We address the understudied religious dimension of acculturation in acculturating adolescents who combine a religious Islamic heritage with a secularized Christian mainstream culture. The religiosity of Turkish- Belgian adolescents was compared with that of age-mates in Turkey the heritage culture and in Belgium the mainstream…. Euthanasia: a "kit" sold in Belgian pharmacies. Measures deliberately aimed at hastening death are forbidden. Nearly 20 cases of euthanasia are reported per month in Belgium. It consists of a dedicated beacon located in the south-east of Belgium and in 25 identical receiving stations spread over the Belgian territory.
The beacon transmits a pure sinusoidal wave at a frequency of The main scientific goals of the project are to compute fluxes, retrieve trajectories of individual objects, and determine physical parameters speed, ionization, mass for some of the observed meteor echoes. All these goals require a good knowledge of the radiation patterns of the transmitting and receiving antennas.
The results will be provided. Each receiving station generates around 1 GB of data per day with typical numbers of sporadic meteor echoes of An automatic detection method of these meteor echoes is therefore mandatory but is complicated by spurious echoes mostly due to airplanes.
The latest developments of this automatic detection method will be presented and compared to manual counts for validation. Strong and weak points of the method will be presented as well as a possible alternative method using neural networks. Functional effect of mirb on myostatin expression: a relationship in piedmontese cattle with double-muscled phenotype. Background In Piedmontese cattle the double-muscled phenotype is an inherited condition associated to a point mutation in the myostatin MSTN gene.
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This mutation alters MSTN function as a negative regulator of muscle growth, thereby inducing muscle hypertrophy. MiRNAs could play a role in skeletal muscle hypertrophy modulation by down-regulating gene expression. This analysis led to the identification of miRb, miR, miR and miRb-5p as possible candidates. We collected samples of longissimus thoracis from twenty Piedmontese and twenty Friesian male bovines. In Piedmontese group miRb was up-regulated 7.
This study aimed at assessing factors associated to the duration of sickness absence after a back injury in the Belgian working population, with a special emphasis on cultural factors. The data were retrieved from the Belgian Fund for Work Accidents database over a 3-year period Injuries occurring in the French-speaking part of the country were associated to a longer sick leave 1. We assessed the prevalence of potential health hazards to intervention staff and cannabis growers in Belgian indoor cannabis plantations.
Surface mold swab samples were taken at 16 Belgian indoor plantations contained mostly Penicillium sp. However, their precise health impact on intervention staff and illicit growers is unclear as no molds spore concentrations were measured. Atmospheric gas monitoring in the studied cannabis plantations did not reveal dangerous toxic substances.
We conclude that Belgian indoor cannabis plantations pose a potential health threat to growers and intervention staff. AS there are currently no clear safety guidelines for seizure and dismantling of Belgian indoor cannabis plantations, we recommend first responders to follow strict safety rules when entering the growth rooms, which include wearing appropriate personal protective equipment. Impact of grazing on carbon balance of a Belgian grassland. This work analyzes the impact of grazing on the carbon balance of a grassland grazed by the Belgian Blue breed of cattle.
The research was run at the Dorinne terrestrial observatory DTO. The experimental site is a permanent grassland of ca. Other studies are conducted at the DTO including measurements of methane CH4 and nitrous oxide fluxes Dumortier et al. To analyze the impact of grazing on CO2 fluxes, we studied the temporal evolution of gross maximal photosynthetic capacity GPPmax and dark respiration Rd deduced from the response of daytime fluxes to radiation over 5-day windows. This allows us to quantify the assimilation reduction due to grass consumption by cattle. On the contrary, no Rd decrease was observed during grazing periods.
Moreover, we found that cumulated monthly NEE increased significantly with the average stocking rate. In addition, a confinement experiment was carried out in order to analyze livestock contribution to Total Ecosystem Respiration. Each experiment extended over.
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Pooling procurement in the Belgian hospital sector. The Belgian hospital sector is following the example of a number of other European countries and for more than ten years now, has been striving to pool its medical supplies and equipment purchases in a bid to reduce costs.
The various experiments of which we are aware come under both opportunist purchases and initiatives which are designed to encourage local-regional contracts. These attempts have now all come to nothing or are struggling in the absence of a structured and professional approach.
Following an analysis of the various experiments into pooling procurement in hospitals in Europe, the Saint Luc University Clinic decided on a central procurement agency model, in accordance with new legislation on public procurement. This article seeks to highlight the prerequisites which are vital for a procurement pooling initiative, without underestimating the risks and limitations of implementing such a change in procurement practices. The Mercure central procurement agency is now the largest interhospital purchasing structure in Belgium. Antimicrobial use in Belgian broiler production.
