The investigation has been running for three and a half years and no one has yet stood trial- But only a woman of unusual determination has taken matters this far. Belgians have nicknamed it "Palermoon- the-Meuse". Mr Cools had been a kingpin. Mrs Anria has slowly peeled several veils away from the elaborate system of illegally financing political parties.
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Nato has confined itself to repeating Mr Claes's denial of airy wrongdoing. After its disastrous week campaign in Chechen- ia, where more than 1.

So far. The French navy said that Greenpeace only managed to delay the freighter by a few minutes.
On board is the first of a series of shipments of waste that will be transported between France and Japan over the next 15 years. The panel wi ll ma ke i dunce during December id the scheme is expected to ke at least six years to mplete. The Prado building, igon in the reign of Carlos I as a natural science muse- The Prado, where exhibition space win be doubled urn in by the architect Juan de Villanueva, will be extended and linked to three nearby sites: the existing 19th- century gallery in the Casdn del Buen Retiro; the cloisters of the San Jertinimo church and the Army Museum, which is to be vacated by the Ministry of Defence.
A special panel will decide the destination of artists whose works straddle the date. He announced a 45 pence rise per litre in duty on two grades of petrol, raised two bands of VAT from 9 to 10 per cent and 13 to 16 per cent and increased corporate tax to 37 per cent from The package was drawn up in the form of a decree, which has immediate effect but must be approved by Parliament within 60 days to have lasting force.
It is one of four points on a limited policy agenda which Signor Dmi has said he will cany out and then step down. Mr Sykes added that the most important conclusion to draw from the trip was that it had succeeded in renewing ties. Fertility in Hungary and Slovenia, two of the most advanced Central European countries, has been declining since the s.
By the rate, measuring the average number of children born to women of child-rearing age, was down to 1. Thf fimire fhr Britan' nrae. One of the most startling declines has been in Russia, sliding from a fertility rate of 1. People don't want to marry during a time of political turmoil and if they do, they then wait to have children," said Miroslav Macura, a United Nations population official. The Proton Option Plan. The affordable way to a new Proton.
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The problem does not interest me at all. All this reduces the dignity of the Speaker, and wouldn't have happened if I were a man. But underneath the scarf a Vendee cross hangs round her neck, its bleeding heart commemorating the Catholic peasant uprising against the French Revolution. On the whole Parliament has behaved in a civil enough manner. I asked deputies not to use cellular telephones. Grazia Gabrielli. And it was here that she met Paolo Taranta, whom she married in After a brief career in journalism Signora Kvetti was elected to Parliament in It chose me. They told me two days in advance that I would be a candidate for Speaker.
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Italians are extraordinarily democratic. And so it proved. But there is a bit more to it than that. Last Saturday. Since this is one of the more contentious planks in the arguments for a Scottish Parliament, it suggests that years of shared preju- dices have left their mark. It also meant joint citizenship. Not many. I suspect, know that The original treaty of , whose anniversary is being celebrated this year. The treaty pledged the Salts to inyade and harry England if Edward sent forces against Philip.
But bade in the s I was introduced in Paris to an elderly gentleman, quintessentially French, sporting the tegion cthort- neur in his buttonhole. I knew immediately that 1 was looking at a Scottish face—something about the complexion and the set of the jaw. How far back? I inquired. A woman in a scanty T-shirt that stops short of her bare buttocks hurries to let in her drug-dealing stepson.
Ancient history
He starts to roll a joint, as his obese father emerges yawning, in red underpants, absent-mindedly scratching his genitals. Within moments father and son have agreed they need money. By the end of Killer Joe. Instead, the play, which has just completed a short run at the Bush Theatre, has been reviewed ecstatically. I was shocked by some of the things I saw. Despite the breezy amorahty of Killer Joe's characters, this is a deeply moral play which, for all its hilarity, has serious points to make.
And the themes — matricide, incest infidelity — are the universal stuff of tragedy. The play succeeds in exploring the genesis of this moral inadequacy. I have sympathy for them.
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It must be hard to sustain your mind when there is nothing to feed it but toe television. Ansel, even tries to turn it on while Joe is throttling his wife. Letts has first-hand experience of such white trash. He was bom in Durant.
Oklahoma, a hundred miles north of Dallas, where he moved, aged The show's last run off- Broadway barely registered now if is being mooted for a commercial New York run. Maybe Letts, whose chain- sfriokmg, skinniness and red hair mark mm as more European than American, has found his artistic none here. I toured in Scandinavia and rodly fell m love with iL But my response buityas a writer is todo something to make ray country better. But at what cost? It can make you ashamed.
Amusing, but bizarre: who is this wealthy baronet and why does he insist on calling his school the Harrodian? When I rang to arrange a visit, the affable Sir Alford apologised that there would be no children there: they are all on their vacances de neige — he had just taken 35 of them to Les Arcs. To be able to ski is a vital social asset — quite as important as an A level. He is Among doaens of prep schools til at have sprouted in London in the past decade, the Harrodian is something else again: a handsome.
It has ancient cedars on the lawn, and tile pristine accoutrements of a Hotel SpJendide. French food is served by French staff on red-checked tablecloths with French bread in baskets. They do not ask staff for diplomas. Lady Houston-Boswall likes to say that they bought the school in Harrods 1 sale.