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LGBT writers in the Dutch-language area
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All Professional Homemade. Duration minutes. Related searches. All HD. Most Relevant. Small White Twinks RickyMartin Virgin teen first time Dominalexxx. Japanese massage shop experience. The Southern Netherlands was, thus, one of the most active regions in Europe for prosecutions for sodomy in the Medieval and Early Modern periods.
There is no single cause for these high prosecution figures. On the one hand, they serve as an example of Scapegoat Theory, developed by Robert Moore in He proposed that authorities in the Middle Ages were increasingly looking for ways to marginalise minority groups.
The focus on these groups as the collective enemies of society served as a lightening rod for community unrest. Prosecuting a scapegoat creates the illusion that the authorities have any social crisis under control. Between and the city was struggling. Bit by bit, Bruges had lost its monopoly as the most important trading centre in Western Europe.
After several cycles of plague in the 14 th century, the population had decreased and, although many luxury goods were still bought and sold in Bruges, the city seemed to be past its heyday. The end of the 15 th century was marked by political revolutions that caused a great deal of unrest: unrest that was fatal to the mercantile climate of the city. Additionally, the silting-up of the Zwin meant that direct market access between Bruges and the North Sea could not be maintained.
Whether by accident or not, the timing of the socio-economic stagnation in Bruges coincides very neatly with the increasing number of sodomy cases brought in the city, the majority of which were recorded between and It is in times of social unease, more than in moments of flourishing prosperity, that scapegoats are needed.
LGBT writers in the Dutch-language area - Wikipedia
He places the responsibility for the search for undesirables almost fully on the church and secular authorities. Other historians emphasise that, in the past, sodomy was used as a handy tool in of the modern state-building process. The prosecution of a minority group was, as a result, viewed as a way of showing the local population who was the boss in Bruges.
Although this element certainly may have played a role, we can hardly expect that the Burgundian duke Phillip the Good or the Spanish king, Phillip II, could monitor every bedroom in Bruges for irregular behaviour. A group of homosexual monks is taken away by soldiers near the city wall of Bruges. The print refers to the trial of the monks in see above. The urge for stronger approaches to sodomy must, therefore, have been supported at the grassroots level.
Certainly not when homo-erotic acts, forbidden according to the municipality, were consensual. Naturally, this was not the case for acts of failed seduction, in which sexual advances made at the local hostelry or bathhouse were not welcomed by certain people, who then took the erstwhile seducers to court. In many sodomy cases there was no hard evidence so local magistrates often depended on the local gossip mill when following up on cases of sexual deviancy.
In cases of sodomy where the accused was upper middle class, married, a responsible citizen and pursuing a trade… they could count on witnesses who could enter favourable pleas in the case. This was less likely to occur in cases where a defendant who was already part of a marginal group or community was accused of sodomy. Migrants and undesirables, who were often already considered suspect, are over-represented in these cases in many regions of Europe.
This was because gossip about these groups was often already circulating and, as a result, they were handed over to justice much more readily. It is likely, however, that their erotic escapades were already the subject of local gossip in Bruges.
Clerical protection
That even the erotic fate of a priest came to the ears of the authorities by way of local gossip says something about the spirit of the times in Clerics were exempt from trial in the secular courts, but the population still gossiped about them freely. It is possible that the Reformation, the effective spread of Protestantism and the criticism of the many abuses perpetrated by priests in the Southern Netherlands may have had fuelled this gossip.
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But it is equally possible that this case came to light because the poor socio-economic situation in Bruges heightened the need for a scapegoat and the denunciation of behaviour considered unacceptable. Nonetheless, certain ancient traditions persisted; thus, the priest in question was kept out of the picture while the two boys paid the price. In this manner, this case may even serve as a mirror for contemporary society.
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