Lauren Leigh Hinthorne. She was previously a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Centre for Communication and Social Change at the University of Queensland, where she focused on the theory and practice of participatory visual research methods. She also has a strong interest in data visualization, including info graphics.
Before moving to Australia, Dr. Her doctoral research investigated the nexus of international democracy assistance objectives and non-elite perceptions of democracy in eastern Madagascar. She has presented papers at numerous national and international conferences, and her work has appeared in journals including Democratization, Qualitative Research and Field Methods. Hinthorne worked at an artisan bakery and still enjoys baking sourdough bread and layer cakes. Jimmy also has served at Washingtonpost. Newsweek Interactive, where he worked on business development and new media, and at Time Warner working on data communications infrastructure.
International travel has also played a role in his decision to enter into the public sector and pursue a career in foreign service.
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Jimmy has traveled to 17 countries and had the opportunity to live abroad in London, England and Beijing, China. His private sector experience also allowed him to work on international projects in India, Brazil, Australia, China and Canada. He will be working to create and implement new initiatives to strengthen civil society and support emerging democracies. His role was advising corporate and private equity clients on divestitures, acquisitions and equity offerings. Previously, Jeff was an executive director at Goldman Sachs International in London, where he advised private equity clients on merger-related transactions.
Among the projects Mr. Holmes possesses a range of unique skills and knowledge he has already begun to apply to the VSFS Program.

His background includes work in international corporations and start-ups, as well as with international entrepreneurs. He spent in South Africa providing support to small businesses in the lead up to the World Cup there. His assignment with Enablis Entrepreneurial Network, a nonprofit that supports entrepreneurship in the developing world, helped facilitate sustainable growth, expansion, or joint ventures throughout South Africa.
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Following the Enablis assignment, Mr. Holmes served as a management consultant to the Randburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry to implement strategic initiatives, including expanding its membership base. Following his return from South Africa, among other activities, Mr. He is passionate about foreign affairs, politics, international business, social responsibility, and community engagement. The list of Mr.
At the U. In , she co-wrote the Guiding Principles for Stabilization and Reconstruction, the first-ever doctrinal manual written for civilians operating in these environments. Before joining the Institute, Emily worked as a journalist for a defense trade publication, covering Pentagon policy, weapons procurement, and budgetary and legislative affairs, with a focus on the U.
He brings to his position unique field and technical experience in the Islamic world and in counterterrorism. Immediately before deploying to Afghanistan, Chris conducted strategic communications analysis on terrorist and insurgent propaganda, with an emphasis on Iraqi terrorists. Chris also served as a research assistant at the U. Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey.
His research focused on the links between extremist funding and recruitment and radicalization in Western Europe and Southeast Asia. He speaks Arabic, basic Dari and some German. She is a consultant on effective mechanisms, models and frameworks for public-private partnerships.
She is using her private-sector background and international development expertise to advise on new models of partnerships with multinational companies, foundations and non-governmental organizations. Her primary focus is coordinating analytical research and analysis of business strategies, trends and models for educational and cultural partnerships in four major areas — innovation and technology, entrepreneurship, civil society, and English education alliance. In this capacity, Ludmilla contributes to shaping strategies and policies for interaction between business and foreign policy issues, and the wider political and economic context.
Approaches to the History of Written Culture
Prior to becoming a Franklin Fellow, Ludmilla worked as CFO of Equilibrium Networks, a research and development startup that delivered innovative technologies for the Department of Defense. In both of these positions, Ludmilla spearheaded international partnership initiatives and forged relationships with international partners. As a consultant for the private sector development program at the International Finance Corporation a member of the World Bank Group in Kyiv, Ukraine, she lived and worked in a transitional democracy with a capital-starved economy.
Later, she gained significant international development experience through her consulting work with global corporations, Fortune 50 companies, and dozens of congressionally sponsored international exchange programs including Open World, Community Connections, and International Visitor Leadership. Entrepreneurship Support Fund. She also holds bachelor and master degrees in linguistics from Cherkasy National University Ukraine.
Ludmilla has native proficiency in Russian and Ukrainian, and has a working knowledge of German. Her extensive travels throughout the United States, Europe, and Asia have instilled in her a firm belief in the importance of investing in education and fostering mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the people of other countries. As a materials physicist, Alan is personally interested in the techniques of scattering neutrons and x rays to determine where atoms reside in a material and how atoms move.
This information is needed to connect structure, composition and performance of any material and illuminates the path toward advanced materials. A co-author of the acclaimed report on energy critical elements by the American Physical Society and the Materials Research Society, Alan applies the methods of complexity science blazed by SFI to critical materials issues. After a two-year postdoc and one teaching year at Brandeis University, Alan worked for 16 years at Sandia National Laboratories doing basic materials science and managing fundamental materials research.
He moved to Los Alamos in In , Alan was President of the Materials Research Society, which continues to be his major professional society, along with the American Physical Society and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Roger notes that he could have continued a life in Hawaii but chose instead to come to Washington, DC. Many people have asked him why. In response, he explains it is to use his background in organizational effectiveness and international psychology to be of service to our country and, potentially, to create an encore career here in Washington.
His assignment as a Franklin Fellow will use his background as a PhD psychologist with experience in international organizational effectiveness, leadership training and management consulting. He was a management and psychology professor for the U. Navy in Alaska and elsewhere. He has also served as a consultant on organizational development for Native Alaskan Corporations with goals of education improvement, participative leadership and economic improvements.
