Turk J Ophthalmol ; Elevated plasma factor VIII enhances venous thrombus formation in rabbits: contribution of factor XI, von Willebrand factor and tissue factor. The aim of this study is to elucidate how elevated FVIII levels affect venous thrombus formation and propagation in vivo.
Venous thrombus induced by the endothelial denudation of rabbit jugular veins was histologically assessed. Thrombus propagation was evaluated as indocyanine green fluorescence intensity. Argatroban, a thrombin inhibitor, and neutralised antibodies for tissue factor TF , factor XI FXI , and von Willebrand factor VWF were infused before or after thrombus induction to investigate their effects on venous thrombus formation or propagation.
Full Text Available The knowledge on the etiology of breast cancer has advanced substantially in recent years, and several etiological factors are now firmly established.
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However, very few new discoveries have been made in relation to occupational risk factors. The International Agency for Research on Cancer has evaluated over different exposures or agents to-date to determine whether they are carcinogenic to humans. These evaluations are published as a series of Monographs www.
Ethylene oxide is also classified as a Group 1 carcinogen, although the evidence for carcinogenicity in epidemiologic studies, and specifically for the human breast, is limited. If the association between shift work and breast cancer, the most common female cancer, is confirmed, shift work could become the leading cause of occupational cancer in women. To determine the prevalence and correlates of elevated blood lead level in children months of Aligarh.
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A hospital-based cross-sectional study was conducted. Venous blood was obtained for lead estimation and a structured questionnaire was filled. A total of children were enrolled.
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The prevalence of elevated blood lead level was Old and deteriorating wall paints at home was found to be significantly associated with elevated levels. Lead-based house paints are potential source of lead exposure. Meticulous renovation and painting of the walls with safe paints is desirable. Full Text Available Little is known about the relationships between treeline elevation and climate at regional and local scales. It is compelling to fill this research gap with data from the Tibetan Plateau where some of the highest alpine treelines in the world are found.
This research question partially results from the lack of in situ temperature data at treeline sites. Herein, treeline variables e. Temperature conditions near treeline sites were estimated using global databases and these estimates were corrected by using in situ air temperature measurements.
Correlation analyses and generalized linear models were used to evaluate the effects of different variables on treeline elevation including thermal growing-season air temperatures and non-thermal latitude, longitude, elevation , tree species, precipitation, radiation factors.

The commonality analysis model was applied to explore how several variables July mean temperature, elevation of mountain peak, latitude were related to treeline elevation. After considering the multicollinearity among predictors, July mean temperature largely due to the influence of minimum temperature still showed the strongest association with treeline elevation.
We conclude that the coupling of treeline elevation and July temperature at a regional scale is modulated by non-thermal factors probably acting at local scales. Our results contribute towards explaining the decoupling between climate warming and treeline dynamics. Macrophage migration inhibitory factor is elevated in obese adolescents. Objectives: The prevalence of obesity in childhood and adolescence is continuing rising.
Macrophage migration inhibitory factor MIF participates in inflammatory and immune responses as a pro-inflammatory cytokine.
The present study aimed to investigate MIF in overweight adolescents. Dec 5, Basic fibroblast growth factor bFGF , also known as. Risk factors associated with elevated blood glucose among adults in This cross-sectional study was conducted to assess the risk factors and lifestyles characteristics associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus among adults in Mwanza city, Tanzania. A multistage random sampling technique was used to obtain male and females respondents aged 30 and above years.
Data were collected To study the risk factors for elevated serum total bile acid TBA in preterm infants. A retrospective analysis was performed for the clinical data of preterm infants who were admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit. A univariate analysis and an unconditional multivariate logistic regression analysis were used to investigate the risk factors for elevated TBA.
The univariate analysis showed that there were significant differences between the elevated TBA group and the non- elevated TBA group in gestational age at birth, birth weight, proportion of small-for-gestational-age infants, proportion of infants undergoing ventilator-assisted ventilation, fasting time, parenteral nutrition time, and incidence of neonatal respiratory failure and sepsis PTBA in preterm infants.
Low birth weight and neonatal sepsis may lead to elevated TBA in preterm infants. Six hundred ninety-five children aged years old were screened for BLLs. Environmental specimens for lead measurements included samples of water from the streams, taps, and household containers, house floor dust, and foods. Possible lead release from the cooking ware was determined using the leaching method with acetic acid. The overall prevalence of EBLLs was Personal risk factors significantly associated with EBLLs included being male, younger age, anemia, and low weight-for-age.
Significant environmental risk factors were exposure to a lead-acid battery of solar energy system and use of a non-certified metal cooking pot. Some families whose children had high BLLs reported production of lead bullets from the used batteries at home. About one-third of the house dust samples taken near batteries contained lead content above the recommended value, compared with none of those taken from other areas and from the houses with no batteries.
The metal pots were safe for cooking rice but might be unsafe for acidic food preparation. Both nutritional intervention and lead exposure prevention programs are essential to reduce EBLLs in this population.
