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Even though all farmers were instructed to take milk samples as aseptically as possible through an on-site demonstration, it is possible the actual sampling was not done lege artis in every case.

Taking these limitations into account, using these PCRs, M. It is unclear whether the concentration of bacteria present in colostrum would suffice to infect calves, especially in the case of marginally positive samples. Furthermore, the presence of live bacteria was not verified in this study and should be investigated further.

The main finding of this study was that M. In the herds where a longitudinal follow-up was done, only two positive samples were found on a total of samples, while M. A variation of colostral shedding was seen between the tested herds in this study, which could indicate differences in excretion of M. Hypothetically, this could be based on the time of introduction of M. However, herd 17 was experiencing a large outbreak of M.

Colostral shedding of M. One could suppose that farms suffering from M. Given that case selection in group A was based on M. However, group B farms were all selected based on M. Overall, the within herd prevalence of M. This might point to the fact that some individual herds are more affected, depending on the timing of infection of periparturient cows.

Alternatively, it might be the consequence of false positive PCR results due to sample contamination or the presence of other Mycoplasma species [ 14 , 15 ]. In conclusion, correct interpretation of the present results is crucial. The DNA presence does not provide any information on the infectious risk of colostrum.

The presence of Mycoplasma bovis in colostrum | Veterinary Research | Full Text

Further work is needed to determine the risk of transmission trough colostrum and whether cows positive in colostrum have continued shedding in milk later in lactation. Based on the findings of this study, farmers and veterinarians might be motivated to apply the precautionary principle and decontaminate colostrum or purchase colostrum replacer.

Discarding colostrum of cows suffering from M. We also recommend practitioners and farmers to avoid pooling of colostrum in infected farms. Pasteurization [ 9 ] and purchase of colostrum replacers are options, whereas freezing and subsequent thawing only reduces M. Acid treatment [ 18 ] of colostrum could be investigated as an alternative. Herd health advisors need to be aware that the investment cost for on-farm pasteurization and purchase of colostrum replacers might be high and that negative effects on herd immunity might be the consequence.

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Therefore, these measures are potentially not in economic equilibrium with the transmission risk via colostrum. All data on positive samples is available in the main manuscript. The full data set on PCR is available on request. Transbound Emerg Dis — PLoS One 9:e J Dairy Sci — J Vet Intern Med — Vet Microbiol — NZ Vet J — Ministry for Primary Industries Analysis of risk patterns for the introduction of Mycoplasma bovis into New Zealand.

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Wellington, p. II: effects of heating duration on pathogen viability and immunoglobulin G. PLoS One 7:e Godden S Colostrum management for dairy calves. Am J Vet Res — BMC Vet Res Proceedings of the World Buiatrics Congress, Dublin. Vet J — Download references.

The authors wish to thank the lab technicians and all participating farmers and practitioners for their kind cooperation. LG and JE gathered part of the samples and did data collection. FG and KS supervised the laboratory work. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. Correspondence to Linde Gille or Bart Pardon. Consent was obtained from all clients to use the colostrum milked post partum for this study. Sampling was generally done by the client or the farm veterinarian, following established guidelines and adherent to the high standards of veterinary care.

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Reprints and Permissions. Gille, L. The presence of Mycoplasma bovis in colostrum. Vet Res 51, 54 Download citation. Received : 18 November Accepted : 02 April Published : 16 April Skip to main content. Search all BMC articles Search.

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