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Bbw lover big ass p 2 min Dealer2Bool - The Gheeraerts illustrations are better presented in A Moral Fable-Talk , but here they are put together with the emblematic materials that constituted a strong phase of the fable tradition. The title-page here offers this description: "Hoc est moralis philosophiae per fabulas brutis attributas, traditae, amoenissimum viridarium. In quo humanae vitae labyrintho demonstrato virtutus semita pulcherrimis praeceptis, veluti Thesei filo docet.
Unfortunately, Bodemann does not offer a specific source for these texts. Are they Freitag's own? The bottom of each page has the first syllable of the following page, even moving from a left to a right page. Some of the impressions are understandably light. Even in this slightly shadowy representation, Gheeraerts' work is splendid!

Photographic facsimile of the original edition owned by the British Library. Explained by Kunimichi Fukushima. Ninth edition. Tokyo: Benseisha Co. Francis Mathy was good enough to order this for me after we found out in our conversation with Satoru Obara, S. Obara reports on this booklet in his little monograph, Companions of Jesus in the Kirishitan Era in Japan , a copy of which he was good enough to give me. This book of Aesop's fables was the first translation of European literature into Japanese. It includes an abridged life of Aesop and some seventy fables.
It exists bound with two other works in a single copy in the British Library note the stamp on Thus the script is Western, and there is a long vocabulary on after a short T of C for the fables and before four pages of contemporary notes. This was one of the earliest books printed on the press that the Jesuits brought to the Far East. Aesop appears here at a critical moment in the encounter of East and West.
From this little start, the fables endured with the Japanese people much longer than the Jesuits were allowed to! Containing the construing of his Latine fables into English; also The Etymologist of Phaedrus fables, containing the construing of Phaedrus a new found yet auncient Author into English, verbatim. Both very necessarie helps for young schollers. Compiled by Simon Sturtevant.
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Reprinted by Walter J. Johnson, Inc. Amsterdam: Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, Ltd. Sixty-nine pages of phrase-by-phrase and then word-by-word construing of some fifty or so Latin fables of Aesop. Then, after the straight verse texts of the 31 fables of Book 1 of Phaedrus, they are treated the same way.
The introductions "to the industrious and discreet Schoolemaister" A ii and 87 may give a good idea of early 17th-century pedagogy. Lyon: Jean Jullieron. Bodemann finds the texts here stemming from the Jean de Tournes edition of in Lyon. Bodemann also sees the fable illustrations as copies of those in the Jean de Tournes-Guillaume Gazeau edition of from Lyon. The Bodemann description fits this little book down to the five added pages for the T of C after the pages of the book. The title-page advertises the addition of desired illustrations twenty-seven of them to the life of Aesop.
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There are fifty-two illustrations for the fables. As an example, try "The Fox and the Goat" on This book is another pearl in this collection! Aesopi Phrygis Fabulae. Elegantissimis iconibus veras animalium species ad viuum adumbrantibus. Title pages missing. Identical with a volume, dated and published "apud Ioannem Tornaesium" in London, found in the Leighton library, Dunblane.
This book is dated in pencil " or " by someone. Front cover separated.
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Bilingual in columns of Greek and Latin for its first few sections: definitions of fable by Aphthonius and Philostratos; life of Aesop; and fables beginning on The last section has just Latin: 42 fables by Avienus. There are many wonderful small illustrations with the fables, some of them marked with ink or color. There is also a great hand-drawn ink cartoon of some teacher? There are bookplates from two prior owners. See the attached title-page and index-card xerox from the Leighton library. Candidatus Rhetoricae.
Or Novus Candidatus. Author unknown.
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Handwritten card says "Elzevers ed. This little book is a find whatever it finally turns out to be! For now it seems to be a Jesuit collegium text in rhetoric following the Progymnasmata of Aphthonius. If one works from the back of the book, there is an apparently independent page work, Angelus Pacis by Nicolas Caussini Latinized name , S. The rest of the book seems to be a commentary on or presentation of Aphthonius' Progymnasmata in 3 parts covering pages, followed by a T of C and an AI, which is often one page off.
After the famous Greek definition of Theion done into Latin "sermo falsus veritatem effingens" , the author distinguishes "rational" human and "moral" animal fables, with "mixed" fables including both. He holds 19 that the sense of the fable generally needs to be expressed; otherwise people often miss the point of a fable.
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His Latin for promythium is "praefabulatio," for epimythium "affabulatio. The last example is of the florid style: "The Silkworm and the Spider" takes four pages to tell! I found this book sitting in a box of disparate, unmarked, old books. It pays to look! By John Ogilby. Franz Cleyn. Here is the costliest book in my collection. I never thought I would have a chance at it! This book has lost its binding, though its boards are still present. After an "epistle dedicatory," a tribute by W. D'Avenant, another tribute by James Shirley, and an imprimatur, we find the eighty-one verse fables in four books including 22, 20, 18, and 21 fables, respectively.
Bodemann rightly calls these "Fabelnachdichtungen. Cleyn's frontispiece of Ogilby seems to be lacking, but the second frontispiece is here: Aesop talks to the people in the midst of the animals. There is one plate for Fables 14 and Plate 58 is lacking here.
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Bodemann says that the image motifs are oriented to Gheeraerts but include many new creations. To my surprise, neither the text nor the illustrations are a clean match for the reprint from the William Andrews Clark Memorial Library.
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That reprint was done from the second edition, which seems to have had not only new art but changes in the text and a considerable addition of footnotes and notations. Some images here have been colored. My favorite remains "Of the Rebellion of the Hands and Feet" In general, these illustrations seem sketchier than those of the second edition. Note that Ogilby follows the tradition of having a wolf rather than a fox come upon the carved head This book is crumbling in my hands, but it is a treasure! Par J[ean] Baudoin. Avec les figures en taille douce. Paris: Chez Pierre Rocolet.
I already have a copy of a Baudoin. I mention there the Paris edition by du Bray in This is one of the Rocolet copies. This copy is not identical in pagination with that copy that we have. This copy has flaws. The printer simply forgot to change his second digit. The illustration for "The Sick Ass and the Wolf" on has been colored green. The illustration for "The Tortoise and the Eagle" has a hole. The illustration for "The Lion and the Goat" is damaged. Canicio counts illustrations. Baudoin's first edition in in Paris contained only Aesopic fables, reportedly translated by Pierre Boissat.
Roman page numbers run through the life and T of C, and start anew at Roman 1 for the fables. Philelphus has his own newly paginated section of pages right after However it happened, this edition has fables. Generally, a fable in large print about a page long is followed by a discourse in small print about two pages long. Some of the discourses reach considerable length; "The Greedy and the Envious" and CP seem to get the record with about seventeen pages of discourse each!