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Over 50 stores Australia Wide. Visit our showroom feel fabrics. However the practice of hiding LGBT characters in the early part of the twentieth century evolved into open inclusion in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries, and comics explored the challenges of coming-out , societal discrimination , and personal and romantic relationships between gay characters.
With any mention of homosexuality in mainstream United States comics forbidden by the Comics Code Authority CCA between and , [1] mainstream comics contained only subtle hints or subtext regarding an LGBT character's sexual orientation or gender identity. Starting in the early s, however, LGBT themes were tackled in underground comix , independently published one-off comic books and series produced by gay creators that featured autobiographical storylines tackling political issues of interest to LGBT readers.
The first openly gay characters in American comic strips appeared in prominent strips in the late s and gained popularity through the s. Since the s, equal and open LGBT themes have become more common in mainstream US comics, including in a number of titles in which a gay character is the star. A lack of censorship and greater acceptance of comics as a medium for adult entertainment in Europe has led European comics to be more inclusive from an earlier date, leading to less controversy about the representation of LGBT characters in their pages.
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Japanese manga tradition has included genres of girls' comics that feature homosexual relationships since the s, in the form of yaoi and yuri. These works are often extremely romantic and idealized, and include archetypal characters that often do not identify as gay or lesbian. Since the Japanese "gay boom" of the s, a body of manga by queer creators aimed at LGBT customers has been established, including both bara manga for gay men and yuri aimed at lesbians, which often have more realistic and autobiographical themes.
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Pornographic manga also often includes sexualised depictions of lesbians and intersex people. The Lambda Literary Foundation , recognizing notable literature for LGBT themes with their "Lammys" awards since , created a new category in for graphic works. Early comic strips also avoided overt treatment of gay issues, though examples of homosexual subtext have been identified. The — edition of Milton Caniff 's Terry and the Pirates features a primary villain, Sanjak, who has been interpreted by some as a lesbian with designs on the hero's girlfriend.
When Lynn Johnston 's For Better or For Worse explored the coming out of a teenaged character in , it provoked a vigorous reaction from conservative groups. The Pulitzer board said the strip "sensitively depicted a youth's disclosure of his homosexuality and its effect on his family and friends. In most widely circulated strips, LGBT characters remained as supporting figures into the 21st century, with some, including Candorville and The Boondocks , featuring occasional appearances by gay characters.
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The conservative strip Mallard Fillmore occasionally approached gay issues from a critical perspective; these storylines have been described as "insulting" to LGBT people. Since the late s specifically gay publications have also included comic strips, in which LGBT themes are ubiquitous. Dykes to Watch Out For is known for its social and political commentary and depictions of characters from all walks of life. Ethan Green has also been adapted into a live-action feature film. LGBT themes were found first in underground or alternative comics , often published by small independent presses or self-published.
Such comics frequently advocated political positions and included depictions of sex, usually not intended solely to cause arousal but included as part of the exploration of themes including gender and sexuality. Clay Wilson in Zap Comix 3 featured explicit sexual homosexual acts and was instrumental in making other underground cartoonists approach taboo subjects. However, gay characters rarely featured in underground comics from to , and when they did they were usually lisping caricatures and comic transvestites. Eventually comics appeared aimed at a gay audience: the first documented example of a widely circulated underground gay comic was Gay Heart Throbs , which produced several issues in the mids, but struggled to find an audience.
Notable publications included Gay Comix , which was created in by Howard Cruse , featured the work of LGBT artists, and had close ties with the gay liberation movement. Much of the early content was autobiographical, but more diverse themes were explored in later editions. Autobiographical themes included falling in love, coming out, repression, and sex.
Meatmen: An Anthology of Gay Male Comics and its sequels collect works by a range of artists and cartoonists. The work of "every gay cartoonist of note" at the time appeared in the series, including works by Howard Cruse , Jeffrey A. His drawings frequently feature two or more men either immediately preceding or during explicit sexual activity.
La Sida was aimed at a young audience and used humour to de-dramatise the subject, with HIV status indicated a metaphorical "little green monster". Such educational comics have been criticised for ignoring the special relevance the subject has to the LGBT community, with homosexuality marginalized in favour of depicting HIV as a threat to conventional heterosexual relationships. This has been blamed on the continuing perception that comics are for young people, and as such should be "universalised" rather than targeting specific groups, and hence are heteronormative , failing to provide characters that LGBT-identfying young people can identify with.
In Northwest Press began publishing LBGTQ themed works, focusing primarily on graphic novels and anthologies of artist's shorter works. No Straight Lines , a anthology published by Fantagraphics Books edited by Justin Hall , presented an overview of comics by and about lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people since the s. Mainstream comics have historically excluded gay characters, with superhero comics in particular and the publishing houses Marvel and DC, the two largest publishers in the genre, and were criticized for their lack of inclusivity.
For much of the 20th century, creators were strongly discouraged from depicting gay relationships in comic books, which were regarded as a medium for children.
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The CCA itself came into being in response to Fredric Wertham 's Seduction of the Innocent , in which comic book creators were accused of attempting to negatively influence children with images of violence and sexuality, including subliminal homosexuality. Wertham claimed that Wonder Woman 's strength and independence made her a lesbian, [38] and stated that "The Batman type of story may stimulate children to homosexual fantasies. In recent years the number of LGBT characters in mainstream superhero comics has increased greatly. At first gay characters appeared in supporting roles, but their roles have become increasingly prominent.
The Encyclopedia of Gay Histories and Cultures notes that gay subtext can be found in DC Comics publications as early as the Golden Age of Comic Books , with readers inferring homosexuality between superheroes and their same-sex sidekicks and on the women-only Paradise Island. Batman 's relationship with Robin has famously come under scrutiny , in spite of the majority of creators associated with the character denying that the character is gay.
In the first appearance of the Nightmaster , a fat man who seems to be a closet homosexual gay basher repeatedly calls Jim Rook a "cutie pie", compliments his hair, and grabs his girlfriend, saying to Rook "And what? You gonna hit me with your purse? Several characters, including the Enchantress describing them as "filthy disgusting men" and a police helicopter pilot named Ed screaming about "fags" are influenced into attempting to crush the rally by a seven-headed spirit.
Thanks to the actions of the Spectre, Doctor Fate , Deadman , Madame Xanadu later herself revealed to be bisexual [47] , and Ben Turner , the men are saved. In 's Wonder Woman Annual 1, Kevin Mayer, brother of Diana's late publicist Myndi Mayer, shows up at her will reading, saying she was the only member of the family who didn't hate him for being gay. Mitch Sekofsky, mechanic for Task Force X , is a gay dad. Simon La Grieve , the organization's head psychiatrist, refers to this as his "choice of sexuality" and wonders how Sekofsky's son is adjusting.
John Constantine dealt with gay bashers in Hellblazer 6 and 7 and Swamp Thing 74 In the latter issue, Constantine, having jumped from a train at the end of Hellblazer 6, is found by gay bashers in a weakened state and severely beaten until rescued by Swamp Thing.

While Constantine is not gay he is bisexual [49] , one of his gay friends was beaten to death in Hellblazer 7 by a fundamentalist Christian cult. In an earlier issue, a group of skinheads follow a man they presume to be gay into a toilet with the intention of killing him, but he turns out to be the demon Nergal , who tears them apart.