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To measure the prevalence of anonymity in Twitter, we randomly picked , accounts from a public Twitter dataset containing We supplied each Twitter account's name and screen name to AMT workers, asking them to determine whether these two fields collectively contained just a first name, just a last name, both a first and a last name, or neither a first nor a last name.

Workers could also indicate that they were unsure. On the basis of this AMT labeling, we assigned each account to one of the following categories:.

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Note that noise in user classication is difficult to completely remove. For instance, a small fraction of the accounts labeled anonymous might not have been fully so, in that the users provided an identifiable profile photo or disclosed their identities in their tweets. Furthermore, a fraction of identifiable accounts might have been effectively anonymous because the users provided fake first and last names. Another 20 percent were partially anonymous, disclosing only a first or a last name.

Of the remaining accounts, 6 percent were unclassifiable and 68 percent were identifiable.

User Anonymity on Twitter

Of course, some of the identifiable users might have been using fake first and last names and thus were actually anonymous. This implies that the 26 percent of users categorized as not fully disclosing their identity on Twitter was likely a low estimate.

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For each category, we identified a few distinctive search terms and manually picked Twitter accounts that showed up when we searched those terms on the Twitter page. Figure 1. Sensitive and nonsensitive Twitter account categories, arranged from highest to lowest percentage of anonymous followers. We picked 50 Twitter accounts related to the sensitive categories, and 20 related to the nonsensitive.

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Figure 1 shows the average percentage of followers who were anonymous versus identifiable for each sensitive and nonsensitive category. The categories are arranged from highest to lowest percentage of anonymous followers. The sensitive categories had the largest percentage of anonymous users: at least However, some sensitive categories—such as white supremacy and guns—had a surprisingly large percentage of identifiable followers.

It appears that some types of sensitive content generate secrecy, while others encourage openness. This observation reaffirms that content sensitivity is quite nuanced and complex. Even nonsensitive categories have 6. To avoid maintaining multiple profiles, an anonymous user might follow both sensitive and non-sensitive accounts using the same profile, leaking out his or her interests on Twitter.

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  5. One way to identify sensitive accounts is to specify categories of sensitive topics, identify words that commonly occur when discussing these topics, and then search for tweets and accounts that employ these words. Another approach is to apply automated topic identification techniques, such as latent Dirichlet allocation LDA , to tweets. This allows identification of accounts related to these sensitive themes.

    So, we investigated whether our observed user anonymity patterns and their correlation to content sensitivity could be leveraged to develop an efficient, automated means of identifying accounts that tweet sensitive content. We first considered the subproblem of automatically determining whether a Twitter account was anonymous or identifiable.

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    We relied on the previously labeled Twitter accounts for training. Using these extracted features, we trained a Random Forests—based anonymity machine learning classier that can accurately detect anonymous and identifiable accounts with more than 90 percent precision. Then, on the basis of the fraction of anonymous and identifiable followers detected by our anonymity classifier across the known 70 sensitive and non-sensitive accounts studied earlier, we developed a Support Vector Machine—based a sensitivity classifier that can separate sensitive and non-sensitive Twitter accounts.

    To test our sensitivity classier, we crawled Twitter and captured a random sample of , accounts with approximately million active followers. Manual inspection showed that the top accounts determined to be sensitive by our classifier were indeed discussing topics that many would consider sensitive: pornography, drugs, and adult content. However, in addition to these usual suspects, our approach uncovered many accounts related to socially desirable themes, emphasizing that anonymity serves many ends.

    For example, we identified many accounts supporting and fighting for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer rights. Life and style. Online dating. The plethora of dating apps has bolstered society's obsession with sex, but many people find that a period of abstinence makes them happier and healthier. In a world where you can get a sexual partner faster than a pizza delivery, it has never been easier to play the field. Yet, despite all that swiping right, a surprising number of people are not having sex at all — not for religious reasons, or because they can't get a date, but because they find that celibacy makes them happier.

    Some have never had much interest in sex, while others are taking a break to address personal problems, recover from bad dating experiences or change the way they approach relationships. I reached rock-bottom after being disproportionately crushed by the failure of a six-month relationship, so I decided to give up sex and dating for an entire year. I dressed differently and no longer cared about attracting men. Businesses might even use their Growlr HOT! Spot feature to give app users Pro features. This works in a similar way to Grindr and Scruff — you get matched with someone who catches your eye, and then the two of you take it from there.

    What makes it a bit different is its aim of avoiding bigotry and negativity that can be found on other apps, and there is subsequently more diversity here. Surge is another like-Tinder-but-not app that proves useful when traveling again because it dodges the censors due to its generally low profile. The app actively encourages people to use it when traveling and wants to create a community worldwide, so why not be part of that? Right, Mr. Right Now or Mr. Traveling is a time to get out of your comfort zone, right?

    So download a hook-up app and get exploring! The app seeks to help its audience connect both in and out of the bedroom, and provide a platform where you never have to lie about your age or anything else to meet other men.

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    This is a place to just be who you are, not have to pay for what you want. And while they dragged their heels, they now finally have an app! Primarily used in the USA, many of us will be familiar with their website and its popularity with closeted servicemen or politician types — and we did find the app continues this trend. Yet another option to find a date, chat, friends, casual fun, or more with unlimited profiles in five different grids based on your location. We did, however, like their Plan-a-Trip feature, which lets you show your travel plans in advance. Perfect if you are the organized type and want a hook-up ready when your flight lands.

    Who knows, they might even meet you at the airport. BoyAhoy claims to be a global network for meeting gay men, but its popularity is definitely rather confined. Instantly meet like-minded men near you and expand your social network with the tap of a button. Find a party, make new friends, or look for a hot and steamy hook-up anytime, anywhere. Likewise, the travel feature does not seem to work particularly well on the free version. This app is also a sister app to meet me. Like many things from the land of the rising sun, 9monsters is just a little weird and bizarre.

    Something like Grindr meets Pokemon.