Chair: Carol D. Lee; William F. Tate, Carol D. Lee, Kris D. Possibilities for Education: Progress in Prevention Research. Chair: Teresa D. Greenberg Chair: John S. Rogers; John S. Rogers, Joel Westheimer, Janelle T. Scott, Charles M. Chair: Willis D. Hawley; Alfredo J. Chair: Sharon P. Peck, Karen Balmer, Mistilina D. Chairs: Edmund W. Gordon, Ezekiel J. Dixon-Roman; Robert J.
Mislevy, James W. Baker, Louis M. From Grutter v. Bollinger to Fisher v. Chair: Felice J. Cosponsored with the Social Justice Action Committee. Chairs: Richard P. Duran, Arnetha F. Ball; Arnetha F. Secada, of Miami Lorraine M. Department of Education Deborah L. Department of Education. Sloane, Arizona State ; James S. Sloane,Stephen J. Hegedus Rowan, of Michigan Yarbrough, of Iowa; Patricia J. Todd Rogers, of Alberta Herrington, Florida State ; Melissa S. Are You Seeking a Research Grant? Erickson; Janice M. O Day, American Institutes for Research Moje, of Michigan; Arthur C.
Lynch, The George Washington. Global Perspectives on New Technologies and Learning. Chair: Eva L. Van Merrienboer, Maastricht Cosponsored with International Relations Committee. Espelage, of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Measuring Teacher Effectiveness Worldwide. Stritikus, of Washington Invited Presidential Session. Ball, Stanford ; Eva L. Cosmopolitanism, Communication, and Citizenship Education. Chair: Ninni Wahlstrom Chair: Tesha Sengupta Irving Chair: Jaekyung Lee Chair: Jonathan F.
Osborne Chair: Sid F. Bourke See WERA listings. Chair: David L. Paterson Chair: D. Jean Clandinin Chair: Sung Choon Park Chair: Kenneth K. Wong Spotlight on Canada 15 Chair: Bonny P. Chair: Handel K. A Dialogue on Environmental Learning and Experience. Chair: David B. Push back the furniture! Roll up the rug! We bring together a very Vancouver troupe of intergenerational visual and performing artists from cutting-edge artistic disciplines to attend conference sessions and produce new art pieces poems, dances, songs, sketches that reflect their artistic responses to the educational ideas and discussions they experience.
This segment offers AERA participants the chance to connect with the lively Vancouver alternative arts scene and get acquainted with its intellectual life. A performance stage and gallery in the convention center will be a showcase for Non Satis Scire: rearticulations, as well as some of the artists more established work, at the end of each day. Non Satis Scire: rearticulations! Cosponsored With the Organization of Institutional Afliates. Loutzenheiser, The of British Columbia Chair: Rebecca S. Bigler, The of Texas - Austin Chair: Valerie F. Chair: Victoria M.
MacDonald, of Maryland - College Park Does Color Know Color? Race, Power, Identity, and Higher Education. Chair: Daniel Liston, of Colorado Chair: Nikola Hobbel Chair: Virginia M. Gonzalez, of Cincinnati Chairs: Enrique G. Chair: Ruben Donato, of Colorado Boulder Chair: Dolores Delgado Bernal, of Utah Chair: April Z. Chair: Mariette de Haan, Utrecht Neoliberalism and Public Education.
Chair: William H. Watkins, of Illinois at Chicago Race, Ill-Literacy, and Social Justice.
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Chair: H. Samy Alim, Stanford Ball, Stanford Chair: Michael T. Nettles, ETS SIG Leadership Orientations Session 1: Saturday, April 14, am am Session 2: Monday, April 16, am am. Tate, Washington in St. Louis; Discussants: Gary A. Henig, Teachers College, Columbia Borman, of South Florida; Arnold B. Tierney, of Southern California; James S. Fairweather, Michigan State ; Christine A. Labaree, Stanford ; Estela M. Bensimon, of Southern California Merves, Association of American Colleges and Universities Mayer, Rutgers ; Elizabeth J.
