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Learn more. Locations Worldwide Search. Business Field. It has initiated programmes to disseminate correct information on issues of nuclear energy production and non-energy nuclear applications to different target groups.
Those animals were in a feedlot with 11 months of age, to be slaughtered at 14 months. The analysis were done using the ABW as a covariate because of these variable in the group CB were higher p0. CB animals got a higher SW From pralines to multinationals: The economic history of Belgian chocolate. Belgium is associated with high-quality chocolate products and Belgian companies play an important role in cocoa processing. However, in historical perspective the global success and reputation of Belgian chocolate is a relatively recent phenomenon.
Especially since the s exports of " Belgian chocolates" have grown exponentially.
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We document the growth of the sector and discuss its determinants. Today, the very concept of " Belgian chocolate" faces challenges, as successful companies have b Sequence variation of bovine mitochondrial ND-5 between haplotypes of composite and Hereford Breeds of beef cattle. Full Text Available The aims of the study were to: Investigate polymorphisms in the ND-5 region of bovine mitochondrial DNA in the composite and purebred Hereford herds from the Wokalup selection experiment, sequencing and compare the sequences between haplotypes and published sequence from Genebank.
A total of Hereford and composite breed cattle from Wokalup Research Station were used in this study. Each haplotypes were sequenced. Sequencing analysis confirmed the RFLPs data. Van Walle, E. Born out of the surveillance programmes of the Belgian nuclear power plants, this research has lead to the development of material saving techniques, like reconstitution and miniaturization, and to improved neutron dosimetry techniques.
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A physically- justified RPVS fracture toughness indexation methodology, supported by micro-mechanistic modelling, is based on the elaborate use of the instrumented Charpy impact signal. Computational tools for neutron dosimetry allow to reduce the uncertainties on surveillance capsule fluences significantly.
The aims of the study were to: Investigate polymorphisms in the growth hormone gene in the composite and purebred Hereford herds from the Wokalup selection experiment, compare genetic diversity in the growth hormone gene of the breeds, sequencing and compare the sequences of growth hormone loci between composite and purebred Hereford herds with published sequence from Genebank. Each genotype in both loci was sequenced. Economic evaluation of reprocessing - Indicative Belgian position. This paper, which also appears as an Appendix to the final Working Group 4 report, forms part of the overall economic evaluation of reprocessing.
The indicative national position and illustrative ''phase diagram'' for Belgium is presented. Other factors which influence the Belgian viewpoint and which are not included on the phase diagram are given. Performance communication of the Belgian railway. Purpose — The purpose of this paper is to provide an insight into performance communication from an important public service, i.
Genotype x environment interactions in Angus , Brahman, and reciprocal-cross cows and their calves grazing common bermudagrass, endophyte-infected tall fescue pastures, or both forages. Cows were born from to , and calves sired by 13 Polled Hereford bulls were born from to In a country where a substantial part of electricity generation will remain of nuclear origin for a number of years, there is a need for well educated and well trained engineers in this area. Public authorities, regulators and industry brought their support to this initiative.
To be admitted to this programme, students must already hold a university degree in engineering or equivalent. Linked with university research, benefiting from the human resources and infrastructure of SCK-CEN, encouraged and supported by the partners of the nuclear sector, this programme should be offered not only to Belgian students, but also more widely throughout Europe and the world. The master programme is a demanding programme where students with different high level backgrounds in engineering have to go through highly theoretical subjects like neutron physics, fluid flow and heat transfer modelling, and apply them to reactor design, nuclear safety and plant operation and control.
At a more interdisciplinary level, the programme includes some important chapters of material science, with a particular interest for the fuel cycle. Radiation protection belongs also to the backbone of the programme. All the subjects are taught by academics appointed by the partner universities, whereas the practical exercises and laboratory sessions are supervised by researchers of SCK-CEN.
The final thesis offers an opportunity for internship in industry or in a research laboratory. Belgian guidelines for economic evaluations: second edition. The aim of this study was to present the updated methodological guidelines for economic evaluations of healthcare interventions drugs, medical devices, and other interventions in Belgium. The update of the guidelines was performed by three Belgian health economists following feedback from users of the former guidelines and personal experience.
The updated guidelines were discussed with a multidisciplinary team consisting of other health economists, assessors of reimbursement request files, representatives of Belgian databases and representatives of the drugs and medical devices industry. The final document was validated by three external validators that were not involved in the previous discussions. The guidelines give methodological guidance for the following components of an economic evaluation: literature review, perspective of the evaluation, definition of the target population, choice of the comparator, analytic technique and study design, calculation of costs, valuation of outcomes, definition of the time horizon, modeling, handling uncertainty and discounting.
