Instead, boys labeled their peers "fags" for things like dancing, being too emotional, caring about clothing, being incompetent, or not have success with girls. While actually being gay wasn't exactly accepted, Pascoe discovered that it wasn't nearly as bad as being considered an unmasculine guy. As one student told her , "Well, being gay is just a lifestyle. You can still throw a football around and be gay. But the third boy, who broke both the norms of sexuality and gender, faced such severe tormenting that he eventually dropped out of school. Some scholars see cause for optimism, though.
For example, Eric Anderson , an American professor of sociology at the University of Winchester, England, argues that declining homophobia is already starting to create "inclusive masculinities. As anti-gay attitudes decline and "the stigma of being called gay doesn't sting" anymore, Anderson explained to me, the boundaries of acceptable masculinity expand.
If being feminine is no longer considered incontrovertible "evidence" that you're gay, who cares if you bend gender norms? Anderson's research backs up his theory. He's found that the male college athletes and fraternity members he studied in the U. But others aren't convinced of such a large-scale transformation. Anderson argues that since sports have historically been highly homophobic spaces, other male groups are likely to be moreinclusive than the primarily white, straight, middle-upper class college athletes he has researched. But studies suggest that, paradoxically, those are the guys who may actually have the most freedom to bend the rules of masculinity.
Pascoe describes it as "jock insurance. But I would say that that is the case for a very select group of men. Research on LGBT students' experiences in K schools also suggests that anti-gay harassment may be driven as much by gender anxiety as by homophobia.
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For starters, the growing acceptance of homosexuality has been slow to translate into a change for LGBT youth, according to GLSEN's national school climate survey , which has been conducted every two years since There has been some improvement: The frequency of anti-gay comments has slowly but steadily decreased over the last decade. The most recent report from found the percentage of students who reported hearing slurs like "faggot" or "dyke" was about 70 percent, a drop from over 80 percent in Even the pervasive use of the expression "that's so gay" seems to have slightly declined in recent years though "no homo" may have risen to take its place.
Yet LGBT students' reports of being harassed or assaulted held steady from to , before finally dropping somewhat in And there has been no change at all in incidence of negative comments about gender expression. Of course, some of that may be because bending gender norms is conflated with being gay in a culture that still hasn't let go of the idea that gender and sexuality are linked.
But the high rates of harassment and violence faced by transgender people—who most radically reject the gender binary—suggest that gender policing is playing a role over and above the role of homophobia.
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A whopping 80 percent of transgender students reported that they felt unsafe at school because of their gender expression. And it doesn't get much better for adults: Ninety percent of the trans and gender non-conforming people surveyed by the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force and the National Center for Transgender Equality reported experiencing harassment, mistreatment, or discrimination on the job, or hid their identities to avoid it. A report on anti-LGBT violence from the National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs found that trans people were 28 percent more likely to be physically assaulted, and trans women specifically made up 40 percent of hate murder victims.
It's not just boys who are punished for breaking gender norms, of course.
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Take Griner for example. In an op-ed in the New York Times , she recalled that in seventh grade "the teasing about my height, appearance and sexuality went on nonstop, every day. Some even wanted me to prove it to them. Still, at this moment in history, it is easier to be a gender non-conforming girl. So while girls also hold each other to rigid standards, and are vicious when someone doesn't conform one word: slut-shaming , they're far less likely to be homophobic.
The GLSEN report, for example, found that over half of students reported hearing remarks about students not acting "masculine enough," but just over a third heard comments about students' "femininity" as often. Up to a certain age, girls can usually get away with being tomboys, while "sissy" boys are discouraged from very early on—and not just by their peers. Studies have shown that parents—especially fathers—are more uncomfortable with their young sons playing with dolls or dresses than with their daughters doing stereotypically "boy" activities.
And though stepping too far outside of acceptable gender norms is seen as a problem for everyone, to a degree, women may even be rewarded for distancing themselves from femininity at times. This is not to say that declining homophobia doesn't have the potential to lead to a serious reimagining of masculinity more broadly. And obviously this isn't the kind of change that happens overnight. After all, the millennial generation that's driving the momentum towards marriage equality is just beginning to create families of their own; I have no doubt that we will raise kids who are more accepting of different sexualities than any before them.
And I'm also optimistic that millennials are well-poised to finally retire rigid, outdated versions of masculinity for good. After all, we've come of age in an era of unprecedented gender equality, and as traditional gender differences continue to converge , a masculine ideal that still defensively defines itself primarily against what it is not no longer makes any sense.
The crisis of masculinity—predicted by a zillion trend pieces on the so-called " end of men "—offers a real moment of opportunity for my generation. Many gay men confuse 'Do I want to be with him? Jeff Ingold, from LGBT charity Stonewall says it is "crucial" that we see more diverse representations of gay and bisexual men with different body types in the media. But as it is, Jakeb says he still gets people online telling him they "wouldn't leave the house if they looked like me".
If you have been affected by any of the issues raised, support and advice is available via BBC Action Line. If you would like to share your experiences, please email haveyoursay bbc. Please include a contact number if you are willing to speak to a BBC journalist.
You can also contact us in the following ways:. How Queer as Folk broke the mould for gay people on TV. Does fat shaming help people lose weight? How being a gay man can make your body issues worse How Queer as Folk broke the mould for gay people on TV. But anabolic steroids can be addictive. Jakeb soon found himself unable to stop. And Jakeb is not alone in taking drastic measures to try to appeal to men.
The surgeon believes the pressure of social media is pushing people to go under the knife. The next year, the list of demands was for the first time prominently displayed on 10 large banners carried by participants throughout the march. In , Antwerp was the host city of the third World Outgames. The Belgian Pride parade was attended by an estimated , people.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. LGBT rights in Belgium. Main article: Same-sex marriage in Belgium. See also: LGBT parenting. See also: Sexual orientation and military service. See also: LGBT social movements.
LGBT portal Belgium portal. Business Insider. BBC News. Archived from the original on 2 December Federal Public Service Justice. De Standaard. La Libre. ZiZo Online.

Archived from the original on 31 July Retrieved 21 February Le Soir. Koen Geens. BeOut in Dutch. Archived from the original PDF on 20 April Retrieved 24 September Retrieved 28 December Arc-en-ciel Wallonnie. Archived from the original on 30 December La Libre Belgique. Archived from the original on 4 March Rode Kruis Vlaanderen in Dutch.
Retrieved 28 May Archived from the original on 7 January Archived from the original PDF on 17 October Retrieved 6 April European Commission.
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Retrieved 23 September Het Laatste Nieuws. Archived from the original on 20 December Retrieved 6 September Het Nieuwsblad. Archived from the original on 1 March Retrieved 9 June Outline Index. LGBT rights in Europe. European Union.