Ball has commissioned essays on the Annual Meeting theme. The aim of these essays is to encourage dialogue about how scholars can identify and meet the challenges connected to promoting the use of education research to improve education and serve the public good. The authors will discuss their essays in a special series of sessions listed below. The essays are the scholarly work of the authors and do not reflect the position or policies of the Association, its Council, or its officers. Joyce E. King, Georgia State Carol D. William C. Ayers, of Illinois at Chicago; Kevin K.
Kumashiro, of Illinois at Chicago; Erica R. Meiners, Northeastern Illinois ; Therese M. John M. Willinsky, Stanford Sharon P. Marybeth Gasman, of Pennsylvania Each journal is included in one Journal Talks session, and journals participating in a session are assigned a numbered table. American Journal of Education 2. International Journal of Educational Development 5.
Management in Education 6. The Australian Educational Researcher 7. New Horizons in Education 9. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education Middle Grades Research Journal Journal of Curriculum and Instruction The New Educator Gifted Child Quarterly Effective Education Harvard Educational Review Educational Administration Quarterly Paedagogica Historica The Internet and Higher Education The International Journal of Critical Pegagogy 1. Canadian Journal of Education 2.
Journal of Education Policy 3. Educational Researcher 4. Journal of Research on Technology in Education 5. Educational Review 6. Education Policy Analysis Archives 7. Studies in Philosophy and Education 8.
Curriculum Inquiry 9. Journal of School Leadership Journal of Educational Administration and History TechTrends Journal of Moral Education Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood Journal of Transformative Education Global Studies of Childhood Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education Teachers and Teaching Compare 1.
Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-Based Learning 2. Journal of Curriculum Studies 3. International Journal of Education Policy and Leadership 4.
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Journal of the Learning Sciences 5. Journal of Interactive Online Learning 6. Vocations and Learning 7. Social Studies Research and Practice 8. Journal of Teacher Education 9. Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue Higher Education International Journal of Disability, Development, and Education International Journal on School Disaffection Learning and Instruction The High School Journal Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy Changing English Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education 2.
Vitae Scholasticae 3.
Journal of Literacy Research 5. Journal of the Professoriate 6. Community College Review 7. Journal of International Social Studies 9. The Teacher Educator High Ability Studies Issues in Teacher Education History of Education Race Ethnicity and Education Studying Teacher Education Online Educational Research Journal Metacognition and Learning Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 1.
Journal of Mixed Methods Research 2. International Journal for Researcher Development 3. Applied Psychological Measurement 4. Professional Development in Education 5. Journal of Research on Christian Education 6. Learning and Individual Differences 7. Learning, Culture and Social Interaction 9.
Journal of Education Gender and Education The International Journal of Leadership in Education International Journal of Educational Leadership Preparation Review of Educational Research Journal of Asian Critical Education The Journal of Ecological and Critical Pedagogy Journal of Early Childhood Literacy Journal of Educational Administration Educational Action Research Institute of Education, of London 1. International Journal of Science Education 2. World Bank Group 3. The Journal of Educational Research 4.
South African Journal of Education 5.
Gay Cruising Areas Saint-Ghislain
Journal of At-Risk Issues 6. Environmental Education Research 7. Berkeley Review of Education 8. Journal of Education for Teaching 9. Educational Psychology Review European Journal of Special Needs Education The Educational Forum Current Issues in Education Linguistics and Education Teaching and Teacher Education Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics Journal for Research in Mathematics Education Journal of Language and Literacy Education Taboo: The Journal of Culture and Education. Graduate Student Council Sessions 19 Chair: Nicholas Daniel Hartlep Kieran Egan.
Program and Beyond.