We present a reference case that can be considered as the minimal requirement for Belgian economic evaluations of health interventions. These guidelines will improve the methodological quality, transparency and uniformity of the economic evaluations performed in Belgium. The guidelines will also provide support to the researchers and assessors performing or evaluating economic evaluations.
Effect of Wagyu- versus Angus -sired calves on feedlot performance, carcass characteristics, and tenderness. Heifers and steers were slaughtered at and kg of BW, respectively. Two steaks were removed from the 12th rib location and aged for 72 h and 14 d to determine Warner-Bratzler shear force and cooking loss. Angus -sired calves had greater P Angus. Carcasses of Wagyu also had greater P Angus , resulting in a greater proportion of carcasses grading Prime Cooking loss was greater P Angus than Wagyu steaks at 72 h and 14 d.
Using Wagyu sires vs. Angus sires on British-based commercial cows combined with early weaning management strategies has the potential to produce a product with greater marbling, but is unlikely to significantly enhance tenderness.
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Adiposity, lipogenesis, and fatty acid composition of subcutaneous and intramuscular adipose tissues of Brahman and Angus crossbred cattle. The objective of this study was to demonstrate differences in aspects of adipose tissue cellularity, lipid metabolism, and fatty and cholesterol composition in Angus and Brahman crossbred cattle. We hypothesized that in vitro measures of lipogenesis would be greater in three-fourths Angus progeny than in three-fourths Brahman progeny, especially in intramuscular i. Breed was considered to be the effect of interest and was forced into the model.
Contrasts were calculated when breed was an important fixed effect, using the random effect family breed as the error term. Intramuscular adipocyte volume Angus cattle. Additionally, several differences were observed in i.
Genetic evaluations for growth heat tolerance in Angus cattle. The objectives were to assess the impact of heat stress and to develop a model for genetic evaluation of growth heat tolerance in Angus cattle. The American Angus Association provided weaning weight WW and yearling weight YW data, and records from the Upper South region were used because of the hot climatic conditions.
Heat stress was characterized by a weaning yearling heat load function defined as the mean temperature-humidity index THI units greater than 75 70 for 30 d prior to the weigh date.
Therefore, a weaning yearling heat load of 5 units corresponded to 80 75 for the corresponding period prior to the weigh date. For all analyses, 82, WW and 69, YW were used with 3 ancestral generations in the pedigree.
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Univariate models were a proxy for the Angus growth evaluation, and reaction norms using 2 B-splines for heat load were fit separately for weaning and yearling heat loads. For both models, random effects included direct genetic, maternal genetic, maternal permanent environment WW only , and residual. Fixed effects included a linear age covariate, age-of-dam class WW only , and contemporary group for both models and fixed regressions on the B-splines in the reaction norm.
Direct genetic correlations for WW were strong for modest heat load differences but decreased to less than 0. Reranking of proven sires occurred for only WW direct effects for the reaction norms with extreme heat load differences. Conversely, YW results indicated little effect of heat stress on genetic merit. Therefore, weaning heat tolerance was a better candidate for developing selection tools.
Maternal heritabilities were consistent across heat loads, and maternal genetic correlations were greater than 0. Overall, some evidence exists for phenotypic plasticity for the direct genetic effects of WW. Economic selection indexes for Hereford and Braford cattle raised in southern Brazil. Economic selection indexes EI are considered the best way to select the most profitable animals for specific production systems. Nevertheless, in Brazil, few genetic evaluation programs deliver such indexes to their breeders. Bioeconomic models were developed to characterize 3 typical production systems, identifying traits of economic impact and their respective EV.
The first was called the calf-crop system and included the birth rate BR , direct weaning weight WWd , and mature cow weight MCW as selection goals. Finally, the third was called the stocking and finishing system, which had WWd and CW as breeding goals. To generate the EI, we adopted the selection criteria currently measured and used in the empirical index of PampaPlus, which is the genetic evaluation program of the Brazilian Hereford and Braford Association. Therefore, for each production system an index was developed using the derived economic weights, and it was compared with the current empirical index.
Measurement of the natural radiation of the Belgian territory.

A measurement campaign of natural occuring radionuclides was set up on the Belgian territory in order to assess the doses received by the Belgian population. The results of the measurements are published together with a map of natural occuring radionuclides and exposure rates. Risk-return of Belgian SRI funds. We analyse the risk-return profile of Belgian SRI funds versus conventional investment funds.
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We apply a four-factor conditional Carhart model to establish whether there are significant differences in risk-return profile between an SRI portfolio and a conventional portfolio and test for learning effects in SRI funds. We show that there is no difference in risk-return profile between SRI and conventional funds.
If return is not the problem, then what is it that limits the development of an SRI Euthanasia: a "kit" sold in Belgian pharmacies.