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The site is geared towards people looking for long-term relationships, with all participants receiving a single match on a set date, with an option to receive another match after a certain period of time, said Halpern. Saw You At Stonewall also does not use public profiles, allowing participants to remain anonymous until they receive a match.

Though the site is still in the testing phase, Halpern hopes to expand the concept to other communities that are underserved by existing dating apps. The Cantonese Opera Art Museum is not only a tangible space for exhibition, study, education and display of the Cantonese Opera art, but also a cultural space with the Lingnan cultural memory, gathering the Lingnan intangible heritage and closely linked with current life of successors and ordinary people.

This study examined the effects of participation in a community service-learning experience on Spanish heritage language learners' attitudes toward their heritage language and culture. Quantitative and qualitative data from heritage language learners demonstrated that engagement in community service-learning activities as part of the Spanish….

A framework to apply ICT for bequeathing the cultural heritage to next generation. Of course, preservation of cultural heritage is a task given by UNISCO charter, but bequeath the cultural heritage to the next generation is most important. The cultural heritage contains the lost intelligence, displaced by modernization and globalization, but ICT can be a way out although ICT has a negative effect.

Based on the component we apply ICT, we derive a framework for applying ICT as core and next generation as consideration scope. Exploring empowerment within the Gullah Geechee cultural heritage corridor: implications for heritage tourism development in the Lowcountry.

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Family plays an integral role in racial and cultural socialization, yet how mixed heritage students understand the concepts of race and culture in relation to family is unclear. This qualitative study explored the interplay of race, culture , and family in the identity constructions of 25 mixed heritage students. Findings suggest the centrality of…. Ion beam analysis in cultural heritage studies: Milestones and perspectives. For three decades, ion beam analysis IBA in external mode was considered as the best choice for the characterisation of cultural heritage materials, as it combines excellent analytical performance and non-invasive character.

However, in recent years, other analytical techniques arose as serious competitors, such as those based on synchrotron radiation X-ray absorption, fluorescence or diffraction or those using portable instruments XRF, micro-Raman. It is shown that nevertheless IBA remains unmatched thanks to two unique features, namely the analysis of light elements and the high-resolution 3D chemical imaging.

Calisi, D. In this paper we present our novel approach for acquiring and managing digital models of archaeological sites, and the visualization techniques used to showcase them. In particular, we will demonstrate two technologies: our robotic system for digitization of archaeological sites DigiRo result of over three years of efforts by a group of cultural heritage experts, computer scientists and roboticists, and our cloud-based archaeological information system ARIS.

Advanced imaging systems for diagnostic investigations applied to Cultural Heritage. Peccenini, E. The diagnostic investigations are an important resource in the studies on Cultural Heritage to enhance the knowledge on execution techniques, materials and conservation status of a work of art. In this field, due to the great historical and artistic value of the objects, preservation is the main concern; for this reason, new technological equipment has been designed and developed in the Physics Departments of the Universities of Ferrara and Bologna to enhance the non-invasive approach to the study of pictorial artworks and other objects of cultural interest.

Infrared IR reflectography, X-ray radiography and computed tomography CT , applied to works of art, are joined by the same goal: to get hidden information on execution techniques and inner structure pursuing the non-invasiveness of the methods, although using different setup and physical principles.

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In this work transportable imaging systems to investigate large objects in museums and galleries are presented. In particular, 2D scanning devices for IR reflectography and X-ray radiography, CT systems and some applications to the Cultural Heritage are described. Application of Neutron Tomography in Culture Heritage research. Neutron Tomography NT investigation of Culture Heritages CH is an efficient tool for understanding the culture of ancient civilizations. Neutron imaging NI is a-state-of-the-art non-destructive tool in the area of CH and plays an important role in the modern archeology.

The NI technology can be widely utilized in the field of elemental analysis. A digital CCD camera is utilized for recording the beam attenuation in the sample. This helps for the detection of hidden objects and characterization of material properties. Research activity can be extended to use computer software for quantitative neutron measurement. Development of image processing algorithms can be used to obtain high quality images. In this work, full description of ETRR-2 was introduced with up to date neutron imaging system as well.

