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Horny mature gay guy stuffs a young skinny twink in the ass. It was, however, his last year of major victories. The British magazine Procycling said:. He never suspected that having all that money in his pocket would set off a terrible downward spiral. The team suspended him while the allegations were investigated and relations with their star rider never recovered. When he came back, he showed well in the '99 Vuelta before, remarkably, managing to finish in the front group of the world championship despite fracturing both hands en route. Contractually obliged to stay with Cofidis, VDB had a poor season.
By this point, people in cycling were talking more about VDB's nights out than his riding. At Cofidis he shared leadership with David Millar. His "non-communication" with Millar was publicised and criticised.
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It was with Cofidis, Vandenbroucke said in his autobiography, that he met the French rider, Philippe Gaumont. Gaumont described Vandenbroucke as a wild man of cycling. He asked not to be paid unless he won. He had a largely empty season and was fired. He joined Mr Bookmaker for He missed so many races that the team director, Hilaire Van der Schueren, demanded Vandenbroucke demonstrate that he was still a racing cyclist. In , he signed with Mitsubishi, where he was suspended when accused by Belgian police of buying cocaine in Wielsbeke. Vandenbroucke said in "I've never done anything to make myself popular.
In fact, the opposite. Sometimes I think it's all a dream. I've thrown up a marriage, I've been on bad terms with my parents for a long time, all of which has troubled and exhausted me. Without psychiatric help, he would "have followed the same path as Pantani", the Italian rider found dead on a hotel floor.
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Vandenbroucke had a daughter Cameron with his partner Clotilde Menu in February , but the couple never were married and soon separated. The following year, Vandenbroucke wed Sarah Pinacci, a former model and hostess with the Italian team, Saeco. Vandenbroucke and Pinacci had a turbulent relationship, and it was said in the media that they could not live together and they could not live apart — forming what those close to them called "a diabolical couple". In July , VDB fired a gun into the air while arguing with his wife, who later left him. His father said:. They were arguing.
He went out into the garden and let his shotgun off into the air. She was frightened that something had happened to him and called the emergency services. He did it to try to make her scared. When they are together they fight, when they are apart they cry.
He can't bear it when she leaves. He blames himself and takes all the guilt. And then there is his daughter. He can't bear not being able to see her. I probably shouldn't say so but, since Verona when he met Sarah, he has not been a committed rider. Vandenbroucke and Pinacci eventually divorced, and the Belgian struggled to establish a more tranquil, less-public life. He resided for a time with a couple in Eeklo who had taken him in after earlier rows with his wife, before moving-on to stay with other friends. In , he and his estranged wife and their daughter had a weekend at Eurodisney in Paris.
In he asked his agent to ask his parents to sell his house in Nieuwkerke, near Ypres. Vandenbroucke and his uncle, Jean-Luc, did not speak for two years after Vandenbroucke broke his contract in leaving Lotto, the team which Jean-Luc Vandenbroucke managed. Vandenbroucke made headlines in for the first of many drug problems, arrested by Paris police but then released. Sainz was jailed in for falsely practising medicine. After Sainz said he had spent the night at Vandenbroucke's house, police acquired a search warrant from a court in Termonde and searched Vandenbroucke's house [32] with drugs specialists.
Two and a half thousand fans signed a petition complaining about his treatment. Among them was his rival, Peter van Petegem. The police said he was "very evasive" during questioning. Vandenbroucke said he was naive but not dishonest in using Sainz — who was not charged — but that he was impressed at his results.
He said Sainz had given him drops and injections. He said:. He Sainz said to me that they were completely legal homeopathic products. I wanted to trust him I was under the charm of Dr Mabuse. I may be considered naive but I am not a dishonest person. I want to believe that Mr Sainz only gave homeopathic care.
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I trusted him. Bernard Sainz proposed that he advise me. He seemed to be a strange man but was clearly a cycling expert. He paid Sainz 7, French francs for the homeopathic drops and 50, in fees in the first half of Sainz said:. I have concerned myself with him since autumn Not, as has been claimed, to get him doping products. Everybody knows perfectly, starting with the policemen who have listened to me for a long time, that riders don't need me for that sort of thing.