Thu, Dec Sponsored by the family of Ruth Gay. Jewish Populations in Europe, Maps for Your Research With the frequently changing borders of European countries in the 18th — 20th centuries, it can be a challenge to understand the locations of Jewish communities of interest within those countries. On behalf of the International Institute for Jewish Genealogy, Sandy Crystall developed a series of digital maps that show the populations of as many as Jewish communities, along with the contemporaneous boundaries of countries and smaller administrative units provinces , serving as snapshots of the geopolitical context of Jewish demographics over the course of this tumultuous period.
This presentation will provide information about the creation of these digital maps and how they can be used to assist in genealogical research. Sandy Crystall has a post-baccalaureate certificate in Geographic Information Systems and has been an amateur genealogist for more than 25 years. This program will be held in the Kovno Room on the 2nd floor. For hundreds of years, people, goods, and ideas traveled along the famous trade route, creating a rich and diverse cultural legacy. Sun, Dec Get the magic of the music and share the miracle of the lights.
Plus a story from the pen of a great Jewish writer,menorah lighting, singing and refreshments. Sponsored by the Sidney Krum Estate. Wed, Dec Tue, Dec Shmattes Join us to celebrate the opening of Shmattes and light the third Hanukkah candle! Shmattes surveys the numerous ways in which hip, secular, young American Jews wear their Jewishness on their sleeves, literally.
Featuring contemporary, funny, edgy Jewish-themed t-shirts on display. Special wine, latkes and music reception for Hanukkah -- come schmooze! Live t-shirt printing: buy 1 ticket, get 1 tee printed for you on-site for FREE! Exhibit on display through March Rare scenes of mass executions were filmed on location in Babi Yar, a symbol of the Holocaust in the Soviet Union.
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Family Portraits with Andi Arnovitz Join Israel-based artist Andi Arnovitz for a hands-on workshop that uses photographs and stories to create collaged portraits of family members across the generations. Participants should bring copies of personal photographs to use within the collage. The program complements Threatened Beauty , an exhibition of Arnovitz's collage and watercolor works. Theater scholar Wendy Arons Carnegie Mellon presents her research on Hirschfeld and actors read from his correspondence. Evgeny Kissin concludes the evening with a solo performance.
Book Burning | The Holocaust Encyclopedia
A micro study of one shtetl, Dubovo in sheds light on future conditions for Soviet Jewry, and the Holocaust in Ukraine. This concert is made possible by the Blavatnik Family Foundation. Threatened Beauty with Andi Arnovitz Walk with Israel-based artist Andi Arnovitz through her exhibition of richly textured collage and watercolor works, which draw on the artistic legacy of the Islamic world to respond to contemporary events.
Hebrew name inscriptions, based on patronymics, can link together two generations of Hebrew names unlike any other source document. This can be especially helpful when trying to link first generation American ancestors to their European families. Through photographic examples and case studies, this event will discuss how the information and symbols found on stones can help to create your family tree.
Fri, Nov The Center is closed Friday, November 27 for Thanksgiving. Thu, Nov Wed, Nov Tue, Nov Mon, Nov Sun, Nov Join us anytime between 11 am and 4 pm to help write and edit Wikipedia articles. The event is open to everyone, and we especially welcome new Wikipedia editors. Training sessions on editing Wikipedia will be held at am and pm.
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For more information, visit the Soviet Jewry Edit-a-thon Wikipedia event page. Learn how shmita impacts the religious and non-religious, the relevance of shmita for people in and outside Israel, and the vision of shmita for the future. Eric R. Kandel Dr. Kandel is a neuroscientist whose work on the molecular biology of memory opened new methods of inquiry into the study of brain and mind. In , he won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for demonstrating how memories are formed and stored at the molecular level.
In addition to his ground-breaking work as a brain scientist, Dr. Kandel is a keen observer of the history of ideas who has consistently placed his work on mind in the context of a larger cultural history. His book The Age of Insight locates the roots of his own quest to understand mind in the cultural ferment of earlyth-century Vienna—the city of his birth—where artists and scientists began a revolution that expanded our conception of mind to include both conscious and unconscious thoughts and emotions.
His memoir In Search of Memory recounts his journey from a childhood in Nazi-occupied Vienna to the forefront of a 21st-century revolution in the science of mind.