Tomographic investigation of a clay forged artifact represents CH object was studied by neutron imaging methods in order to obtain some hidden information and highlight some attractive quantitative measurements. Computer software was used for imaging processing and enhancement. Also the Astra Image 3. All rights reserved.

The East African coast is a rich domain for underwater cultural heritage , whose archaeological remains are only beginning to reveal the extent of indigenous nautical technology, regional and international social contacts, and far-reaching maritime trade routes sailed for millennia. The diversity of remains found under water range from cultures up and down the East African coastline to further afield: from China, points surrounding the Indian Ocean, to the Persian Gulf, Middle East and Europe.

In Mozambique, important steps to investigate and preserve this heritage have been taken over the last 20 years by several groups of local scholars in collaboration with international research institutions. However, this heritage , especially that which lies along the northern Mozambique coast, has also been subjected to extensive and serious disturbance by commercially-oriented salvage programs.

These salvage activities have not only had a very negative impact on the state of the cultural resources themselves, but have also prevented the access of legitimate scholars to these resources—particularly grave is the intervention at Mozambique Island, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Among the meritorious efforts to mitigate this situation, in Mozambique and world-wide, the UNESCO Convention for the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage is an outstanding initiative and needs to be ratified by Mozambique and other East African states. The article raises issues of constructing contemporary architectural structures in cultural heritage protection zones, using the case study of a building located within the campus of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Poland. Questions revolving around the construction of this building arise from the need to preserve the surrounding historic heritage , and deal with landscaping, architectural and construction solutions as well as interior design.

All these problems grow in importance when dealing with such unique buildings like the discussed example of a laboratory building for the Civil Engineering Department, built on a site within a conservation zone of the university campus. The specific character of the building and the specialist equipment with which it was to be furnished a resistance testing machine, a meter-long wave flume necessitated a series of analyses.

In turn, the fact that the new building was to be erected in the conservation zone meant that collaboration with the Heritage Conservation Office had to be undertaken at the stage of making the plan and continued during the construction works. The above requirements concerned the functions of the building and its siting on a land parcel that was difficult to handle, also because of the protected trees growing there. Other constraints included the small size of this site, the developed surroundings, and the pre-defined programme of functions and use of the new building.

All the above circumstances made the task difficult and demanded good coordination between individual teams of engineers and architects, both at the stage of making the plan and during the construction works.

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Many of the heritage protection zones are spoilt with. Serial transnational World Heritage nominations are challenging the way cultural heritage has been managed and evaluated in the past. Serial transnational World Heritage nominations are unique in that they consist of multiple sites listed as one property, distributed in different countries, involving a large diversity of stakeholders in the process. As a result, there is a need for precise baseline information for monitoring, reporting and decision making.

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This type of nomination requires different methodologies and tools to improve the monitoring cycle from the beginning of the nomination towards the periodic reporting. The Silk Roads CHRIS has been successfully assisting in the preparation of the nomination dossiers of the Republics of Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan and will be used as a tool for monitoring tool in the Central Asian countries.

Current approaches to teaching culture which have adapted the anthropological model to contemporary life situations can serve as a guide to the organization of traditional civilization course material, from which exercises can be developed. Culture instruction should incorporate a cross- cultural dimension, be authentically contemporary, and be…. Conservation of stone built cultural heritage and preservation of memories. Certainly, the main justification for the conservation of cultural heritage built, lies in the meanings that these buildings have, either to the history of nations, either as part of the cultural heritage of humanity.

On the other hand, and taking into account the use of stone, it can be said that in addition to cultural and aesthetic values usually associated with these monuments or architectural ensembles that make up this heritage , the presence of stone materials gives another dimension to those constructions, which is the geo-memory.

