Is that Krylov's "Quartet" pictured on the title page? I cannot find "Quartet" in the collection. Many of the fables are new to me, starting with the first, "The Dog and the He-Goat.
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A good story that is little known is "The Lion and the Rabbit" 2 about self-knowledge. The engravings are charming, starting from the cover engraving of Aesop writing. Table II and the backs of most illustration pages are pencilled in. Inscribed by Oscar Mayer. Eine Auswahl aus Deutschlands Fabelschatz. Dritte Auflage. Stuttgart: Verlag von Franz Neugebauer. Animal characters pictured in color on cover boards. Inscribed in English. Loose frontispiece. Brittle pages. Fables are divided between prose and verse. Four wonderful colored illustrations: the lion's army frontispiece , DM 16 , the monkey and the miser 48 , and FS Von Julius Hoffmann.
Mit vier Fabdruckbildern von C. Offterdinger und Fr. Stuttgart: R. Thienemanns Verlag.
This is a well preserved book with pages of fables. There are perhaps one-hundred-and-thirty-five fables here, as the opening T of C shows. The title just above each text gives the source. Aesop seems to come up often. La Fontaine is included. Many, even most, of the fables seem to come from eighteenth-century German fabulists. The four colored illustrations--chromolithographs, I presume--are familiar. The latter is also pictured on the laid-in chromolithograph on the cover. Did I really pay one hundred Marks for this book? Mit Illustrationen von Ernest Griset. Berlin: Verlag von J.
Here is a very frail old book, whose spine is deteriorating and pages are brittle. A T of C follows the title-page immediately, showing fables on some pages. The one author I have noticed named but not mentioned on the title-page is Lichtwer. The texts are a mixture of prose and verse. Many are unattributed. Those attributed seem to come principally from Lessing, Gellert "J.
The total of one hundred-and-forty-four images from Griset would seem to make this book dependent on the revised and enlarged version of Griset's work, which may have first appeared in with one hundred and fifty-nine illustrations. The first edition had appeared in with ninety-three illustrations.
The very first images here are the full-page "Der Woelfe und der kranke Esel" 5 and the smaller, well-known "Die beiden Froesche" 7. A curious feature of this book is its first piece, "Statt des Vorworts: Die beraubte Fabel" by Lichtwer. In it, the goddess of all poets, Fable, wanders into a strange land, where evil creatures find her alone on the street. Her delivery purse is empty, and so they demand instead that she give up her clothes.
When she takes everything off, she disappears and the naked Truth stands before them. They feel ashamed, ask forgiveness, and give her her clothes back. Neue Serie. No author or illustrator acknowledged. Louis: Concordia Publishing House. A remarkable little book. Lots of fables in its first part and a reading 86 on the meaning of fables. No illustrations for these.
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A nice verse rendition of MM Further sections explore nature, history, geography, and Lutheranism. Ein Fabelbuch. Theodor Etzel und Hanns Heinz Ewers. Vierte Auflage. Munich: Albert Langen. Seven fables interspersed among prayers, poems, and various pious pieces, all in Gothic script. Four of them get illustrations. The best of these is that of OF on Lively little frogs! There are ten stories here, from two to ten pages in length.
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I tried the shortest: "Das Schaf und der Floh" A flea approaches a contented sheep and suggests that he, the flea, could be a watchman for the sheep. Whenever a danger approaches, he can warn the sheep with a little prick. He can also keep insects away from the sheep. His wife is pregnant and it would be a good deed to accommodate her too. The sheep agrees. Soon he feels the first prick, but can find no danger.
The pricking continues and even spreads throughout his body. After doing all that he can to assuage his pain and get rid of its cause, he finally dies. His body is a total ruin. The flea disengages, gathers his children and grandchildren, and holds a fine speech criticizing the sheep's attempts to get rid of them but acknowledging that it is a mark of culture to speak well of the dead. And with that he and his family leave. Not a bad fable! Fables and Classical Sketches by a Clergyman.
Murray, not acknowledged. Printed in London. London: John W. The first twenty-eight are fables, and the last three are sketches, ancient historical anecdotes. All the fables seem to be original. He points to his first fable as a counter- symbol of what he can offer; there a proud glow-worm refuses to help an ant. Having turned its light off, the proud glow worm is crushed by a human being passing in the dark.
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The preface even lists in respective order the vices to be learned about in each of these fables. Thus the proud beetle steps up to the blacksmith expecting to be shod when the Pasha's horses are being cared for Or in the next fable the blacksmith's son, who has slept during the hours of labor, is turned away when he shows up to eat I could take reading six or eight of these. Perhaps I am overly "offended" by their didactic transparency.
The illustrations strike me as superior to the texts here. The tailpiece of two horses on 18 is, for example, well done. There is one small detailed illustration and often a tailpiece for each fable. At least some of the illustrations are labeled "F Parker. The title is embossed in gold on the cloth cover. Fables Choisies de La Fontaine.
Cloth bound. Folio, cloth-backed pictorial boards. This book replicates--except for the series--a book of the same title I have listed under "? See my comments there. The illustrations here, magnificent as they are, may be one step away from the clarity and brilliance of the illustrations there.
Compare, e. A lovely book! Fables de La Fontaine.