Book Burning
It is the definitive way to determine if you are related to someone and how close that relationship might be. This lecture is for all who are interested in learning about the various tests available, which to use for specific goals, and how to determine who is a suitable candidate for different types of testing. With Nora Galvin , biologist, genealogist and editor of Connecticut Ancestry. Traveling in Europe in August , David Kurtz, the author's grandfather, captured three minutes of ordinary life in a small, predominantly Jewish town in Poland on 16mm film.
More than 70 years later, these few minutes of home movie footage would become a memorial to an entire community-an entire culture-annihilated in the Holocaust. Three Minutes in Poland traces Glenn Kurtz's four-year journey to identify the people in his grandfather's haunting images. Guests will listen, within the gallery in the company of the models, to diverse musical selections inspired by the synagogues and their communities. Hosted by cellist Elad Kabilio of MusicTalks, accompanied by clarinet and singer.
Lessons in Exile Jews of Iraq Series Cynthia Shamash was eight when her family tried to escape Iraq over the Iranian border, but they were captured and jailed for five weeks. Returning home, to Baghdad revealed how all of their belongings had been confiscated. Hear the author talk about her new memoir, The Strangers We Become. The Institute makes available to the public an enormous wealth of genealogical resources. Peretz Markish and the Destruction of Soviet Jewish Culture Poet and playwright Peretz Markish--the only Yiddish writer to be awarded the Order of Lenin--produced an enormous body of work, including lyric, epic poetry and prose.
Hope and Fear: Y. Peretz was the father of the Yiddish cultural revolution that transformed Jewish life in the early 20th century. This important resource for genealogists is drawn from client lists and index cards from the JDC's rescue, relief, and rehabilitation operations worldwide. This presentation will focus on World War II-era lists of refugees assisted during and after the Shoah in British Mandate Palestine, Spain, China, Australia, Germany, and South America, among others, with a particular focus on children, orphans and students. She holds a B. Wed, Oct Modeling the Synagogue — from Dura to Touro In conjunction with its foundation in , YUM commissioned 10 scale models of historic synagogues reflecting the geographic breadth of the Jewish world across the centuries.
Join top model makers Mary Creede and John Jerard for an in-depth tour of the exhibition, exploring the modeling process and the changing approaches of modeling over the past decades. Tue, Oct Sun, Oct Thu, Oct Mon, Oct Co-sponsored by LBI. Holocaust Memorial Museum can be challenging because of the sheer volume and variety of resources available. Megan Lewis, reference librarian at the Museum, will demonstrate how to plan your research visit using its Collections Catalog.
Fri, Oct All the proceeds will be donated to promote social justice projects in the documented communities. Lawrence H. Summers discusses growing concerns of anti-Semitism on American college campuses amidst the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions movement against Israel. Combating Terrorism through American Law: On the Occasion of the 30th Anniversary of the Murder of Leon Klinghoffer A blue-ribbon legal panel will discuss the difficulties faced in prosecuting terrorism against American citizens at home and abroad, including remedies through criminal and civil law.
A limited number of seats will be available to the general public for this portion of the event. More information available at cjh. His tragic death became a rallying cry in the fight against terrorism. In the ensuing years the story was co-opted and retold through the lens of popular culture. This program has been supported by a generous grant from Jonathan and Dina Leader. The House of Twenty Thousand Books In his new book The House of Twenty Thousand Books , journalist and writer Sasha Abramsky weaves together a moving family story of radical politics, passionate book collecting, and the eclectic mind of a Jewish intellectual.
Comics and the Jews Join us for a panel on the history of the Jewish formative contribution to the establishment of the comic books industry in the US, and a special silent art auction. This concert is made possible through the generous support of Blavatnik Family Foundation. Wed, Sep Tue, Sep The Center is closed Tuesday, September 29 for Sukkot. Mon, Sep Sun, Sep Crossfire Directed by Edward Dmytryk, Crossfire is an Academy Award-nominated film noir that was one of the first films to raise the subject of anti-Semitism in the postwar U. Crossfire stars Robert Mitchum and Robert Young as police investigators gradually piecing together the fragments of the night leading to the brutal killing of an innocent Jewish man.
Discussant: Thomas Doherty, Brandeis University.