French radical reforms included the abolition of the guild system and fairer taxation laws. Although French rule was unpopular, their liberal ideas were to influence the Belgian drive for independence. William I of Orange was appointed King of the Netherlands which included Belgium after His autocratic style, together with a series of anti-Catholic measures, bred discontent, especially in Brussels and among the French-speaking Walloons in the south.
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The south was also angered when William refused to introduce tariffs to protect their trade - it was the last straw. The uprising of began in Brussels and Leopold I became king of the newly independent nation. Under Napoleon the city walls were demolished and replaced by tree-lined boulevards. Liberals joined workers already protesting in the square outside.
A Prussian army came to Wellington's aid, and by pm Napoleon faced his final defeat. This led to Dutch rule over Belgium. Agricultural Workers Harsh weather in the winter of caused hardship for both farmers and agricultural labourers, who also joined the protest. Ten thousand troops were sent by William to quash the rebels, but the Belgian soldiers deserted and the Dutch were finally driven out of Belgium.
This symbolic illustration of the revolution shows both liberals and workers ready to die for their country. In the north, the Flemish have their roots in the Netherlands and Germany. In the south are the Walloons, the French- speaking Belgians, culturally connected to France. The exception is Brussels, an officially bilingual city since the formation of Bruxelles-Capitale in , and a national region by when it came to comprise 19 outlying districts.
Conflicts still erupt over the issue, but the majority of Belgians seem to be in favour of a united country. By there were no less than four main railway stations in Brussels able to export goods all over Europe. All of this ended as the country entered its bleakest period. Despite its neutral status, Belgium was invaded by the German army in the summer of Some of the bloodiest battles of World War I were staged on Belgian soil. Belgium remained under German occupation until the last day of the war, 11 November, But by the country was again invaded by the Germans under Hitler.
Rumours that Leopold had collaborated with the Nazis led to his abdication in , in favour of his year-old son, Baudouin. From to the constitution was redrawn, creating a federal state with three separate regions; the Flemish north, the Walloon south and bilingual Brussels. While this smoothed over conflicts, cultural divisions run deep. Today, all parliamentary speeches have to be delivered in both French and Flemish. Like most of Europe, Belgium went from economic boom in the s to recession and retrenchment in the s and s.
This historically industrial city now prospers as a base for many large corporations such as ICI and Mitsubishi. Also, two tragic paedophile murder cases in the s led many Belgians to protest against the apparent failures of the police system. With its many restaurants and cafes, the Lower Town is also popular at night. Otherwise metro stations are well placed. Open-air markets took place on or near this site as early as the 11th century, but by the end of the 15th centory Brussels' town hall, the Hotel de Ville, was built, and city traders added individual guildhouses in a medley of styles.
In , however, three days of cannon fire by the French destroyed all but the fayades of the town hall and some of the guildhouses. Ornate stone carvings The spire was built by Jan van Ruysbroeck in and stands 96 m ft high; it is slightly Everard't Serclaes was murdered defending Brussels in the 14th century; touching the bronze arm of his statue is said to bring luck. Some of the most complimentary comments about Brussels emerged later from his pen. The gilt bust over the entrance represents Saint Aubert, patron saint of bakers.
There is a vast bust of Charles II of Spain on the second floor. Map 2 D3. E 27, 29, 38, 46, 48, 63, 86, Tel 02 The intricate skill employed by Belgian lace- makers has contributed a vital A wedding dress at the Musee du Costume et de la Dentelle economic role in the city since the 17th century, and the collection explains and displays the history of this delicate craft. The second floor houses a small collection of antique lace, carefully stored in drawers and demonstrating the various schools of lacemaking in France, Flanders and Italy.
The museum displays temporary exhibitions of contemporary textiles and fashion. Map 1C3. HQ Bourse, Gare Centrale. An unlikely attraction, this tiny statue of a young boy barely 6l cm 2 ft high relieving himself into a small pool is as much a part of Brussels as the Trevi statues adorn walls and many mullioned windows.
It was not until that the first foundation stone was laid and the building was finally completed in , emerging as the finest civic building in the country, a stature it still enjoys. The tower and spire begun in by Jan van Ruysbroeck helped seal its reputation. Tours are available of the interior, which contains 18th-century tapestries and works of art.
One theory claims that in the 12th century the son of a duke was caught urinating against a tree in the midst of a battle and was thus commemorated in bronze as a symbol of military courage. The inspiration for the statue has been revealed as Cupid. The current statue of Manneken Pis by Jerome Duquesnoy the Elder has been in place since However, there is evidence to suggest that a stone fountain depicting the same figure stood there before it, possibly as early as In its long history the statuette has been the victim of several thefts.
A particularly violent theft in left the statue broken in two pieces, leaving just the ankles and feet remaining. The The belfry was built by architect Jan van Ruysbroeck. In the governor of the Netherlands, Maximilian Emmanuel, brought a gift to the city in the form of a blue woollen coat for the statue. This is a tradition that continues today, with visiting heads of state donating miniature versions of their national costume.
