This course emphasizes ethical decision making as it applies to Complex Systems, aviation and aerospace, nuclear power plant, civil and IT engineering and the medical field. These systems have an extremely narrow tolerance for error, often resulting in monumental impact on the public, the economy of the nation and human life. This course seeks to increase the awareness levels of ethical issue for industry professionals and to provide the necessary skills to effectively deal with such critical problem solving issues.
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Topics include complex systems ethical decision making, safety with human factors emphasis, applied ethics for members of complex systems, corporate culture and risk management theory, moral and values. A basic course in Aviation Weather. Weather theory including differential heating, air mass development, wind frontal activity and systems, weather hazards, weather reporting and weather forecasting is covered. Selected subject areas will include Federal Aviation Regulations that apply to flight operations under IFR, appropriate information that applies to flight operations under IFR in the "Aeronautical Information Manual," Air Traffic Control system and procedures for instrument flight operations, IFR navigation and approaches by use of navigation systems, use of IFR enroute and instrument approach procedure charts, procurement and use of aviation weather reports and the elements of forecasting weather trends based on that information and personal observation of weather conditions, safe and efficient operation of aircraft under instrument flight rules and conditions, recognition of critical weather situations and wind shear avoidance, aeronautical decision making and judgment, and crew resource management, including crew communication and coordination.
Instrument Pilot Flight will enable the student to meet the requirements necessary to obtain an Instrument Rating. Selected subject areas will include airplane attitude control by reference to instruments, use of full and partial panel reference, accurate use of navigation systems by maintaining positional awareness, holding patterns, instrument approaches, and IFR cross country procedures.
Selected subject areas will include: accident reporting requirements of the National Transportation Safety Board, basic aerodynamics and the principles of flight, meteorology to include recognition of critical weather situations, wind shear recognition and avoidance, and the use of aeronautical weather reports and forecasts, safe and efficient operation of aircraft weight and balance computations, use of performance charts, significance and effects of exceeding aircraft performance limitations, use of aeronautical charts and a magnetic compass for pilotage and dead reckoning, use of air navigation facilities, aeronautical decision making and judgment, principles and functions of aircraft systems, maneuvers, procedures, and emergency operations appropriate to the aircraft, night high altitude operations, procedures for operating within the National Airspace System, and procedures for flight and ground training for lighter than air ratings.
Commercial Pilot Flight will enable the student to meet the requirements necessary to obtain a Commercial Pilot Certificate. Selected subject areas include accurate planning of VFR cross country flights, pilotage, dead reckoning, navigation systems, and commercial maneuvers as well as provide the skill necessary to safely fly a complex airplane. This course will give the students an integrated study of airline operations and functions.
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Domestic and international regulation of air carries and the industry's changing structure due to alliances and globalization are addressed. Topics include the annual profit plan, uniform system of accounts and reports, demand analysis, scheduling, the theory of pricing, fleet planning, facilities planning, airline financing, airline economics, airline marketing and pricing, computer reservation and revenue management systems, fleet planning and scheduling, aircraft maintenance aircraft finance, labor relations, organizational structure, and strategic planning.
The course introduces the student to the growing, technical and multi-faceted air cargo industry. The student will understand the role that air cargo has played in the development of the air carrier industry, contractual and legally binding regulations, and national and international trade. A visit to off-campus air cargo facilities will compliment classroom discussions, lectures and videos.
This course exposes the student to the study and process of regulations of the Air Cargo Industry. It includes a study of and compliance with government and air carrier regulations; with practical applications of the specialized manuals and penalties of non-compliance. This Cooperative Experience or Internship is an elective for second year Aviation Administration students.
The student will acquire work skills and cooperative attitudes that will complement and enhance the academic competencies learned during the prior year.
It is a study of the constitutional, legislative, executive and judicial control of aviation from the local, state, federal and international perspective. AVN W can be used to fulfill the writing intensive requirement. This course will allow students to meet the requirements as specified by 14 CFR Part Selected subject areas will include applicable Federal Aviation Regulations of this chapter that relate to Certified Flight Instructor pilot privileges, limitations, and flight operations, the fundamentals of instructing, including: the learning process; elements of effective teaching; student evaluation and testing; course development; lesson planning; and classroom training techniques.
