By day I am listless and wan and as the sun retires, I seek solace in the most reckless and degenerate forms of moonlight entertainment. In punishment I am justly bestowed with a contagion fit for these lewd exploits. It has been made known to me that these tiny, wicked creatures have long run unbridled through my anatomy, ravaging and despoiling me.
Had I not seen the error of my ways, sought council and abandoned my wanton behaviors, I would early be locked in the mad house in a glittering fever dream. And yet, in those short days upon that raft of delirium I would spot an isle and approach with weapons drawn in trepidation, only to find myself surrounded by sounds and sweet airs that gave delight to my senses and did not hurt.
Sometimes a thousand gleaming images would descend and blanket my person and the clouds would part to reveal riches ready to drop upon me that, when I waked I cried to dream again. It is in this waking state, dear friend, that you will find me, freed from these dazzling shackles by a well-meaning physician. With mercy I am now cleansed of my invisible foe, yet I find myself secretly longing for that raucous jeopardy of which I am now bereft. Dear friend, pity me, mock me or delight in my delusions but pray indulge me briefly with your good ear.
For is there no part of you that shares my longing for a time not long ago when the world was filled with wonder? The flags blend medieval nautical imagery of national flags and banners with contemporary materials relevant to the artist. Denim relates to a gay history to which the artist relates as his legacy and collages them with a medical, hospital fabric that represents the history of sexual diseases such as HIV and syphilis. Woven into the fabric are patterns in prep pills, an antiretroviral medication which successfully block HIV infection.
This recently developed medication acts as a biological protection for the body, a barrier from invasion by virus and bacteria. When the artist discovered he had contracted syphilis, he began to search for meaning beyond the simple steps in his own life that lead to his infection. Searching for a moralistic, deeper understanding, he began researching the history of the virus and traced it back to the conquest of the Americas and the ships of Christopher Columbus on which it is alleged the disease first arrived in Europe.
The almost childlike simplicity of the presentation evokes a naive joy in the inclusion of himself in this expansive history, as if it were a fantasy or a fairy tale. It is a call from the artist to connecting beyond the self and positioning oneself in larger context, finding a perverse pleasure presenting his own disease as a cultural artefact. The Institute. Number of new cases in contacts of leprosy patients decreases after dose of antibiotic This is confirmed by preliminary results of the PEOPLE study.
Kampenhout malaria research ITM uses different scientific disciplines to carry out the investigation. Mosquito capture in Kampenhout reassuring: no mosquitoes infected with malaria were found This supports their hypothesis that the couple was infected by a malaria-carrying mosquito that arrived in Belgium via an airport. ITM jointly receives Digitalisation for Development prize This innovative initiative brings better access to quality health services to people in the rural district of Kingandu, DRC.
Positive or negative? Now open: call for journalist-in-residence Will you be ITM's virtual journalist-in-residence ?
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You can apply before 13 October. Belgian scientists find link between climate change and the emergence of new pathogens The results of their research will appear in the American trade journal PNAS.
Calculate whether prophylactic rabies vaccination is appropriate A new ITM application assesses the risk a traveller runs Travel health. Be-cause health is looking for evaluators Be-cause health stands at the eve of a new five year plan. It wants this new plan to respond effectively and efficiently to the needs of its members. Documentary series about ITM will be aired on Canvas in November In November , the Flemish public television will broadcast a documentary series highlighting the activities of the Institute. Emerging Voices is looking for evaluators After a decade of training Emerging Voices, we are curious to see if the initiative managed to make a change, but also to look forward and analyse how it can remain relevant and innovative for the future.
Health care and policy. Department of Public Health. The Rwanda Biomedical Center and ITM discover false resistance problem of tuberculosis Based on this finding, the diagnostic algorithm was changed and patients now receive proper care. Bisexual and gay men have less casual sex during the corona crisis Research shows a strong adaptation of sexual behaviour. New research aims to reveal whether healthcare workers who were already infected with COVID are protected against the virus afterwards.
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COVID study: 8. Women and children first? Let all the children go back to school This opinion piece appeared in the newspaper De Standaard on 13 May. ITM Voices. Starting 11 May we will gradually resume consultations in the clinic In doing so, we follow recent Belgian government guidelines.
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Seasonal influenza virus causes respiratory infections in more than 20 million children under 5 worldwide Despite the majority of deaths occurring in low- and middle-income countries, few or no flu vaccinations are administered. ITM participates in monitoring project to contain impact of new diseases The international MOOD project aims to identify, monitor and analyse outbreaks of new and existing diseases at an early stage. Contact your general practitioner and discuss how best to be followed up. Molecular surveillance as a weapon against neglected diseases A plea for molecular surveillance Neglected diseases.
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For potential side effects, read the patient information leaflet! Advocating for quality-assured medicines Quality of medicines. Antwerp Diner raises record amount of ITM prepares for potential nCoV outbreak in Africa Although there are no confirmed cases in Africa so far, ITM researchers are preparing to provide support to African countries with weak health systems.
Neglected diseases. ITM launches a new Master of Science in Tropical Medicine "Students can now choose from three different master-after-master programmes to make a difference to the world of health. Scientists discover hidden parasites in patients with Leishmaniasis Scientists develop a method allowing to sequence the genome of parasites that cause leishmaniasis directly in clinical samples Leishmaniasis.
Tiger mosquitoes spotted in Belgium in This supports an earlier indication that the mosquito was travelling to Belgium with motor vehicle traffic Mosquito monitoring. A portable travel expert called Wanda ITM launches a new app that offers travellers real-time health information. Universal health coverage: drug quality and affordability can go together ITM Voices. Attention shifts away from women as soon as they give birth Lack of postpartum care for mothers who give birth in health facilities in sub-Saharan Africa.

Antibiotic resistant Salmonella causing urgent health threat in Africa Salmonella bloodstream infections are assumed to account for more than 3 million cases per year in Africa. Antibiotic resistance.
Harnessing digital tools to better connect health system actors A new responsive, people-centred health initiative in Tanzania. Access to quality medicines gains momentum High-level event at the 72nd World Health Assembly with several donors in attendance put the quality of medicines firmly on the health agenda. The WHA was held on on 21 May Quality of medicines. ITM maps the presence of chlamydia among Belgians Chlamydia is most common in young people.
However, little is known about its actual spread in our country, because certain sections of the population do not, or rarely, participate in screening activities. DNA holds the key to tackling tuberculosis Researchers set out path towards whole genome sequencing as single method for the diagnosis, treatment and tracking of tuberculosis Tuberculosis. Tiger mosquito travels down the motorway This year no tiger mosquitoes have been spotted in Belgium, but ITM researchers warn that the insects are finding new ways to get into the country. Mosquito monitoring. Facilitating ethics review during outbreaks Raffaella Ravinetto, chairperson of the ITM Institutional Review Board, highlights the recommendations of an expert workshop.
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