In all of his geographical and complex organizational efforts, his extensive career, yet to be completed, has aimed at creating a strategy for results, both for-profit and non-profit organizations. These include but, in his words, are not necessarily limited to, tennis, swimming, cooking, reading, gardening, architecture, interior design and enjoyment of life with his partner and with his son, a jazz pianist in NYC. Jed Ipsen recently joined the State Department as a Franklin Fellow in the Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs where he handles issues involving economic development and terrorism.
Previously, he served on the professional staff as a special advisor on terrorism with the U. Franklin Fellow Dr. Before becoming a Franklin Fellow, Dr. He went on to receive his medical degree from the University of Des Moines. While working as a board certified radiation oncologist for the past twelve years, Robert has also pursued his interest in international affairs. He became a credentialed journalist at the United Nations, and has published dozens of articles in national and international publications. Nancy Jackson. Before that she was Deputy Director of the International Security Center at Sandia and was also an energy researcher for many years prior to her moving to nonproliferation issues.
The ACS presidency is a three-year commitment president-elect in and immediate past president in over which time period she helped the ACS expand their international collaborations. During those three years she travelled to over 20 countries and met with chemists and chemical engineers in five continents. Sharon P. Jackson has served with a number of critical national security agencies.
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She is an expert in the areas of infectious disease epidemiology and WMD. He focused on financing projects, infrastructure and transportation equipment, using a wide variety of financing methods. His work there contributed to the development and adoption by the United Nations of the Legislative Guide on Privately Financed Infrastructure Projects. He was appointed by the Securities and Exchange Commission to the Market Transactions Advisory Committee, which analyzed and suggested changes following the market crash. Jacobson served as a Lieutenant in the U.
Navy where he headed a department on a destroyer and also served as administrative assistant to a Navy admiral. Jacobson received his J. Jacobson is a competitive sailor, and in his sailboat has won numerous regattas and races, including the Marion to Bermuda Ocean Race in The Franklin Fellows Program would like to welcome Mrs. Mariam Kaldas as the th Franklin Fellow! She is passionate about international service and engaging religious leaders, and has worked for over 10 years with students, volunteers, and faith-based organizations.
Most recently, she has been the Associate Director of Franciscan Mission Service FMS , a nonprofit organization that prepares and supports lay Catholics for international, domestic, and short-term service opportunities in solidarity with impoverished and marginalized communities across the globe.
In her at role at FMS, Mrs. Kaldas led short-term global awareness trips to South Africa and Bolivia. She then went on to help design and establish a university at sea program called The Scholar Ship. She was instrumental in the formation of the program, and sailed on the inaugural voyage. Throughout her travel and residence in over 40 countries, Mrs.
Kaldas has developed a keen interest in involving religious leaders and faith-based leaders in policy initiatives. She is excited to be serving as a Franklin Fellow in the Office of Faith-based Community Initiatives, and believes her experience will help to advance the mission and vision of the U. Department of State.
We are pleased to announce that our 98th Franklin Fellow is Albana Karakushi. Her focus at SIPA was on contemporary political, economic and social development in post-Soviet countries. At Columbia, she performed extensive research on the Balkans and their specific geostrategic importance. The NGO aimed to combat poverty and increase access to services in underdeveloped parts of the country by, among other things, teaching Brazilian youth English and other foreign languages.
A native of Albania, Albana witnessed firsthand the oppressive regime of Enver Hoxha. She was inspired to join the Franklin Fellows Program as a chance to work with people who fight for liberty and human rights. We are pleased to announce that our nd Franklin Fellow is Dr. Jeffrey Kealing. He is a PhD graduate of the USC Rossier School of Education with a concentration in international and intercultural education and has taught at USC for many years for both online and on-campus cohorts.
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He also has conducted large-scale projects and done international outreach work in Thailand, Japan, Vanuatu and Romania. His current research interests include empowered adult education approaches, English as an instrument for international development and public-private collaborative models in education. Franklin Fellow R. The Special Advisor reports to and provides advice and support to the Secretary, the Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security and other Department Officials on nonproliferation and arms control issues.
The Special Advisor also helps develop and implement Administration policies and diplomatic strategies in those areas. Scott provides advice to the Special Advisor on a wide range of technical issues regarding nonproliferation and arms control, develops policy positions and prepares technical analyses of the complex issues involved. He also serves as liaison with relevant parts of the USG community on those issues. Prior to joining the program, Scott was at Princeton University, where he was a member of the research staff at the Program on Science and Global Security.
He received a B. She speaks Korean and Italian, and is learning Chinese and Spanish. Department of Homeland Security. At HSI, he provided expertise on DHS law enforcement operations and authorities, border security, radicalization and immigration and emergency management, among other legal areas. David is not new to the Department. David holds a J. She first experienced design for the public interest when collaborating to design a visual glossary of healthcare terms, as well as designing posters for Brown University Health Services to educate young Americans, during a RISD course on communicating healthcare reform.
She is keenly interested in exploring how design thinking and visual problem solving can improve the public policy process. Franklin Fellow Steven R. Government advocacy for business, in the Office of Commercial and Business Affairs. Koltai is an executive with over 25 years of experience in international finance, strategic planning and entrepreneurship gained in the banking, entertainment and Internet industries. Most recently Stephen was the Vice President of Public Policy and Systems Advocacy for Mental Health America of Colorado, working on health policy, reform, access to care, and ensuring fair, quality treatment for people with mental health conditions.