Between and , Lena Chen developed an alter-ego called Elle Peril; a nude model, in order to cope with the trauma of revenge porn. Christoph Baum explores the role of an art coach. Their public program aims at exploring agency of project spaces, and how such initiatives can move society.
They also reflect on their irregularity which consists in a low level of institutionalisation, shared economy, as well as DIY culture and how this allows for new types of institutionalisation that correspond to how our environment is structured today. This is the first in a series of conversations that will be held throughout the year. Digital Earth is a 6 month-long fellowship for artists and designers based in Africa or Asia, working across a variety of media, who would like to investigate our current technological reality.
Residency and working period at Picha in Lubumbashi, D. Congo in the framework of the long term research project On-Trade-Off. During the residency period Jean Katambayi and Daddy Tshikaya made a scale model of the famous Tesla X, using copper wires and other recycled materials. Maarten Vanden Eynde worked together with the Lubumbashi based painter Musasa on the creation of painted wall charts, inspired by old educational charts.
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The charts summarise the origin, use and influence of Lithium and other pivotal elements like copper, gold and uranium. To be understood as a collective artistic trajectory, the project looks both at the importance of one specific raw material, called lithium, for the transition into a green and fossil fuel free economy, and the influence its extraction and transformation has on everyone and everything involved, ranging from the miners who take the lightest metal in existence out of the ground, to the produced batteries that power cars, homes and potentially the entire planet.
The public orchard surrounding the FeliXart Museum 5 HA consists of many different sorts of fruit and nut trees and other edible plants. The orchard was once owned by Felix De Boeck, an early modernist Belgian painter who used it to make his living and work independently without having to sell his work. Raewyn will be in residence within the framework of Uncertainty Scenarios, and will create a series of animations in and around the residency site.
The animations will be made up of moments in time of small-scale biopolymer interventions. The biopolymer medium is fugitive and highly sensitive to the surrounding conditions. Raewyn will use the medium in proximity to the Senne valley which will engage the Brettanomyces Bruxellensis wild yeast as an agent within the film.
The sensitivity of the biofilm makes it analogous to the light sensitivity of celluloid film.
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All the images, texts and objects collected by Guy became part of his personal story within the context of the significant history of the jungle of Calais. Uncertainty Scenarios will host a session focusing on the Sun, its influences and repercussions of radiation on the future.
The impact of the Sun on life on Earth has been recognised since prehistoric times. The Sun has been regarded by some cultures as a divinity, having influence on the course of our future by predicting misfortune or promising rising prospects. The Sun has supported the evolution of life but can also become a destructive force within the changing climate of our planet. It's energy is more than sufficient to supply us with all we need, but at the same time one big solar storm can wipe out vital life supporting technologies like electricity and Internet networks. While the aerial and outer space views are a magnificent instrument in the evolution of human knowledge, it also suggests a potential absence of limitations, which filled with unpredictability our close futures.
Finnisage: 9 June At a specific time in the future museums all over the world will likely be forced to surrender all their ceramic objects, even the oldest items, to supply the production of semiconductor silicon. For the third year, ERforS flied the rainbow flag together with cultural institutions, in hope of a more openly tolerant Commune of Drogenbos we can be proud of. In this video-based episode of the project, a small group of researchers attempt to heal the phantom pains of their mauled counterparts through self-designed therapeutic rituals.
Screening continuously from - Their collaboration is part of Uncertainty Scenarios, a collective experimental research project that explores the ways people throughout history have tried to speculate, predict and anticipate the future and different attitudes that go along with this.
Amongst others Bie Michels will present the process of End to End and the group of participants will collectively activate the performance on site. Coinciding this period, Justin Balmain has been working on the research for a new upcoming film project to be produced in France in The video work 'The Symbol for Silence is Called Zero' by Justin Balmain was installed for a whole-night screening event with invited guests. Research trip and in depth introduction looked into the history of Belgian's nuclear industry, properties of radiation, the HADES research lab in Mol, and the test architecture for the Low Level waste site at Dessel, Belgium.
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- LGBT rights in Belgium.
- Enough Room for Space.
The title of this lecture, 'Water Finds its Own Level', is a simple, direct statement introducing a set of questions connected to the notion of liquidity, as a means to explore what we can understand as material uncertainties. Uncertainty Scenarios is a collective experimental research project that explores the ways people throughout history have tried to speculate, predict and anticipate the future and different attitudes that go along with this.
