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These results show that in infected herds M. To what extend colostrum is infectious remains to be determined. Mycoplasma bovis strongly contributes to economically important diseases like mastitis and pneumonia and heavily affects animal welfare and antimicrobial use in modern dairy farming [ 1 ]. Prevalence seems to be rising and increasing antimicrobial resistance has been reported as well [ 2 , 3 ].

Between animals, the major ways of M. Introduction into a herd generally happens through purchase of replacement animals [ 5 ]. However, several other, currently under documented, ways of M. Troubling recent illustrations are the introduction of M. In the latter outbreak, import of embryos, feed, fomites, semen and other animal species were investigated as sources of this introduction, since no live cattle were imported since , but to date the source remains unidentified [ 8 ].

In the current mindset of reducing antimicrobial use and improving animal health, it is imperative to prevent M. Colostrum was mentioned as a possible source of M. Despite this lack of information, empirically designed M. Withholding colostrum from neonatal calves is not an option, as they depend on colostrum to bridge the period from birth until their own immunity is fully functional [ 11 ].

Purchase of colostrum from other herds holds a risk for infectious diseases, especially paratuberculosis Mycobacterium avium subsp. Decontaminated colostrum pasteurized or gamma irradiated can be purchased, but this will result in a significant financial burden. Heat treatment lacks, especially in smaller farms, economical and practical feasibility due to the small amounts to be processed. Knowledge on the prevalence of M. Therefore, the main objective of this study was to determine the presence of M.

A survey was conducted on seventeen farms throughout Belgium. Farms were conveniently selected by the local veterinarian and samples were collected throughout and The inclusion criteria were a recent less than one month M. Farms could be either beef, dairy or dairy-mixed type. Sample size calculations were preset on the available budget, which allowed the analysis of a total of samples.

A limit of twelve samples per herd was set on thirteen farms Group A farms. Four farms with confirmed adult M. Colostrum samples were collected by the farmer immediately post-partum after disinfection of the teats with gauze drenched in alcohol. Farmers were informed on the most ideal sampling procedure and provided with the necessary material to perform this in a repeatable fashion. Because of the regional availability of two different laboratories where samples were sent to, two different real-time PCR assays were used.

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The samples of Group A farms were analyzed individually for the presence of M. Before analysis, samples were mixed with PBS, centrifuged and the supernatants discarded. Each pool consisted of five cow composite samples of cows belonging to the same herd. Samples of the M. Prevalence of Mycoplasma bovis in freshly calved cattle from recently infected herds. Thirteen of the 17 sampled farms did not have any M. The average within herd prevalence was 3.

  • The presence of Mycoplasma bovis in colostrum. - Abstract - Europe PMC.
  • The presence of Mycoplasma bovis in colostrum..
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Only one farm 2 samples was positive in group B. No pattern of shedding over time could be identified in group B farms, as very few samples were positive. This study aimed at determining the prevalence of M. The study faces important limitations as we used the current, commercially available PCRs, originally manufactured for milk on colostrum samples.

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Diagnostic accuracy of these tests for colostrum is undocumented. We performed a limited validation to assure that positive samples are detected by spiking colostrum samples with M. Also, in the B group pooling of colostrum could have had an impact on the detection limit, given the high Ct value of the few positives detected, possibly other positive samples were missed.

Therefore, current prevalence estimate needs to be interpreted carefully. Because colostrum samples can only be collected at one time point just after calving , the decision was made to have the sampling performed by the farmer. High Ct values could indicate the presence of other Mycoplasma species [ 14 ], and very high Ct values may also indicate carryover of DNA between samples [ 15 ]. Even though all farmers were instructed to take milk samples as aseptically as possible through an on-site demonstration, it is possible the actual sampling was not done lege artis in every case.

Taking these limitations into account, using these PCRs, M. It is unclear whether the concentration of bacteria present in colostrum would suffice to infect calves, especially in the case of marginally positive samples. Furthermore, the presence of live bacteria was not verified in this study and should be investigated further. The main finding of this study was that M. In the herds where a longitudinal follow-up was done, only two positive samples were found on a total of samples, while M. A variation of colostral shedding was seen between the tested herds in this study, which could indicate differences in excretion of M.

Hypothetically, this could be based on the time of introduction of M. However, herd 17 was experiencing a large outbreak of M. Colostral shedding of M. One could suppose that farms suffering from M. Given that case selection in group A was based on M. However, group B farms were all selected based on M.

Overall, the within herd prevalence of M. This might point to the fact that some individual herds are more affected, depending on the timing of infection of periparturient cows. Alternatively, it might be the consequence of false positive PCR results due to sample contamination or the presence of other Mycoplasma species [ 14 , 15 ].

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In conclusion, correct interpretation of the present results is crucial. The DNA presence does not provide any information on the infectious risk of colostrum. Further work is needed to determine the risk of transmission trough colostrum and whether cows positive in colostrum have continued shedding in milk later in lactation. Based on the findings of this study, farmers and veterinarians might be motivated to apply the precautionary principle and decontaminate colostrum or purchase colostrum replacer.

Discarding colostrum of cows suffering from M. We also recommend practitioners and farmers to avoid pooling of colostrum in infected farms. Pasteurization [ 9 ] and purchase of colostrum replacers are options, whereas freezing and subsequent thawing only reduces M. Acid treatment [ 18 ] of colostrum could be investigated as an alternative.

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Herd health advisors need to be aware that the investment cost for on-farm pasteurization and purchase of colostrum replacers might be high and that negative effects on herd immunity might be the consequence. Therefore, these measures are potentially not in economic equilibrium with the transmission risk via colostrum. The authors wish to thank the lab technicians and all participating farmers and practitioners for their kind cooperation.

LG and JE gathered part of the samples and did data collection. FG and KS supervised the laboratory work. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. Consent was obtained from all clients to use the colostrum milked post partum for this study. Sampling was generally done by the client or the farm veterinarian, following established guidelines and adherent to the high standards of veterinary care.

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