At the end you realize that SCORE is more than an exchange program, it is a family, working towards one goal: providing research exchanges to more than students every year. Everyone gets the chance to speak and to inspire others. And on the other hand, you can also just go to get inspired! The sessions are about a lot of different very relevant topics and are given in different forms: there can be debates, group discussions, watching clips and commenting on them, etc. Talking, debating and listening to these fellow scorpions is already very empowering on its own.
Realising that human rights and peace have such an impact on global health, convinced him even more of the need of a strong and active SCORP Team in my own Local Committee. The encounters he had were very inspirational and motivating! When we reached Montreal, we kept meeting familiar faces and trying to remember their names not an easy task, believe us! On the first day, the dean from Northern Ontario School of Medicine presented a keynote on the way his school works, in. Soft-skills were also introduced: small working groups, how to fundraise, determination of the stakeholders and people first language.
Meanwhile, several stigmas and laws against people who are living with HIV were discussed. Then the sessions team asked our thoughts about the film, concerns, how we actually felt. Then the personal experiences and tears flew as rain The facilitation was excellent, they were dynamic and reacted to the feedbacks we gave them — and they asked for a lot of them!
So, if you love teamwork, drawing on flipcharts, presenting your work and just feeling great, we strongly recommend that you attend the next preGA, because a preGA is not something you read, it is something you feel! People who were more in favour of hotels and cities, and who wanted to cross the Niagara Falls off their bucket lists, such as me, could go for the second option. I can truly speak for everyone if I say that the PostGA was an experience we will never forget. It was well organized, and everything was included in the price: our nice hotels, the entrance fees to visit the landmarks and the museum, the boat for the Niagara Falls, even all our meals.
Each of the buses had a guide on board, who could answer all of our questions.
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Even though we returned exhausted, we had made so many amazing memories, wonderful friends from all over the world and pictures to make everyone who was not there very jealous. On day two the guides took us to the Niagara Falls, the moment we were all waiting for. The falls really did live up to their name, we hopped on a boat and sailed. The view took our breaths away. We were soaking wet when we returned, but we know that we will remember this experience for the rest of our lives.

Our last stop was Ottawa, the current capital of Canada. At night, we went and saw the magnificent lightshow, a projection. We also asked them to set themselves a deadline and to write down a plan of action on how to achieve the objective. Deadline I want it to be out by mid-October. Plan of action Letting all delegates write articles and collect photos about their sessions, as well as writing down their objectives and discussing them.
After having conduct the internal needs assessment together with the rest of the Small Working Group on Strategy, I plan to continue the work and use the results of the assessment to draft our very own strategy, in order to set the goals and next steps for our organization to flourish. After collecting personal information from previous BeMSA-generations, consulting with NMOs, exploring the options for a functioning alumni platform and drafting the bylaws necessary to allow this, BeMSA is ready to launch their alumni network!
Finetuning our ideas and writing it down before the end of October. Create awareness, appoint a green team that have to set certain realistic goals in order to achieve them, promote sustainability by ensuring members can benefit from it. Introduce an International opportunities session and build up from there with the feedback we receive after NGA1.
Talk to our National Officers for Capacity building to concretely plan teambuilding activities.
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I would like to achieve this objective by the time our incomings will come next summer. I would like to achieve this objective as soon as possible. Since was a difficult year for SCOPE in my city, I was eager to learn how to solve the problems we were facing. The August Meeting helped me a lot and gave me some concrete ideas about how to deal with it. Of course, I would like to achieve it as soon as possible, but since this is a very difficult issue it will take time. First organise the workshop, get feedback from the participants and assess its usefulness.
Then, on the second semester, try to integrate it in the curriculum by discussing with the relevant professors.
Plan of action I would like to meet with the dean and consider some options. I would like to read in as much as possible beforehand, so I would go in prepared. I would like to consider a role for SCORA in the upon arrival training and maybe it is possible to set up a training of some sort or a lecture. This should be discussed with the LORA. Communication with our local president. Open communication with the faculty.
