italian naturalist of independent means; had special interest in botany, ornithology and entomology; his collections, including the insects, and library were bequeathed to the Museo Corner of Venice.

Venanzio 92—99 ; Conci Larousse b: 81 ; Saint-Allais 42— Fairmaire ; Papavero — ; Gouillard Italian entomologist and explorer; son of Oronzio Gabriele Costa [q. Costa, Giuseppe. Italian naturalist and professor; son of Oronzio Gabriele Costa [q. Italian physician, naturalist and paleontologist; professor of natural history at the University of Naples — and director of the Zoological Museum of the city — ; founded in the Accademia degli Aspiranti Naturalisti, a school educating young volunteers to become naturalists.

Salfi 93—95 ; Conci — ; Conci and Poggi British entomologist; lived for many years in London but moved to Jamaica where he held a position in the local government; a large part of his collection was presented to the Hope Museum of the University of Oxford by his widow. MacKechnie-Jarvis 96— Creutzer, Christian. Fitzinger Italian naturalist of independent means; his collections, merged with those of Giorgio Jan in , formed the basis of the Museo Civico di Storia Naturali of Milan; visited Russia, Finland, Norway, and Sweden in where he collected for the museum.

Villa ; Longhena ; Conci — British entomologist; studied at Cambridge University; collected in various places in Europe; came to America in and collected in British Columbia, Oregon and California in ; worked as assistant to Hermann August Hagen at the Museum of Comparative Zoology; his collections of Erotylidae, Coccinellidae and European Coleoptera were bequeathed to the Museum of Comparative Zoology in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Spanish merchant and entomologist. Curtis, Thomas. British educator; principal of Grove House school, Islington in London. British botanist, entomologist and publisher; apothecary and demonstrator of practical botany at medical schools in London; established botanic gardens in England; his insect collection apparently passed to Adrian Hardy Haworth whose collection was auctioned in Polish physician, educator and naturalist; employee of the Society for Elementary Books in Warsaw; made a scientific expedition to the Carpathian Mountains in ; co-founded the Warsaw School of Anatomy and Surgery.

Anonymous a.

Anonymous — ; Wurzbach — Swedish entomologist, specialist of Hymenoptera; professor of natural history and director of the entomological museum at the University of Lund. Anonymous b. British naturalist of independent means who spent his life studying natural history, and particularly the insect fauna, of Glanvilles Wootton in southern England; his collection, which included that of his father James Charles Dale, was bequeathed to the Hope Museum at Oxford University.

Bankes ; Salmon —, P. German preacher and entomologist. Callisen ; Scheglmann — Swedish physician and naturalist; librarian and later professor at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences in Stockholm; also professor of botany at the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm. Anonymous a ; Mohnike 57—70 ; Evenhuis a: , P. Scherer British priest and coleopterist; curate of St. Walckenaer — ; Duncan 59—66 ; Ratzeburg — ; Ferrer Conci ; Baccetti ; Conci and Poggi French military officer and entomologist, specialized on Coleoptera; joined the army at the age of 15 and moved on to become general of division and aide-de-camp to Napoleon Bonaparte; collected insects in several countries, including Spain, Portugal, Germany, and Russia, where his military activity took him; went in exile in June and for the next three years collected in the eastern parts of the Austrian empire; returned in Paris at the end of and devoted the rest of his life mostly to entomology and politics, as he became a member of the Chambre des Pairs in ; his collection, the largest private beetle collection of his time, was sold in lots during Boisduval , P ; Fleutiaux ; Haythornthwaite 92 ; Bousquet 34—36, P ; Gouillard 36—37 ; Cambefort — British botanist and entomologist, especially interested in Anoplura; curator of the museum and assistant secretary of the Leeds Literary and Philosophical Society for 45 years.

Harrison ; Denny British civil engineer and collector of entomological particularly Coleoptera and Lepidoptera and botanical specimens; the whereabouts of his collections are unknown. Jackson Desberger [Dessberger], Anton Friedrich A. Munich, Bavaria, Germany: 8 December —? German military physician. Hahn Sainte-Claire Deville ; Cambefort Crosse and Fischer ; Evans 80—82 ; Jaussaud — Jaussaud and Brygoo Meusel — ; Fromm ; Hahn Grenier ; Cambefort Diaz y Lizana, Rafael — Pharmaceutical subdelegate of the city of Talavera de la Reine, Toledo province, Spain.

British naturalist, porcelain manufacturer, and member of parliament for the county of Glamorgan; the whereabouts of his beetle collection are unknown. Williams — ; Anonymous xxxvi—xxxix ; Walker , P. American zoologist, particularly interested in entomology and genealogy; studied at Harward, Leipzig and Paris; secretary and librarian of the Cambridge Entomological Club; edited the entomological journal Psyche from to ; his collection of Coleoptera is at the National Museum of Natural History in Washington DC.

Emerson , P. Rumor British entomologist; worked early in his life in a London tannery; made two lengthy visits to the Transvaal; employed by the Trustees of the Natural History Museum at South Kensington, —, to curate their collection of Hemiptera; his collection, mainly Hemiptera including over types, was acquired by the Natural History Museum of London.

Anonymous ; Campion German naturalist; professor of zoology and botany in Aschaffenburg — Baur ; Doebner 87 ; Christ Dohrn , P ; Hess ; Oppenheimer 6—7. Dokhtouroff, Vladimir Serghyeevich — Russian officer in the Imperial Guard; secretary of the Entomological Society of Russia; his collection of tiger beetles of the world was eventually scattered although a first selection was acquired by Walther Horn [q. Musgrave German naturalist, historian and polymath; government advocate; later, mayor of Quedlinburg and inspector of schools.

Lommel ; Adler 52, P. Anglo-Irish artist and naturalist; wrote several popular books on natural history and botany for which he drew and colored the illustrations himself; apparently ruined by his publishers and died penniless; founded the London Museum and Institute of Natural History in where he displayed his collections and paintings; his collections were sold at auction in Watkins ; Lisney — ; Jackson — ; Gilbert a: British silversmith by profession and entomologist; spent a lot of energy and money on his collection of insects which included the specimens he described and named in the index in his Illustrations of natural history and also the type material of a number of species described by Fabricius; after his death, his collection was sold at auction by King and Lochee on 23—25 May and the whereabouts of most of his syntypes are unknown.

Dolezal ; Mitter Duncan, James — 30 November Scottish clergyman and naturalist; preached in the parish of Teviothead in Scotland. Elliot — ; Salmon — German pastor and industrialist; in , co-founded the Royal Privileged Optical Industrial Institute in Rathenow and was the first to produce eye-glasses industrially. Albrecht German physician and naturalist; professor of medicine, mathematics and physics at the University of Halle.

Rochus von Liliencron ; Kraus Altum Russian physician, botanist and geologist; professor of zoology and midwifery in Kazan; professor of zoology and comparative anatomy in Vilnius; later, professor of zoology, mineralogy and medicine in Saint Petersburg — Embacher ; Anonymous b: ; Adler 59—60, P. American geologist, naturalist and physician; practiced medicine and surgery in Berkshire County, Massachusetts early in his career; professor of mineralogy and geology at Rensselaer School in Troy, New York — ; worked for the New York State Geological Survey — ; state geologist for North Carolina — ; named the Adirondack Mountains and Taconic Mountains Marcou , P ; Anonymous ; Schneer German professor, editor, archivist, and naturalist.