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The decree included stricter monitoring of farmers who sold sheep to private persons, a practice which primarily affected Muslims. Muslim groups stated the existing provisions to prevent illegal slaughter were sufficient, and criticized the decree as a populist measure. The government continued to apply a policy of banning headwear in official identification documents, with an exception for religious purposes as long as the face was sufficiently visible to allow for identification of the wearer.
On December 11, parliament adopted an amendment to existing law banning certain symbols, including the symbols of ISIS and al-Qaida-affiliated groups. The amendment, scheduled to enter into force in March , expanded the ban to include symbols of other groups the government considered extremist, including the Muslim Brotherhood. The international NGO Anti-Defamation League conducted teacher-training seminars on Holocaust awareness with Austrian schools, reaching approximately teachers.
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In addition, provincial school councils and the education ministry invited Holocaust survivors to talk to school classes about National Socialism and the Holocaust. The counseling office for extremism prevention of the Ministry of Women, Family and Youth cooperated with the IGGIO to conduct training courses for imams on community work and prevention of extremism, including promoting religious tolerance.
In November Landbauer returned to the Lower Austrian FPOe as its acting chairman and acting floor leader in the provincial legislature. The party said the commission would include experts from Israel and the United States.
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At the annual ceremony commemorating the liberation of the concentration camp Mauthausen in May, Deutsch referred to charges of 23 anti-Semitic or neo-Nazi incidents among FPOe rank and file since the party became a junior partner in the coalition government in December The program included a suggestion to include new provisions in the criminal statute to combat violence motivated by religious fundamentalism. Specific proposals to prevent radicalization include limiting foreign financing of religious organizations, monitoring and potentially closing private Islamic schools not complying with legal requirements, and entrusting law enforcement with the authority to close places of worship that supported terrorism.
The report stated extremist activities of FPOe politicians had increased, citing 68 incidents occurring in the four and a half years before the parliamentary elections, compared with 38 incidents in the six months after those elections. According to the report, of the 38 cases, 14 were connected with anti-Semitism and eight involved FPOe leaders or members of the federal government.
Germany needs you! Sickl, according to the Mauthausen report, was co-editor of Aula , a publication that disseminated anti-Semitic content. According to the report, Robert Kiesinger, a consultant at the FPOe educational institute, posted a cover page of a Nazi calendar from as his Easter greeting on social media. Law enforcement authorities stated the government provided the protection due to general concerns over the potential for anti-Semitic acts against Jewish institutions.
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The event brought together leaders from Europe and the Jewish community on both sides of the Atlantic and focused on concrete measures to combat anti-Semitism, including providing better physical security for Jewish communities, and reinforcing legislation and improving education to combat anti-Semitism. I can assure you that Austria will fight all forms of anti-Semitism in Europe with determination, be it the still-existing one or also new imported anti-Semitism.
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For example, he issued a statement on November 9, commemorating the 80th anniversary of the Kristallnacht Nazi pogroms against Jews. In March President Alexander Van der Bellen gave a speech during the commemoration of the 80th anniversary of the Nazi German annexation of the country. The cemetery was closed at the end of the 19th century and partly destroyed during the National Socialist era.
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The government continued to refuse residence permits for foreign imams financed by foreign sources. They criticized what they described as the deterioration of the human rights situation in Saudi Arabia over the previous two years. According to the interior ministry, there were 39 anti-Semitic and 36 anti-Muslim incidents reported to police in , the most recent year for which statistics were available, compared with 41 and 28 incidents, respectively, in The majority of cases involved hate speech on the internet by neo-Nazis, as well as instances of persons giving the Hitler salute or shouting Nazi slogans.

It received reports of anti-Muslim incidents during the year, a 75 percent increase over the reports in , which represented a 22 percent increase over The center attributed the increase in reported incidents in part to its higher public profile. More than half of the incidents in occurred online. Other incidents included verbal abuse and anti-Muslim graffiti. According to the center, in , as in previous years, 98 percent of all incidents were directed against women.
Of the total in that year, 30 percent of cases involved hate speech, and 28 percent verbal aggression.
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