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Submit them all together. In the long run, make one of these conditions necessary for someone to become NEO. Plan of action During a session about mental health, I wrote down ideas I got from mental health projects in other countries. I will discuss these ideas with the project managers, so we can expand our project. I will attend a training on our first NGA.
I will attend trainings on other international meetings if possible. Attend at least 1 SRT with workshops regarding my objectives. The first step in this process should be to analyse how we can make BeMSA more attractive to possible sponsors. What can we do for them? Why should they sponsor us? Enhancing communication between different LCs e. I will try to attend an extra training on this topic at the first NGA. I also attended one at the GA. By organising a brainstorm SWG with our members to explore the possibilities of implementing the topics mentioned above in new and already existing projects.
Contacting them by Facebook, email, in the meetings. Plan of action I plan to find a skilled and experienced trainer to give the workshop in a central location in Belgium. I will also promote the EA for all the incomings during the months of June and July. I will do this with activities such as the elevator pitch, the golden circle, promotion techniques and review of project forms in groups.
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I will make sure that the new NOREs can start their term with confidence by providing them with a good handover manual and planning an elaborate meeting in which we go over all of their questions, concerns and ideas for the upcoming term. Group picture of the delegation during the opening ceremony. Dominique, Koen and Kelly are unfortunately missing from this picture. In this report, we have tried to limit the use of these abbreviations.
The remaining ones are explained below. Each letter can stand for multiple things.
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See More. Keynote speakers are mixed with musical Musical break at the opening ceremony. Training to the European region. Additionally, we discuss the topics that will be voted upon at the NMO hour of the Belgian delegation. Topics included public speaking, time management, leadership and many more. Delegates lining up during a training session. Kelly Maertens as plenary secretary and Caline Mattar as plenary chair. Food and drinks from all over the world are available at the NFDP.
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This was accompanied by another formal event: the closing ceremony. These submissions and to prepare the plenaries. In BeMSA, we choose to share these submissions beforehand with the whole delegation, which means that every member has to read the submissions. These delegation did a very good job in reading connections can come in very handy during and commenting on the submissions other meetings, but also for asking advice beforehand.
Additionally, we got to know a or sharing ideas later on.
It was an intensive week took part in the sessions about external consisting of multiple trainings per day, but representation. This over-exposure to bushmeat and malpractice of butchery increased blood-to-blood contact, which then increased the probability of transmission. The primary point of entry, according to researchers, is somewhere in the jungles of Brazil. This suggests that the zoonotic transmission of the virus may have happened in this area.
However, these relationships do not explain more detailed patterns of biogeography, such as why epidemic HIV-2 groups A and B only evolved in the Ivory Coast , which is one of only six countries harbouring the sooty mangabey. It also remains unexplained why all epidemic HIV groups emerged in humans nearly simultaneously, and only in the 20th century, despite very old human exposure to SIV a recent phylogenetic study demonstrated that SIV is at least tens of thousands of years old. All of them propose that the simultaneous epidemic emergences of four HIV groups in the late 19th-early 20th century, and the lack of previous known emergences, are explained by new factor s that appeared in the relevant African regions in that timeframe.
These new factor s would have acted either to increase human exposures to SIV, to help it to adapt to the human organism by mutation thus enhancing its between-humans transmissibility , or to cause an initial burst of transmissions crossing an epidemiological threshold, and therefore increasing the probability of continued spread.
In , a study conducted by scientists from the University of Oxford and the University of Leuven, in Belgium, revealed that because approximately one million people every year would flow through the prominent city of Kinshasa, [1] which served as the origin of the first known HIV cases in the s, [1] passengers riding on the region's Belgian railway trains were able to spread the virus to larger areas.
Beatrice Hahn, Paul M. Sharp , and their colleagues proposed that "[the epidemic emergence of HIV] most likely reflects changes in population structure and behaviour in Africa during the 20th century and perhaps medical interventions that provided the opportunity for rapid human-to-human spread of the virus". A largely masculine labor force was hastily recruited to work in fluvial and sea ports, railways, other infrastructures, and in plantations.
This disrupted traditional tribal values and favored casual sexual activity with an increased number of partners.