De Amsterdam Verklaring: Mensen, Politiek, Kracht
Chair: Cathy Anne Rosenberg Or Should You? Chair: Nicholas Daniel Hartlep 1. Chairs: Angela Urick, Pat A. Schroeder Chairs: Yin Wah B. Kreher, Angela Shelton Chairs: Grant B. Morgan, Yuan Zhang Chairs: Jioni A. Lewis, Ann Young Kim Perspectives on Scholarly Responsibility and Social Change. Bullock Chair: Cecilia Henriquez Fernandez After the meeting, check it out! Each presenter at the Annual Meeting may elect to upload to the Online Paper Repository full text of the paper presented in Vancouver.
Deposited papers will be accessible to all registrants. The Repository serves as an archive of Annual Meeting presentations for the Association. For registrants and members, the Repository: Oers a new opportunity to have broader access to information presented at the Annual Meeting Serves as a reference on current scholarship and research Outlines guidelines for citing scholarship presented at the Annual Meeting For presenters, the Repository: Allows sharing of presentations in a new format and reaching a broader audience than those attending the session Records in a permanent online archive the full text of the presentations Permits addition of presentation notes at any time after the Annual Meeting Enables reporting of subsequent publication of the research by allowing future addition of citation information, a journal URL, or a digital object identi!
Towns and Cities
If presenters did not opt to participate in the repository before the Annual Meeting, they may upload directly to the repository until May For more information about participating in and using the repository, visit www. The program was crafted based on consideration of more than 70 submissions and a competitive review process.
Professional development courses provide training in specic research methods and skills, cover signicant research issues in related disciplines, emphasize specialized areas, address professional development issues, focus on research for the improvement of practice, or examine recent methodological and substantive developments in education research. The extended courses begin on Thursday, April 12, one day before the start of the Annual Meeting.
Mini-courses are held Saturday through Monday, April 14 Direct questions about the courses to profdevel aera. Below is a summary of all courses throughout the meeting. Visit www. Pan Pacic, Oceanview 5; Friday, pm to pm Pan Pacic, Oceanview 4; Saturday, am to am Pan Pacic, Oceanview 5; Saturday, am to am Pan Pacic, Oceanview 5; Saturday, am to pm Pan Pacic, Oceanview 6; Saturday, am to pm Pan Pacic, Oceanview 3; Saturday, am to pm Pan Pacific, Oceanview 5; Saturday, pm to pm Pan Pacic, Oceanview 6; Saturday, pm to pm Pan Pacic, Oceanview 5; Saturday, pm to pm Pan Pacific, Oceanview 6; Saturday, pm to pm Pan Pacic, Oceanview 6; Sunday, am to am Pan Pacic, Oceanview 6; Sunday, am to pm Pan Pacic, Oceanview 4; Sunday, am to pm Pan Pacic, Pacic Rim 2; Sunday, pm to pm Pan Pacic, Oceanview 6; Sunday, pm to pm Pan Pacic, Oceanview 5; Sunday, pm to pm Pan Pacic, Oceanview 6; Monday, am to am Pan Pacic, Oceanview 3; Monday, am to am Pan Pacic, Oceanview 4; Monday, am to am Pan Pacic, Oceanview 5; Monday, am to pm Pan Pacic, Oceanview 3; Monday, am to pm Pan Pacic, Oceanview 4; Monday, am to pm Pan Pacic, Oceanview 3; Monday, pm to pm Pan Pacic, Oceanview 6; Monday, pm to pm Pan Pacic, Oceanview 4; Monday, pm to pm Pan Pacic, Pacic Rim 1; Monday, pm to pm Pan Pacic, Oceanview 6; Monday, pm to pm.
Pan Pacic, Oceanview 6; Tuesday, am to am Pan Pacic, Pacic Rim 2; Tuesday, am to pm Pan Pacic, Oceanview 5; Tuesday, am to am Pan Pacic, Oceanview 6; Tuesday, am to pm Fireside Chat Format: Fireside chat sessions offer participants an open forum to discuss ideas on topics of interest to a group of professionals. The majority of reside chats are geared toward topics of interest for graduate students. Invited Session Format: An invited session features presenters that have been invited as guest speakers because of their prominence in the eld.