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My address is Avenue Louise. Thanks Show all questions and answers. Changing legal gender assignment in Brazil is legal according to the Superior Court of Justice of Brazil , as stated in a decision rendered on 17 October And in , Brazil's public health system started providing free sexual reassignment operations in compliance with a court order. Federal prosecutors had argued that sexual reassignment surgery was covered under a constitutional clause guaranteeing medical care as a basic right.
Patients must be at least 18 years old and diagnosed as transsexuals with no other personality disorders , and must undergo psychological evaluation with a multidisciplinary team for at least two years, begins with 16 years old. The national average is of surgeries per year, according to the Ministry of Health of Brazil. Chile bans all discrimination and hate crimes based on gender identity and gender expression.
The Gender Identity Law, in effect since , recognizes the right to self-perceived gender identity, allowing people over 14 years to change their name and gender on all official documents without prohibitive requirements. Since , a Colombian person may change their legal gender and name manifesting their solemn will before a notar, no surgeries or judicial order required. Since , Ecuadorians are allowed to change their birth name and gender identity instead of the sex assigned at birth on legal documents and national ID cards.
The person who wants to change the word "sex" for "gender" in the identity card shall present two witnesses to accredit the self-determination of the applicant.
In Peru transgender persons can change their legal gender and name after complying with certain requirements that may become psychological and psychiatric evaluations, a medical intervention or sex reassignment surgery. A judicial permission is required. In November , the Constitutional Court of Peru determined that transsexuality is not a pathology and recognized the right to gender identity. However, favorable judicial decisions on gender change have been appealed. Since , transgender people can self-identify their gender and update their legal name, without approval from a judge after the approval of the Comprehensive Law for Trans Persons.
It also now acknowledges the self-identification of non-binary people. In October , lawmakers passed the Gender identity law allowing transgender people over the age of 18 to change their name and legal gender on all official documents. Surgery, diagnosis or hormone therapy were not a requirement but a judicial permission was required. Birth certificates are within the jurisdiction of the states, whereas marriage and passports are matters for the Commonwealth.
All Australian jurisdictions now recognise the affirmed sex of an individual, with varying requirements. The ruling permits a gender registration of "non-specific". Passports are issued in the preferred gender, without requiring a change to birth certificates or citizenship certificates.
A letter is needed from a medical practitioner which certifies that the person has had or is receiving appropriate treatment. Australia was the only country in the world to require the involvement and approval of the judiciary Family Court of Australia with respect to allowing transgender children access to hormone replacement therapy.
The Constitution of Fiji which was promulgated in September includes a provision banning discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity or expression. Gender changes are legal in Guam. The Office will subsequently amend the birth certificate of the requester. Currently, the Human Rights Act does not explicitly prohibit discrimination on the basis of gender.
Whilst it is believed that gender identity is protected under the laws preventing discrimination on the basis of either sex or sexual orientation, [] it is not known how this applies to those who have not had, or will not have, gender reassignment surgery. Transgender persons in the Northern Mariana Islands may change their legal gender following sex reassignment surgery and a name change. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Rights of transgender individuals. Gender identities. Health care and medicine.
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Rights issues. Society and culture. Theory and concepts. By country. See also. Years List Category.
Human rights Minority rights Discrimination Freedom Index. Sexual orientation. Social attitudes. Academic fields and discourse. Lesbian feminism Lavender linguistics Queer studies Queer theory Transfeminism. Further information: Legal recognition of non-binary gender. Legal identity change, surgery not required. Legal identity change, surgery required. No legal identity change. Main article: Transgender rights in South Africa.
Main article: Transgender rights in Botswana.
Transgender rights
Main article: Transgender in China. Main article: Transgender rights in Hong Kong. Main article: Transgender rights in India. Transgender Persons Protection of Rights Act, Main article: Transgender rights in Iran. Main article: Transgender rights in Japan. Main article: Transgender rights in Malaysia. Main article: Transgender rights in Pakistan.
Main article: Transgender rights in Jordan.
Main article: Transgender rights in the Philippines. Main article: Transgender rights in South Korea. Main article: Transgender rights in Taiwan. Main article: Transgender rights in Finland. Main article: Transgender rights in France. Main article: Transgender rights in Germany. Main article: Transgender rights in Greece. Main article: Transgender rights in Ireland. Main article: Transgender rights in Poland. Main article: Transgender rights in Portugal.
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Main article: Transgender rights in Romania. Main article: Transgender rights in the United Kingdom. Main article: Transgender rights in Canada. Main article: Transgender rights in Mexico. Main article: Transgender rights in the United States. Main article: Transgender rights in Argentina.
Main article: Transgender rights in Bolivia. Main article: Transgender rights in Brazil. Main article: Transgender rights in Chile.
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Main article: Transgender rights in Colombia. Main article: Transgender rights in Ecuador. Main article: Transgender rights in Peru. Main article: Transgender rights in Uruguay. Main article: Transgender rights in Australia. Main article: Transgender rights in Fiji. Main article: Transgender rights in Guam. Main article: Transgender rights in New Zealand.