This was a hostile takeover from an evil corrupt network of players not just Democrats. Measures have been taken to remove leverage and options of bad actors in our government and worldwide. Sit back and enjoy the show.
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POTUS will not be addressing nation on any of these issues as people begin to be indicted and must remain neutral for pure optical reasons. What must be showed? POTUS is surrounded by generals. Again, there are a lot more good people than bad, so have faith. Patriots are in control. Remember how the US government works and the purview of different agencies and departments. Any news or intimation of the contrary is spin and fantasy. He is surrounded by military generals because they are the only part of government that is uncorrupted.
The military is charged with protecting the country from enemies foreign and domestic and does so loyally. That is the purview of the Justice Department. It is and must be this way for several reasons. Rest assured, patriots are working on it and are in control. Why coincidentally is her memory apparently going? It would protect the Board members as well. He has a good reason to not know anything that would incriminate them as well and it is in their interests that he be protected, as him having a condition or lack of mental fitness to stand trial would protect them.
Using gang members as assassins gives plausible deniability as well as a disposable agent. Intermediaries can contact gang members so no direct contact will lead back to the one who ordered the assassination. We want them in court not beaten in the streets. US is the first domino. The United States will be the first in which this occurs, but it will also happen in other countries. Look at Pelosi's net worth by way of one example. Her memory is apparently going. It's cover for possible future indictment. McCain never had surgery and that was a cover for a future out if needed against prosecution.
Soros transfered his bulk public funds to a Non-Profit. Note this doesn't include massive slush funds that are pulled by several high ups. Soros' son had several meetings with Canadian Prime Minister and that is related to Clinton's. Can you rely on being able to board a plane and fly away? People pay such gangs to kill opponents to insulate against exposure.
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The truth is mind blowing and cannot fully be exposed. Many are thinking from one point of view, US only. This evil is embedded globally. Follow Huma Abedin tomorrow. Weiner and Abedin have been flipped. Audio dated That loophole was closed in and is effective this year so he needed to get rid of the taxable amount.

HRC to safety. The devil for us was a symbol of protection. We used a Ouija board to call him. Once, the devil took over my body. I went into a crazy state. In a trance, some gang members would give up names of people to target. If either are cut off from accessing that wealth, their power disappears.
Full text of "The Times , , UK, English"
They also function as sleeper cells to be activated at a later date to unleash chaos, disorder and mayhem on the public. This must be stopped and cleaned out immediately. No one would expect, hypothetically, for Nancy Pelosi to ask an MS member to kill someone. These people are evil. But the level of degeneracy and occult acts, and the widespread nature of that, is so shocking and foreign that most people will not be able to accept the truth that many members of our government engage in this activity.
It is simply too shocking and horrifying, and yet it is true. The connections are purposely avoided in the Mockingbird media to cover for the cabal and the network of bad actors' deeds. Primary glioblastoma is most often found in the back of the brain and treatment consists of surgery with aggressive battery of radiation and chemotherapy.
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Antifa Fund diversions. Because Open Society has operatives in nearly every country, this allows him to still have power with money globally. A distraught populace could react in violent and unpredictable ways. People could fall into despair or become dangerous with a mob mentality and do something that would not heal our country but divide it further. Obama also had an alias along with each of his cabinet members. Remember he lied about knowing but that ultimately came out in the dump. Obama ultimately OK'd it by using the non government email address to communicate with Clinton.
He lied about knowing which ultimately came out in the dump. Kiss your child goodbye and leave without a mother or father for Clinton? Some of the info is State Secrets and cannot be brought out in open court. Confidence in your information. They will have their hands full in the courts with processing cases from indictments. Need bad actors out of the mix for justice no such thing as coincidence. Not by choice and were offered a choice rest assured they will vote pro Trump.
The remaining Globalist Party disloyal Republicans-in-name-only are engaged in a oratory Civil War; unable to let go of power. Hillary: Muslim Brotherhood or child? What would you do? Kiss your child goodbye and leave without a mother or father for Clinton.
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Find Huma Abedin today. She was with Hillary on her book tour. No FBI. Look at the most valuable information AG Sessions has on leakers. Fire or prosecute. Reorganization is underway and happening. Senate Republicans pushed for Federal Judge confirmations last week. Senate Republicans are dropping out.
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Not by choice, but were offered a choice rest assured they will vote pro Trump. Otherwise, information is invalid: either can't be trusted, or it can't be utilized. You can't Trust if you don't believe in Trust. Democrats have historically committed voter fraud with this population group by bussing people around to vote multiple times at different polling locations, having felons vote illegal except in VA , dead persons voting in order to swing elections in their favor.
Without this voting bloc, Democrats would lose seats in local, state and federal elections. So conditioned by identity politics, they will say such actions are racist. The impetus for forming the Confederate States was abuse by the Federal government and denial of State's rights. It will also disgust many others who have voted D their entire lives. The new revelations will be extremely disconcerting to our younger generation and a lesson in trust. It is easier to keep control of the population especially the black population for Democrats this way.
They missed this in and desperately attempting to censor now due to CIA cash infusions. This will fail. New policies and practices are being rolled out and implemented across social media to regain some control and eliminate the proliferation of facts, information and events that are counter to the narrative, but it is too late. Hillary's mentor is who? What happens when the truth about Haiti is released. Will Democrats lose majority of the vote? It should also be noted that Pres. The was was never about slavery. Why did Comey drop this?
Who was the FBI director during the Haiti crisis? How many kids disappeared? How much money sent to CF under disguise of H relief went to H? What countries donated big money to CF and why?