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Using Twitter data for demographic research. Putting on the moves: Individual, household, and community-level determinants of residential mobility in Canada.


Ravi Pendakur , Nathan Young. Does the recent evolution of Canadian mortality agree with the epidemiologic transition theory? Sex differentials in survival in the Canadian population, Mortality statistics for the oldest-old: an evaluation of Canadian data. Does cancer affect the divorce rate? The Cancer Transition in Japan since Omer Gersten , John R. Peter Sandiford , Dale Bramley. Mortality in Central and Eastern Europe: Long-term trends and recent upturns. Can a cash transfer to families change fertility behaviour? The labor force participation of Indian women before and after widowhood.

Exploring the meaning of context for health: Community influences on child health in South India. Nancy Luke , Hongwei Xu. Mortality in Catalonia in the context of the third, fourth and future phases of the epidemiological transition theory. Jeroen Spijker , Amand Blanes Llorens. Interdisciplinary Research on Healthy Aging: Introduction.

Frans Willekens , James R. Carey , Qiang Li. Siblings and human capital: A comparison between Italy and France. Giulia Ferrari , Gianpiero Dalla-Zuanna. Visualizing compositional data on the Lexis surface.

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Joseph Molitoris, PhD. Understanding the contribution of suicide to life expectancy in South Korea. Revisiting the mortality of France and Italy with the multiple-cause-of-death approach. Results and observations from the reconstruction of continuous time series of mortality by cause of death: Case of West Germany, An integrated approach to cause-of-death analysis: cause-deleted life tables and decompositions of life expectancy.

Survival differences among the oldest old in Sardinia: who, what, where, and why? Graziella Caselli , Rosa Maria Lipsi. Cause-specific contributions to sex differences in adult mortality among whites and African Americans between and Irma T. Elo , Greg L. Population observatories as sources of information on mortality in developing countries.

Mortality tempo versus removal of causes of mortality: Opposite views leading to different estimations of life expectancy. Geographical diversity of cause-of-death patterns and trends in Russia. Jacques Vallin , Evgeny M. Convergences and divergences in mortality: A new approach of health transition.

Cause-specific mortality as a sentinel indicator of current socioeconomic conditions in Italy. On the association between weather variability and total and cause-specific mortality before and during industrialization in Sweden. US regional and national cause-specific mortality and trends in income inequality: descriptive findings. Why the racial gap in life expectancy is declining in the United States.

Celebrity culture and demographic change: The case of celebrity nonmarital fertility, — Hanna Grol-Prokopczyk. The decline of patrilineal kin propinquity in the United States, — Matt A. Contemporary female migration in Ghana: Analyses of the and Censuses. Samantha R. Change and continuity in the fertility of unpartnered women in Latin America, — The impact of kin availability, parental religiosity, and nativity on fertility differentials in the late 19th-century United States.

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David Hacker , Evan Roberts. Living alone in South and Southeast Asia: An analysis of census data. Chai Podhisita , Peter Xenos. Does early childbearing and a sterilization-focused family planning programme in India fuel population growth? Numbering same-sex couples in censuses and population registers. Measuring Local Heterogeneity with U. Wachter , David A. Cohort fertility and educational expansion in the Czech Republic during the 20th century. State-level changes in US racial and ethnic diversity, to A universal trend?

More education, fewer divorces? Shifting education differentials of divorce in Taiwan from to Yen-Hsin Alice Cheng. Patterns of reproductive behavior in transitional Italy: The rediscovery of the Italian fertility survey of Validation of spatially allocated small area estimates for Census demography.

Zhongwei Zhao , Wei Chen. What can we learn from indirect estimations on mortality in Mongolia, ? Setting the census household into its urban context: Visualizations from 19th-century Montreal. The mystery of Japan's missing centenarians explained. Arthur Roger Thatcher's contributions to longevity research: A Reflexion. Victor Agadjanian , Natalya Zotova. Overview Chapter 5: Determinants of family formation and childbearing during the societal transition in Central and Eastern Europe.

Health sector reforms in Central and Eastern Europe: How well are health services responding to changing patterns of health? Martin McKee , Ellen Nolte.

First birth trends in developed countries: Persisting parenthood postponement. Attitudes on marriage and new relationships: Cross-national evidence on the deinstitutionalization of marriage. Variance models of the last age interval and their impact on life expectancy at subnational scales. Family structure and wellbeing of out-of-wedlock children: The significance of the biological parents' relationship. Frank W. Heiland , Shirley H. The long-run effects of poverty alleviation resettlement on child development: Evidence from a quasi-experiment in China. Family structure and child development in Chile: A longitudinal analysis of household transitions involving fathers and grandparents.

Health and development among Mexican, black and white preschool children: An integrative approach using latent class analysis. Anticipatory child fostering and household economic security in Malawi. Trends in the completeness of birth registration in Nigeria: Quality of child health care and under-five-mortality in Zambia: A case study of two districts in Luapula Province.


Child mortality levels and trends: A new compositional approach. The effects of household and community context on mortality among children under five in Sierra Leone: Evidence from the Demographic and Health Survey. Lilipramawanty Kewok Liwin , Brian Houle. Fathers' involvement with their children in the United Kingdom: Recent trends and class differences. Does biological relatedness affect child survival? Maternal employment and the well-being of children living with a lone mother in Scotland. Not a zero-sum game: Migration and child well-being in contemporary China.

Parental leave policies and continued childbearing in Iceland, Norway, and Sweden. The living arrangements of Moroccans in Spain: Generation and time. Fertility responses to individual and contextual unemployment: Differences by socioeconomic background. Wei-hsin Yu , Shengwei Sun. Childbearing trends in Iceland, — Fertility timing, quantum, and gender preferences for children in a Nordic context.

Jennifer A. The contributions of childbearing within marriage and within consensual union to fertility in Latin America, Are there gender differences in family trajectories by education in Finland? Marika Jalovaara , Anette Fasang. Post-divorce family trajectories of men and women in Flanders. Love, marriage, then the baby carriage?


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