The little boy has a collection of over outfits which are housed in the Musee de la Ville de Bruxelles see p42 , where are on display at any one time. Sitemap
Among the collection is a miniature Samurai, Santa Claus and Elvis suit. The gabled roof, like much of the town hall, was fully restored in , and cleaned in the s. Wedding Room A Neo-Gothic style dominates this civil marriage office, with its many ornate carved timbers, including ancient ebony and mahogany. Museum n 10am- 5pm Tue-Sun. Map 1 C4.
Q 27, 29, 38, E] Anneessens, Centrale. In King Godefroid I decided to build a chapel outside the city walls. In its popularity was such that it was made a parish church, but it became really famous in , when a royal donation of five pieces of the True Cross turned the church into a pilgrimage site. The Bishop of Cambrai consecrated the new church in Another moving feature is the carved stone memorial to the 16th-century Belgian artist Pieter Brueghel the Elder seepi6 , who is buried here.
Situated between the two city walls, the area was home to weavers and craftsmen. Today the area is best known for its fine daily flea market, held in the Place du Jeu de Balle. The flea market has been held on this site since Shopping of a different kind is on offer on nearby Rue Haute, an ancient Roman road. The street has a long artistic history, too - the elegant red-brick house at No.
At the southern end of Rue Haute is Porte de Hal, the stone gateway of the now- demolished outer city walls. Looming over the Marolles is the imposing Palais de Justice see p69 , which has hilltop views of the area west of the city, including the Atom- ium seep87 and the Basilique Sacre-Coeur see p Map 1 C2. El Bourse. In many ways, St-Gery can be considered the birthplace of the city. A chapel to Saint Gery was built in the 6th century, then in AD a fortress took over the site.
The glass and intricate ironwork was renovated in , and the hall now serves as a cultural centre with an exhibition on local history. E] Bourse. H to the public. The great French sculptor, Auguste Rodin, is thought to have crafted the groups representing Africa and Asia, as well as four caryatids inside. Beneath the colonnade, two beautifully detailed winged figures representing Good and Evil were carved by sculptor Jacques de Haen.
Detail of a Rodin Once the scene of statue. La Bourse frantic trading, La Bourse now houses the offices of Euronext, owners of the Belgian Stock Exchange, and all trading is computerized. The building is no longer open to the public. Medieval history must have been far from the minds of the city authorities but, in the course of working on the foundations, important relics were found, including 13th-century bones, pottery and the grave of Duke John I of Brabant.
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Visitors can see these and other pieces in a small museum built on the site. Map 1 C3. E Bourse, De Brouckere. Q 1st Wed of month: am English , am French , 2pm Dutch ; by appt only at other times. Rue au Beurre 1, BRU. A cannon ball lodged itself into an interior pillar and the belltower finally collapsed in Many restoration projects were planned but none came to fruition until , when the west side of the building was given a new, Gothic- style facade. Another interesting feature is the chapel, constructed at an angle, reputedly to avoid the flow of an old stream.
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Map 2 D2. St-Hubert has the distinction of being the first shopping arcade in Europe, and one of the most elegant. Designed in Neo-Renaissance style by Jean-Pierre Cluysenaar, the vaulted glass roof covers its three sections, Galerie du Roi, Galerie de la Reine and Galerie des Princes, which house a range of luxury shops and cafes.
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The ornate interior and expensive goods on sale soon turned the galleries into a fashionable meeting place for 19th- century society, including resident literati - Victor Hugo and Alexandre Dumas attended lectures here. The arcades remain a popular venue, with shops, a cinema, theatre, cafes and restaurants.
Once home to a church and 13th-century Franciscan convent, in the early 19th century this site became a Butter Market until the building of the Bourse started in The classics are enacted by these wooden marionettes in the local Bruxellois dialect, and occasionally in French, English, German or Dutch. E3 27, 29, 38, 46, 47, 48, 63, 66, 71, 86, 88, Aware of its historic importance and heeding the concerns of the public, the city council declared this area the Ilot Sacre sacred islet in I, forbidding any of the architectural facades to be altered or destroyed, and commanding those surviving to be restored.
But the most impressive sights during an evening stroll along the street are the lavish pavement displays of seafood, piled high on mounds of ice, all romantically lit by an amber glow from the streetlamps.
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At the end of the street, at the Impasse de la Fidelite, is an acknowledgement of sexual equality. Museum Q intervals. A popular pub by day, at night the top floor of this tavern is home to a puppet theatre. During the time of the Spanish Netherlands see p32 , all theatres were closed because of the satirical performances by actors aimed at their Latin rulers.
After the fire, the theatre was redesigned by the architect, Joseph Poelaert, also responsible for the imposing Palais de Justice see p The original theatre made its historical mark before its destmction, however, when on 25 August, , a performance of La Muette de Portici The Mute Girl began a national rebellion. As the tenor began to sing the nationalist Amour Sacre de la Patrie Sacred love of the homeland , his words incited an already discontented city, fired by the libertarianism of the revolutions occurring in France, into revolt. The central dome is decorated with an allegory of Belgian arts.
Map 2 E1. The garden closed in , and new gardens were relocated in Meise, 13 km 9 miles from Brussels. A grand glass-and-iron rotunda was designed at the centre of the gardens by the French architect Gineste.

This iron glasshouse still stands, as does much of the 19th-century statuary by Constantin Meunier seepl5 , including depictions of the Four Seasons.