Also included are the aeronautical knowledge areas for a recreational, private, and commercial pilot certificate applicable to the aircraft category for which flight instructor privileges are sought. Selected subject areas will include applicable Federal Aviation Regulations of this chapter that relate to Certified Flight Instructor pilot privileges, limitations, and flight operations, the fundamentals of instructing, including: The learning process; elements of effective teaching; student evaluation and testing; course development; lesson planning; and classroom training techniques.
A study of the operational considerations and procedures of air carrier flight operations. Operational and lifestyle considerations and consequences arising from physiological factors will be introduced, with an emphasis on the atmosphere and high-altitude flight Hyperbarism.
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General fundamentals of anatomy and psychology will be reviewed to impart career-prolonging health maintenance and stress reduction techniques. Subtle yet critical aviation issues such as situational awareness and crew resource management will be explored. This course exposes the student to the advanced aircraft systems commonly found in air carrier aircraft. At the conclusion of this course, the student should have a good level of operational understanding of these systems.
Prerequisite s : AVN This course exposes the student to the area of flight planning for the major carrier's operations. Safety of Flight is an essential course for students to understand the principles and regulatory practices of commercial aviation safety in the United States and worldwide community in the 21st century. The student will obtain the necessary safety of fight knowledge to be able to effectively work in the aviation industry. At the completion of the course, students will be able to assess contemporary issues in safety of fight and demonstrate understanding of aviation safety and human factors.
The aviation industry is one of the most highly targeted industries for acts of terrorism. This course enables students to develop the skills necessary to effectively manage and maintain security systems and measures vital to airports. Practical exposure to screening techniques such as the use of Explosive Trace Detection ETD systems, X-ray systems, wanding and other new developmental technologies will be covered. Note: students who have received credit for AVN cannot receive credit for this course. This course examines the principles of marketing used by the major U.
There will be an initial review of the structure of the air transport market and the industry marketing environment. This will be followed by a detailed study examining the airline business and marketing strategies, product design, pricing, revenue management, distribution channels, and selling and advertising policies. In this course, students will gain an in-depth understanding of the National Airspace System NAS through the introduction of the functions, rules, phraseology, and publications utilized within the Air Traffic Control ATC system. Students will demonstrate proper aircraft sequencing and separation techniques through the use of simulation, while building upon Crew Resource Management CRM concepts traditionally used by aircrews.
In this course students will analyze airport management with an emphasis on financial strategies and practices. Topics include relevant regulations, components of airport terminals and ground access, airport fees and revenue strategies, Airport Improvement Program AIP , state grant programs, Passenger Facility Charge PFC funding, financing, and private investment. Corequisite s : BUS The students will be introduced to the topic through a variety of pedagogical methods that will include lectures, hands-on use of the most prominent manuals, regulations related to the industry, group discussions and videos.
This course will provide students with an overview of the air cargo management in relation to leadership, safety, cost effectiveness, and problem solving.

This course will cover various managerial topics that pertain to air cargo operations, with a particular focus on identifying staffing needs, providing acceptable customer service, determining practical goals for maintaining service levels over an extended period of time. This course will also review IATA rules and regulations, and provide students with practical in-class exercises which will focus on developing operational flight schedules for an air cargo operator while maintaining the objective of remaining compliant with various human resources and labor regulations.
Aviation Law develops the student's knowledge to the application level of learning by emphasis on real cases to demonstrate the legal, regulatory and government theory previously discussed in AVN and AVN Emphasis will be on the FAA's roles in regulating aviation including the rule making process, certification of airmen, medical certification and enforcement.
This course covers the economic development and marketing principles of the air carrier industry. Details of the transition from regulation to deregulation are explored as well as the marketing and financial practices as they exist today under deregulation.
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The current economic environment is studied along with a detailed examination of airline business and marketing strategies, product design, pricing, revenue management, and distribution channels. Study of the flight operations, administration, maintenance and financial functions of a corporate flight department. The FBO and small airplane business will be discussed including applications in aerial photography and spraying, aircraft sales and financing. Prerequisite s : AVN or W.