This means that, due to the presence of this material, where each has its own history, it is also possible to identify geo-memories for each of these monuments or architectural ensembles that make up this heritage , either the genesis point of view, involving environments and processes, either regarding the formation ages of these materials.

At the same time and due to the use of these materials can be said that each monument or group of monuments is a reflection of the geo-diversity of a determined region or territory. In Brazil, due to its large territory, this geo-diversity includes a wide range of geological environments, phenomena and processes, giving rise to diverse stone materials, which can be observed in the monuments that are part of your built heritage.

Thus in old buildings of historic sites located in particular in the southern and southeastern regions of Brazil, this geo-diversity is present because many types of rocks were used, igneous, metamorphic or sedimentary compositions and of very different ages. Of these types stands out, for example, granites and gneisses, which were used in the states of Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais, where they are very common. In such cases, the rocks were formed, or end of the Paleoproterozoic, or at the end of the Neoproterozoic and have different textures, sometimes with predominance of biotite, among mica, sometimes amphibole, as hornblende, or with garnet.

They were often used in. Effectiveness of granite cleaning procedures in cultural heritage : A review.

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Most of the Cultural Heritage built in NW Iberian Peninsula is made of granite which exposition to the environment leads to the formation of deposits and coatings, mainly two types: biological colonization and sulphated black crusts. Nowadays, another form of alteration derives from graffiti paints when these are applied as an act of vandalism. A deep revision needs to be addressed considering the severity of these deterioration forms on granite and the different cleaning effectiveness achieved by cleaning procedures used to remove them.

The scientific literature about these topics on granite is scarcer than on sedimentary carbonate stones and marbles, but the importance of the granite in NW Iberian Peninsula Cultural Heritage claims this review centred on biological colonization, sulphated black crusts and graffiti on granite and their effectiveness of the common cleaning procedures. Furthermore, this paper carried out a review of the knowledge about those three alteration forms on granite, as well as bringing together all the major studies in the field of the granite cleaning with traditional procedures chemical and mechanical and with the recent developed technique based on the laser ablation.

Findings concerning the effectiveness evaluation of these cleaning procedures, considering the coating extraction ability and the damage induced on the granite surface, are described. Finally, some futures research lines are pointed out. Historical archives save invaluable treasures and play a critical role in the conservation of Cultural Heritage.

Old photographs and videos, which have survived over time and stored in these archives, preserve traces of architecture and urban transformation and, in many cases, are the only evidence of buildings that no longer exist. They are a precious source of enormous informative potential in Cultural Heritage documentation and save invaluable treasures. Thanks to photogrammetric techniques it is possible to extract metric information from these sources useful for 3D virtual reconstructions of monuments and historic buildings.

This paper explores the ways to search for, classify and group historical data by considering their possible use in metric documentation and aims to provide an overview of criticality and open issues of the methodologies that could be used to process these data. A practical example is described and presented as a case study. The video "Torino ", an old movie dating from the s, was processed for reconstructing the temporary pavilions of the "Exposition" held in Turin in Despite the initial concerns relating to processing this kind of data, the experimental methodology used in this research has allowed to reach a quality of results of acceptable standard.

The neutron and gamma imaging facility placed at the tangential channel of the TRIGA-ACPR from INR was used for tomography investigations on a test object with good results and shortly followed its involvement for tomography investigations on prehistoric statues of clay from the Arges County Museum. This activity was performed in connection with a research contract with IAEA with title ;The neutron and gamma imaging method combined with neutron-based analytical methods for cultural heritage research;, in the frame of a current CRP, that helps curators to reveal the internal structure and composition of the objects.

The detector system has been developed based on two interchangeable scintillators, one for thermal neutrons and the other one for gamma radiations, a mirror of float glass coated with aluminum and two interchangeable CCD cameras. This was a good opportunity for the dissemination of the investigation methods based on neutrons for cultural heritage and beyond this area. Optimization of digitization procedures in cultural heritage preservation. The digitization of both volumetric and flat objects is the nowadays-preferred method in order to preserve cultural heritage items.

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