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The effect of oral contraception on cardiometabolic risk factors in women with elevated androgen levels. In unselected reproductive-aged women, use of combined estrogen-progestin oral contraceptive pills has been linked with an increased risk of vascular disease. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of oral contraception on cardiometabolic risk factors in a population of women with hyperandrogenism.
Plasma lipids, glucose homeostasis markers, circulating levels of androgens, uric acid, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein hsCRP , fibrinogen and homocysteine, as well as urinary albumin-to-creatinine ratio UACR were assessed at baseline and after 12 weeks of treatment.
Compared to healthy women, women with elevated androgen levels showed increased plasma levels of hsCRP, fibrinogen and homocysteine, as well as a higher value of UACR. Oral contraception reduced androgen levels only in hyperandrogenic women.
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In healthy women, ethinyl estradiol plus drospirenone increased plasma levels of insulin, hsCRP, fibrinogen and homocysteine, while in women with elevated androgen levels their effect was limited only to a small increase in hsCRP. Successful treatment of refractory TAFRO syndrome with elevated vascular endothelial growth factor using thyroxine supplements.
Dominant factors controlling glacial and interglacial variations in the treeline elevation in tropical Africa. The knowledge of tropical palaeoclimates is crucial for understanding global climate change, because it is a test bench for general circulation models that are ultimately used to predict future global warming. A longstanding issue concerning the last glacial maximum in the tropics is the discrepancy between the decrease in sea-surface temperatures reconstructed from marine proxies and the high- elevation decrease in land temperatures estimated from indicators of treeline elevation.
In this study, an improved inverse vegetation modeling approach is used to quantitatively reconstruct palaeoclimate and to estimate the effects of different factors temperature, precipitation, and atmospheric CO 2 concentration on changes in treeline elevation based on a set of pollen data covering an altitudinal range from to 3, m above sea level in Africa.
We show that lowering of the African treeline during the last glacial maximum was primarily triggered by regional drying, especially at upper elevations , and was amplified by decreases in atmospheric CO 2 concentration and perhaps temperature. This contrasts with scenarios for the Holocene and future climates, in which the increase in treeline elevation will be dominated by temperature. Our results suggest that previous temperature changes inferred from tropical treeline shifts may have been overestimated for low-CO 2 glacial periods, because the limiting factors that control changes in treeline elevation differ between glacial and interglacial periods.
Sarcopenia is a risk factor for elevated aminotransferase in men independently of body mass index, dietary habits, and physical activity. Aminotransferase activity is a surrogate marker of liver injury showing strong correlations with obesity and metabolic syndrome. However, elevated aminotransferase activity is not uncommon in non-obese and non-alcoholic patients in clinical practice. To examine the relationship between sarcopenia and aminotransferase activity in a large population-based cohort.
A total of 13, subjects were included. A whole-body dual X-ray absorptiometry scan was performed on each patient to measure total and regional muscle mass. Appendicular skeletal muscle mass indices were also obtained. The prevalence of sarcopenia was significantly higher in the group with elevated aminotransferase levels than in the normal liver enzyme group males: The frequency of elevated aminotransferase increased in male patients with sarcopenia after adjusting for potential confounding factors including age, body mass index, fasting glucose level, dietary, and exercise habits.
However, the correlation was no longer observed in women after adjusting for body mass index.
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Sarcopenia is a risk factor for elevated aminotransferase in men, independently of body mass index, dietary habits, and physical activity. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Phenotypic and environmental factors associated with elevated autoantibodies at clinical onset of paediatric type 1 diabetes mellitus.
To examine possible determinants of autoantibody levels at type 1 diabetes mellitus T1DM onset. Factors associated with elevated GAD antibodies included lower birthweight and recent eczema. Intriguingly, low recent or past sun exposure was only associated with elevated GADA levels among children presenting at age factors are associated with autoantibody levels at time of presentation for T1DM. We recommend such environmental and phenoytypic factors should be examined in further detail. Time of elevation of head of bed for patients receiving mechanical ventilation and its related factors.
The semirecumbent position is a widespread recommendation for the prevention of pneumonia associated with mechanical ventilation. To identify the time of elevation of head of bed for patients under mechanical ventilation and the factors related to such elevation in an intensive care unit. An observational, descriptive cross-sectional study. Conducted in an intensive care unit of a tertiary hospital from April to June The studied population were mechanically ventilated patients.
Factors that hindered the position were: sedation levels for agitation and abdominal pathologies. Sex, age and ventilation mode did not show a significant relationship with bed head elevation. Although raising the head of the bed is an easy to perform, economical and measurable preventive measure, its compliance is low due to specific factors specific related o the patient's clinical condition. Using innovations such as continuous measurement of the head position helps to evaluate clinical practice and allows to carry out improvement actions whose impact is beneficial to the patient. Radiation-induced bystander effects enhanced by elevated sodium chloride through sensitizing cells to bystander factors.
Radiation-induced bystander effects RIBE have been demonstrated to occur widely in various cell lines.