This course prepares the Commercial Pilot with single-engine and instrument ratings to add multi-engine airplane privileges to their certificate. Additionally, the student will gain practical experience applying the concepts of Crew Resource Management in the cockpit by utilizing a series of Flight Training Device sessions and defined flight training sessions. The student will be introduced to multi crew operations by applying newly acquired skills applicable to the multi crew environment such as Pilot Flying, Pilot Monitoring, advanced aircraft briefings, emergency and abnormal situations in various phases of flight, cockpit automation, Crew Resource Management to include crew communication and coordination, and Aeronautical decision making and judgment.
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Training will consist of at least 20 hours flight and 15 hours ground instruction. Prerequisite s : AVN with grade of a C or higher. Training will consist of at least 25 hours flight and 20 hours ground instruction. This course will expose the student to the importance of Homeland Security in the aviation industry and the important role each employee in the industry is charged with. Students will gain experience in identifying false travel documents and identifying suspicious air travelers.
This course will focus on current national security threats in the aviation industry. Upon the successful completion of this course the students will meet the requirements of the initial and recurrent security training requirements mandated by the Transportation Security Administration TSA under Title 49 CFR An in-depth study of gas turbine engines as found in air carrier and high performance aircraft. Topics include the history of turbine development, jet propulsion, theory engine design and construction and control systems.
Advanced aerodynamic principles will be introduced following extensive review of fundamentals. Emphasis will be on practical design and performance considerations including mission, cost, and feasibility. This course will familiarize the student with the application of aeronautical principles and design practices.
The course will focus steps in preliminary design of general aviation aircraft with emphasis on the iterative aspects of design. This course deals with flight-crew decision making. It includes, but is not limited to: optimum decision-making techniques; personality profiling; crew communication; high risk areas of a flight; maintaining situational and spatial awareness; crew discipline; and airline-level standard operating procedures. Introduction to modern cockpit avionics suites as found in corporate Jets and Transport Category aircrafts.
Principles, operations and limitations of advanced avionics suites typically found in this category aircraft. The student will obtain the necessary safety of flight knowledge to be able to effectively work in the aviation industry. At the completion of the course, students will be able to assess contemporary issues in safety of flight and demonstrate understanding of aviation safety and human factors.
This course covers the basic foundations of Aviation Insurance and Risk Management. Topics to be covered include hull and liability coverage, subrogation and the insurer's interests after covering a loss, underwriting and claims management. This course helps students to explain the various types of insurance coverage found in aviation such as, hangar keepers, employers, pilots, airlines and airport operators.
This course exposes the student to an actual air carrier transport aircraft initial training ground school. The course will examine all of the specific aircraft and engine systems for this airplane and will be conducted so as to simulate the intensity of an airline training course. All major systems and subsystems of the aircraft as well as its limitation and normal and emergency operating procedures will be covered in detail. At the conclusion of this course, the student should be able to pass an airline style written and oral exam on the aircraft.
Specialty flying is a vital area in General Aviation although it does not attract the attention that airline and military flying do. This course will deal with Agricultural Aviation; Bush Flying using float, large wheel and ski equipped aircraft. The seminar will require students to examine key aviation concepts presented in the Pro Pilot track and connect key learning objectives associated with these concepts to the skills necessary for success in the aviation industry as a pilot.
Selected subject areas will include but not be limited to aviation safety, aviation law, crew resource management, safety ethics, physiology of flight, and aviation meteorology and how these relate to the requirements to be a certificated instrument-rated commercial pilot and fly as a certified flight instructor or a multiengine airplane pilot.
Students will be required to complete comprehensive case studies of aviation accidents, present results to the seminar participants and lead the case discussion. A Capstone mentorship flight or simulator event summarizing the key course concepts will be included as part of the course flight fees as applicable. Prerequisite s : AVN with C or higher.
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This seminar is the capstone course for students majoring in Aviation Administration. It is designed to integrate all the topics that students have learned during their courses of study. The research project will culminate in a formal presentation of results to members of the university community and also representatives from industry. The course will expand upon the introductory concepts learned in AVN Students will be exposed to various in-class exercises that will address the importance of identifying the variables involved in the flow of typical air cargo operations.
Communication skills in air cargo operations management will also be stressed. This course is designed to give students the opportunity to earn elective credit for acquiring hands-on industry experience.