The F. If it authorize the vaccines — as experts think it will — a committee at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will then make recommendations for who should be first to receive a vaccine. But with exploding cases across the country right now, we have to take immediate measures. The only way to drive down infection rates for now will be to avoid large indoor gatherings, wear masks, practice physical distancing and use other public health measures.
The American Medical Association on Tuesday called on correctional facilities and immigrant detention centers to adopt increased infection-control measures, provide additional protective equipment, and give inmates and workers priority access to vaccines to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. The association also said in a statement that it supports the compassionate release of incarcerated people who have serious medical conditions or have reached an advanced age.
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Ilse R. Levin, an A. These steps are vital to protect people and stop the spread of the virus. As the threat of the coronavirus loomed, several states moved to ease overcrowded prisons with ordered releases. But critics said the response among prison officials and lawmakers has been largely uneven. As part of its new recommendations, the A. The coronavirus has spread quickly in confined and crowded national correctional facilities, where social distancing is impractical, bathrooms and day rooms are shared by hundreds of inmates, and access to cleaning supplies is tightly controlled.
Many inmates are 60 or older, and many suffer from respiratory illnesses or heart conditions, putting them at increased risk. In American jails and prisons, more than , people have been infected and at least 1, inmates and correctional officers have died, according to a New York Times database. Correctional facilities have seen a disproportionate rate of infection and death as compared with the general population.
Over the summer, the five largest known clusters of the virus in the United States were at correctional institutions, according to New York Times data. In one of those facilities, Cook County Jail in Chicago, cases exploded in just a little over two weeks, with more than people infected. Nearly 50 people were infected. But with the outbreak in his state worse now than it has ever been, Gov.
The governor has resisted raising taxes to make up the budget shortfall and is looking to cut spending instead. The latest proposed cuts, which require legislative approval, will affect services for the elderly, health care coverage for children, Medicaid payments to health care providers, and community mental health and substance abuse services. Wyoming was almost untouched by the coronavirus in the spring and summer, but over the past two months the virus has spread rapidly. It is now reporting about new cases a day on average, up from about a day in early October. Hospitalizations have risen by 64 percent over the past two weeks.
Other states have also cut back contact tracing when the virus began spreading out of control. The drug maker Pfizer says it will work with four states — Rhode Island, Texas, New Mexico, and Tennessee — to refine their plans for delivering and administering its Covid vaccine before the vaccine receives its expected authorization.
The step reflects the complexity of distributing on a large scale a vaccine that requires ultracold storage. The pilot program, which the company announced on Monday, is aimed at helping the states with their planning, but it will not mean that they receive doses of the vaccine any earlier than other states do. The four participants were chosen to represent states of different sizes, populations, and existing capacities for delivering vaccines against other viruses, the statement said.
Pfizer, which announced last week that an early analysis had found its vaccine to be more than 90 percent effective , expects to collect the final safety data this week that it needs to submit its results to the Food and Drug Administration. Another developer, Moderna, announced on Monday that its vaccine candidate appeared to be Both vaccines use what is known as messenger RNA technology, but their cold storage requirements are different.
That ultracold storage requirement could hinder its distribution, particularly in rural areas. The idea echoed several other findings published earlier this year that also promoted the virus-trouncing powers of familiar oral hygiene products. But experts have repeatedly cautioned against over-interpreting these results and others, because the studies examined how mouthwash works against viruses infecting cells in the lab, not people. Maricar Malinis, an infectious disease expert at Yale University. Even if people did a very thorough job of coating the inside of their mouths or noses with a coronavirus-killing chemical, a substantial amount of the virus could still remain in the body.
The new coronavirus infiltrates not only the mouth and nose, but also deep in the throat and lungs, where mouthwash and nasal washes hopefully never enter. Rasmussen said.
Relying on mouthwash or a nasal rinse to rid the body of infectious virus would be about as futile as trimming the tops of a cluster of weeds while paying little heed to the roots, and then expecting the garden pests to disappear. In the context of the pandemic, a false sense of security could be dangerous, Dr. Rasmussen noted, adding that people should not rely on ordinary products in their medicine cabinets to cleanse their bodies of the coronavirus.
And is that because of our current leadership? Is it because of the our individualistic view of things? So this thing is full of surprises. But you know people do want to protect themselves. They do want to protect their parents and grandparents. With several Covid vaccine trials showing initial promising results, hopes are high that we might soon put the virus behind us.
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Bill Gates, the co-chairman of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, explored the rush to develop an effective vaccine, and the political, social and behavioral obstacles that may hinder acceptance of treatments, even those deemed safe. Gates expressed surprise at the widespread resistance to public health measures in the United States. Is it because these are uncertain times? People prefer a simpler story?
Mistrust is problematic from a health perspective, the panel members said. Distrust can be countered by building community momentum and listening to concerns, Ms. Larson said, and that may help persuade people to participate, as she has seen in work on polio eradication. The one thing that seemed clear to everyone on the panel is that the pandemic has changed habits, perhaps forever.

Gates said of a post-coronavirus world. Senator Rob Portman, Republican of Ohio, announced on Tuesday that he would participate in a coronavirus vaccine trial, in what he said was an effort to encourage broader participation in the vaccine trials and emphasize the safety of the vaccines once they have gone through the trial process and certification by the Food and Drug Administration.
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Portman said in a statement. Portman said. Two companies, Moderna and Pfizer, this month have announced promising early data results in the development of their respective vaccines. Coronavirus cases are soaring again around Chicago, a city where thousands of people have already died from the virus.
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Officials are pleading with residents to stay home. New limits on gatherings, along with a nonbinding stay-at-home advisory, took effect in the city on Monday. State-ordered restrictions, like those on indoor dining, have so far failed to stop the runaway spread of the virus across Illinois. Cook County, which includes Chicago, has reported more than coronavirus-related deaths just since Nov. And even though there has been encouraging news about potential vaccines in recent days, Mayor Lori Lightfoot warned that help was not imminent.
Lightfoot, who predicted that most Chicago residents would not be vaccinated until the second or third quarter of The surge in Chicago comes at a time when conditions are unraveling across the Midwest. Every state in the region has set a weekly case record in the last few days. Nebraska, Wisconsin and Minnesota have reported record numbers of deaths. As the outlook worsens, several Midwestern governors have imposed new restrictions and issued stark warnings.
Kim Reynolds said Monday as she expanded mask rules and put new limits on businesses and gatherings. More schools will be forced to go online. And our health care system will fail, and the cost in human life will be high. Belgian authorities violated the human rights of nursing home residents during the first months of the pandemic by failing to protect this vulnerable group and leaving some to die prematurely, according to a report by the local chapter of Amnesty International.
Between March and October, 61 percent of coronavirus deaths in the country were nursing home residents. One of the reasons so many people died in care facilities was because they were not transferred to hospitals, the report said. While Belgian authorities focused the majority of their efforts on protecting the hospitals, they violated the basic right of the nursing home residents by refusing their access to treatment and not providing protective equipment and testing in a timely manner, Amnesty International concluded.
Belgium, a decentralized, ethnically divided federation of three regions, never made a clear division of responsibilities between different branches of the government, contributing to general chaos in the already underfunded and understaffed nursing home sector. The report was based on testimonies by nursing home residents, their families, directors and staff, as well as civil society organizations. The report corroborates the findings of a New York Times investigation published in August. Hensmans said. As Belgium and the rest of Europe confront a resurgent virus, Amnesty International called on Belgian authorities to provide access to best possible medical care for the care home residents.
The climate change threat has not abated during the pandemic.