The use of antimicrobials in production animals has become a worldwide concern in the face of rising resistance levels in commensal, pathogenic and zoonotic bacteria. In the years and antimicrobial consumption records were collected during two non consecutive production cycles in 32 randomly selected Belgian broiler farms. Antimicrobials were used in 48 of the 64 monitored production cycles, 7 farms did not use any antimicrobials in both production cycles, 2 farms only administered antimicrobials in one of the two production cycles, the other 23 farms applied antimicrobial treatment in both production cycles.
For the quantification of antimicrobial drug use, the treatment incidences TI based on the defined daily doses the dose as it should be applied: DDD and used daily doses the actual dose applied: UDD were calculated. A mean antimicrobial treatment incidence per animals of The most frequently used compounds were amoxicillin, tylosin and trimethoprim-sulphonamide with a mean TI UDD of Tylosin was underdosed in most of the administrations whereas amoxicillin and trimethoprim-sulphonamide were slightly overdosed in the average flock.
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Belgian health-related data in three international databases. Methods For the indicators present in the three databases, the availability of Belgian data and the source of these data were checked. Main findings The most important problem concerning the availability of Belgian health-related data in the three major international databases is the lack of recent data.
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Especially recent data about health status including mortality-based indicators are lacking. Discussion Only the availability of the health-related data is studied in this article. The quality of the Belgian data is however also important to examine. The main problem concerning the availability of health data is the timeliness. One of the causes of this lack of especially mortality data is the reform of the Belgian State.
Nowadays mortality data are provided by the communities. This results in a delay in the delivery of national mortality data. However several efforts are made to catch up. The purpose of this study was to explore the construct validity of the Resilience Scale for Adults in a French-speaking Belgian sample and test measurement invariance between the Belgian and a Norwegian sample. The Belgian Electronic Identity Card enables Belgian citizens to prove their identity digitally and to sign electronic documents. At the end of , every Belgian citizen older than 12 years will have such an eID card.
In the future, usage of the eID card may be mandatory. However, irresponsible use of the card may cause harm to individuals. The impact of age on the reservation wage: the role of employment efficacy and work intention: a study in the Belgian context. This study explores the relationship between age and reservation wage. The authors investigate whether individuals' attitudes toward employment, that is, their "employment efficacy" and "work intention," mediate this relationship.
The authors examine this in the Belgian labor market, where substantial differences exist between blue -collar workers, white-collar workers, and civil servants regarding payment systems, employment protection, and pension benefits. Path analysis on a sample of 22, Belgian workers aged 18 to 60 years reveals a reverse U-shaped relationship between age and the reservation wage via employment efficacy and a U-shaped relationship via work intention. In addition, study analyses also show a direct relationship between age and the reservation wage.

The effects vary with employment status. The authors discuss implications for theory, practice, and future research. Blue Saturn. Bands and spots in Saturn's atmosphere, including a dark band south of the equator with a scalloped border, are visible in this image from the Cassini-Huygens spacecraft. The narrow angle camera took the image in blue light on Feb. The distance to Saturn was The image scale is kilometers miles per pixel. Three of Saturn's moons are seen in the image: Enceladus kilometers, or miles across at left; Mimas kilometers, or miles across left of Saturn's south pole; and Rhea 1, kilometers, or miles across at lower right.
The imaging team enhanced the brightness of the moons to aid visibility. The BL1 broadband spectral filter centered at nanometers allows Cassini to "see" light in a part of the spectrum visible as the color blue to human eyes. Scientist can combine images made with this filter with those taken with red and green filters to create full-color composites. Scientists can also assess cloud heights by combining images from the blue filter with images taken in other spectral regions.
For example, the bright clouds that form the equatorial zone are the highest in altitude and have pressures at their tops of about one quarter of Earth's atmospheric pressure at sea level. The cloud tops at middle latitudes are lower in altitude and have higher pressures of about half that found at sea level.
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Analysis of Saturn images like this one will be extremely useful to researchers assessing cloud altitudes during the Cassini-Huygens mission. This study aimed to explore Belgian adolescents' attitudes towards peers with disabilities and to explore factors associated with these attitudes. Based on the theory of persuasive communication, this study focused on receiver variables the "whom" , characteristics of students with disabilities "concerning who" and channel….
Will Dutch Become Flemish? Autonomous Developments in Belgian Dutch. In this paper a series of studies of standard Dutch pronunciation in Belgium and the Netherlands is presented.
The research is based on two speech corpora: a diachronic corpus of radio speech and a synchronic corpus of Belgian and Netherlandic standard Dutch from different regions at the turn of the millennium. It is shown that two….
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Effects of low-protein diets and rumen-protected conjugated linoleic acid on production and carcass traits of growing double-muscled Piemontese bulls.