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Currently not available. Last online over 4 years ago. Photo dans le profil. The mattress stinks, the bathroom is disgusting. It is not normal at all. You have pain somewhere, you would like some medicine, they refuse to give it to you. They speak to you badly. There is no humanity. Ok, it is true, I am illegal because undocumented, but I am not a criminal. And I am not an animal.
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The last days, they revolted peacefully against these retentions and threatened to go on hunger strike. The police intervened directly. As a result: 3 were placed in isolation cells and then transferred to other centres. Then the police came and placed 3 people in isolation cells. Why these 3 persons and not everybody, and why us? Caricole closed centre : they are 26, all retained since the beginning of the year, many of them are women arrested at the airport in January The doctor only gives us paracetamol, always.
Sometimes we shout, then the management comes to speak to us and tell us that they will ask the Office. The food gives us stomach pain and diarrhea. There is war in our country, we do not understand why we are not welcome here.
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Right in the middle of a world sanitary crisis, Belgium tried to cross a new boundary in its migratory policy. Her journey led her to catch a flight from Greece to Belgium. She landed in Airport Brussels on Tuesday 5 May. As soon as she arrived, the authorities immediately tried to put her on a flight back to Greece, with the greatest discretion.
On 6 May, warned by the authorities, the Foreigners Office gave an order to leave the territory Annex 13 to the young girl and planned a new deportation to Greece on Friday 8 May. On 7 May, a whistleblower warns of the situation. Several actors urgently put pressure on the Foreigners Office to avoid this new deportation attempt.
Following the ongoing pressure by these different actors towards the Office, the Guardianship service was warned at 3 p. At no moment E. A situation all the more serious since she is minor, therefore vulnerable by definition, and according to article 3 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, she should be protected.
This practice that is known to be implemented in Greece, Spain, at the border between France and Italy and many other borders of our continent, with the support of Frontex, was already denounced as illegal by the UNCHR in , notably on the Balkans road. Resorting to that practice is illegal, violent and racist. How does Belgium allow itself to cross a boundary in the cruelty of the treatment inflicted to migrants? Who is hiding behind this kind of recommendation? It is in total contrast to international conventions since it violates the non-refoulement provision of the Convention on Refugees.
If that refoulement is the first we are being informed of, we are wondering how many people might already have been subject to it in breach of their rights?! Most of the prisoners have been released. Many had a legal record. We are still And there are more guards than prisoners.
We do not want to stay imprisoned in such an inhuman way. And to remain in complete uncertainty about our fate, it is really a medieval situation…. We do not understand why we are still being retained, why some have been released and others with very different profiles continue to be retained.
There is absolutely no logic. I served my sentence and I am being punished again… I want to be with my family… It is much worse here than in jail.
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In jail, you know why you are there and you know when you get out. Here, your fate is in the hands of the Foreigners Office. Despite the food being less rotten, the tension in the centre remains extremely palpable. Masks were distributed of very poor quality according to the retainees , however the majority of guards do not wear them. Rumours about staff members infected by the COVID only increase the fears and anxiety of the retainees.
They are the only ones who have contacts with the outside. Nothing has changed: there is still no hot water in the showers. After this escape attempt, the whole 3A wing was searched, the retainees had to undress and were totally naked.

One retainee completely freaked out and broke everything with a fire extinguisher: doors, windows, cupboards. One guy completely flipped… The workers of the centre no longer want to work here. They are under pressure. Many others were released, not me, why? I am not even able to return to my country. The retainees tell us about the lack of hygiene in the centre, they say that the precautions against the virus are not respected. However the risk comes from them who keep coming and going. If there is a case of infection, they will again put the blame on us.
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If the hygiene inspection service came, this centre would be immediately closed down! We are still 6 people to share a cell. This Monday, April 20 at 11 a. With the help of placards, 60 undocumented people appeared silently for a few minutes, in order to raise a first alarm signal and make the reality of this part of the population visible to the eyes of Belgian citizens.
The action was carried out in compliance with the health recommendations of the containment: those present persons were wearing masks, gloves and standing at a social distance of 1. We were working in the black market to earn enough to live with our families and our children.
A situation of explotation that we denounce however. Since the containment was announced, all areas have been closed and there is almost no work. Overnight, we find ourselves without any income and any help to provide for our basic needs. We do not have access to health care, we can no longer buy food or pay our rent. Despite these difficulties, we respect all the confinement rules set by the Belgian state.
Abandoned by this system, we are launching today this cry of injustice that is killing us.