After the intense 7 days full of vibrant conversations at Place de La Monnaie in Brussels as part of the Performatik Biennial 17, two installations are installed respectively at Kaaitheater and Verbeke Foundation. At the atrium of Kaaitheater you'll find a large wall installation with portraits of all the couples that participated and quotes from the conversations, and the sculptural mobile home found a place at Verbeke Foundation where the posters and t-shirts are still available as well. Other times, 'paranormal investigators' try to communicate with ghosts.
From time to time, 'radio hams' make contacts, talking in a coded language and following obscure protocols. These characters and many more are building an ocean of interferences in which the background noise seems to take the first role. The composite assembly thus convened is called the Temporary telecommunication union. This session is an informal and participatory event where the audience is invited to join the discussion. The overall project Triangular Trade investigates the influence of transport and trade of pivotal materials like rubber, oil, ivory, copper, cotton, gold and uranium , but also people, on exponential economic growth, the creation of nations and other power structures.
How can we give neglected objects a new life? How can we renew our ways of approaching things? Which force and resistance reside in objects?
For this iteration of the project End to End performed at the finissage of Objections , the group will work with the museum objects from the MSK itself. They will mainly use objects from the backstage of the museum, part of the museum infrastructure. Performing Objects experiments with objects and their possibilities to act as an interactive performer towards its users or audience. In her work, through the focus on specific cultural or sociological artefacts, historical plots reveal complex webs of political, economic and cultural influences.
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Jean Katambayi b. His pieces and drawings are like studies that reveal the imbalanced nature of the world and the forces within it. Open on appointment. Invited contributors: Prof. You are invited to visit them in pairs for a discussion about what dependence and independence mean to you — at a personal, political and artistic level.
The project will be translated into a growing photo exhibition at Kaaitheater. They used to hold inspiring meetings — mostly during full moon — to explore the ways in which science, technology, and art could serve society. A newly produced facsimile of the original table has been produced in China for the 11th Shanghai Biennial. Triangular Trade investigates the influence of transport and trade of pivotal materials like rubber, oil, ivory, copper, cotton and uranium, but also people, on exponential economic growth, the creation of nations and other power structures.
The project traces back the origin of the different materials and follows their r evolutionary path as they are processed and transformed into 'world changing wonders'. Edwin Deen is interested in physical and cultural processes and the use of everyday objects and base materials. The Unity of All Things is a work of experimental science fiction about the construction of a particle accelerator on the U.
The film engages the utopian impulses of the genre, not through the imagining of another world, but through the rendering of this world as Other.
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All subjects are treated as alien, or as radical others, who search for, or advance different ideological, psychological, or sexual ideals of belonging. Subjects oscillate between the contemplation of past societal traumas and idealisations of futurity that refuse to synthesise or resolve, but instead reveal a troubling satire of the present. The pertaining state of uncertainty becomes uncomfortable. Rapid advancement of formal acceptance of otherness causes alienation and a renaissance of nostalgia. Black swans, elephants, jellyfish, white ravens, etc.
They represent the internalised and externalised challenges and potentials that keep futures rich. Fusing futures, aesthetics and critique, Agence Future and Avenir Institute invite you to participate in an experience of creating the un familiar Other, that speaks of reality and ways of writing yesterday, today and multiple tomorrows. The title of this lecture is a simple, direct statement introducing a set of questions connected to the notion of liquidity, as a means to explore what we can understand as material uncertainties.
Anja Veirman is an art historian with a special interest in art and divination. This project researches different ways artists can anticipate this process during the conceptualisation and the conception of their work. The artworks made for this project will possibly manifest themselves in different locations outside the regular arts contexts. Start h. It is free of charge. The project creates a common ground for a group of artists that all share interest in the concerns of the project and aims to establish a context for the development of new works.

Theo Atrokpo from Benin will give a performance lecture where he will give insight into the world of Vodun with an introduction into its rituals, charms and performative objects. Maxime Bondu his practice involves speculation based on confirmed data in the present, past or anticipated in the future. Made of reconstructions and simulacra, Bondu's work is an invitation to grasp this element of relentless uncertainty, which is part and parcel of our reality.