This book is not only a history of the subject, but also vividly demonstrates why for the foreseeable future Dutch will remain an indispe With 'Bare Hands' tr. David Colmer , the Flemish writer Bart Moeyaert has become the writer he always wanted to be: one who writes from the depths of his soul. Miriam Van hee's poetry plays with a number of central concepts or constants, which change their meaning in ever changing contexts. Her verse is in this way both familiar and always different. Review of 'The Defiant Muse. Maaike Meijer , an anthology of 'woman-identified works'.
Review of 'The Captain of the Butterflies', an anthology of translated poems written by Cees Nooteboom. From 21 to 27 March eighteen Dutch-language writers were guests at the London Festival of Literature. The 'Stichting Frankfurter Buchmesse '93' supported this event with an impressive promotional campaign. A portrait of the Brussels Ictus Ensemble, whose mission it is to present contemporary music in all its stylistic variations to audiences at home and abroad.
(Institute for Economic and Social Research, Catholic University of Louvain-la-Neuve)
Short biography of the Amsterdam botanist Hugo de Vries , whose ideas about saltatory evolution were also enthusiastically received in far-off America. De Vries also travelled widely across the United States. The Netherlands ', which provides an insight into the difficult struggle facing women in a country which is so hostile to female labour, and where so many thing The s saw radical social and cultural changes, and the Dutch government felt obliged to respond to them.
The Social and Cultural Planning Office was set up in to do just that, a means to achieving a policy of social equality and 'l In she visited the Netherlands for the first time and was fascinated by the ways in which that art differed from New York art. She considers From late September to early January , for the first time in its history, the Metropolitan Museum in New York exhibited its own rich collection of 'Early Netherlandish Painting' - paintings produced in the Northern and especially t Review of ' Piet Mondrian. An impressive work at almost 7 kilos for 2 volumes, it also advances research on the painter and his work enormously.
Review of Michael North's 'Art and Commerce in the Dutch Golden Age', a readable and comprehensive survey of Dutch seventeenth-century art from an economic and social-historical viewpoint. Rogiers is one of the great talents of contemporary Belgian sculpture.
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His work displays an unbelievably powerful urge to challenge the established traditions of art. His work has also been linked to Mannerism, seeking to draw attention to It showed his talents as painter, poet, essayist, designer, typographer and architect. A regular feature comprising short reviews of a selection of socio-cultural events and works recently published in the Low Countries.
This brief survey shows how for more than years Flemish people, most of them missionaries, have contributed within the context of their own 'mission' to a better understanding of Chinese people, and how substantial their contribution of The poet and prose writer J. Slauerhoff is one of the most important authors in Dutch literature. Critical views on his work have nevertheless always been mixed. This article paints a portrait of this 'Frisian Rimbaud', a late romantic whos Christine D'haen has proved to be one of the greatest poets to emerge since the Second World War.
She introduced new themes into Dutch literature: that of house and garden, children's games and games of love; and she did it from a feminine Godfried Vervisch has been painting almost nothing other but human figures for at least 30 years. In these pictures one can often recognise features of the painter. They also frequently depict women offering themselves in full-frontal naked The clear, powerful paintings of Robert Zandvliet demonstrate the zest for life of the art of painting.
He shows that the white canvas still holds a promise and hides a world of boundless possibilities. He is not encumbered by the ballast o Child or grownup, everyone in the Netherlands and Flanders is acquainted with his work.
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Despite the fact that for some reason or other his cartoon charac In the late nineties, theatre audiences in the Low Countries were treated to a series of remarkable Shakespeare productions, the chief event being the production of Tom Lanoye and Luk Perceval's 'To War', a startling production of Shakespea An essay about Frank Martinus Arion's novels, accentuating his central theme: a critical plea for the retention of all that is 'one's own'.
The Dutch have good reason to consider themselves a 'Guide Land', even today. Nor is the myth of their progressiveness merely built on empty self-image - the Dutch really are so, in fruitful, appealing ways. But all nations are prone to hub Apart from the technical mastery and the constantly surprising flights of imagination, the finest woodcuts of Masereel are particularly impressive for their accessibility to the many and for their poignancy, which has, in no small way, to d Edgar Tytgat was a child who was born old and did not get any older.
Time had a special relationship with this man who had wanted to be a clockmaker. Critics did not really know what to make of him.
But he became an exceptional painter. The composer Peter Vermeersch is especially concerned to evoke images in his listeners' minds. Given the choice, he'll call himself a notemonger - someone who doesn't sit around waiting for inspiration, but is concerned with discipline, wit Inez van Lamsweerde created an international furore in the s with her appealing but slightly unsettling photos. The interest in this Dutch artist's work derives from the technical perfection it displays as well as, most certainly, the u Hadewijch's entire work, but especially the 'Poems in Stanzas', expresses in a way unique in her time the Middle Ages the condition of man confronted with the riddle of the absolute, the transcendent, whatever you want to call it - that s Hugo de Groot, better known as Grotius, is one of that select band of Dutchmen who can boast an enduring world-wide reputation.
Internationally he will always be regarded as 'the father of international law'. To many he is a visionary think The author tells of the yearning for death in the Middle Ages and the associated distaste for bodily things. Later this attitude gradually changed; enjoying life was no longer regarded as sinful and the human soul became more than an exile About birth in Flanders. These days birth is no longer a mysterious female event, but a medical one: the ancient rituals have been replaced by the consultant gynaecologist, advanced equipment, painless childbirth and Caesarean section.
In the Netherlands the birth of a child is inseparable from buttered rusk with muisjes. This piece tells the story of these coloured aniseed comfits and then goes on to describe the living-room culture prevailing in the Netherlands. In the year the sight of the dying and the dead is no longer part of daily life in Flanders. Here too the medical world has taken over; nowadays most Flemings die in the seclusion of a hospital ward, while laying out a corpse at home h A description of the old rituals in the Netherlands designed to allow people to cope with the confusion and grief attendant on a death.
As in Flanders, more and more Dutch people are opting for cremation. Here too we see death leaving the r The number of divorces rose, the birth rate fell and cohabitation increased. And today we see a rapid rise in the number of one-person Poems by Jan Moritoen? Bloem, Gerrit Achterberg, M. The author recounts the history of anatomical studies in the Low Countries.
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This article discusses both the radical scientific approach of Andreas Vesalius and the seventeenth-century anatomical pieces of Rembrandt and others. In the field of abortion the Netherlands and Belgium are exceptional: the figures there are the lowest in the world, despite the liberal legislation on the subject. Consequently, the prevention of abortion seems to be a matter more of effic The story of capital punishment in Belgium.
Though it was not officially removed from the statute book until , in practice sentence of death was automatically commuted to penal servitude with hard labour for life from as early as In the Netherlands the death penalty was abolished in In over half of the Dutch people questioned seemed to favour its reintroduction; but these figures are highly relative and are often governed by emotional factors such as an i Bachrach charts the Dutch influences on the work of Joseph Conrad.
We see Conrad signing on on the Highland Forest in Amsterdam. Later he dines in Borneo with the Dutch colonial trader Olmeyer, who would provide the model for the protagonis He works regularly in that country, and in his account he tells what fascinates him in Dutch society, from the landscape pai The author writes on aspects of the work of the painter Hans Broek: the influence of the Californian landscape, the house motif and the absence of man from the landscape. A description of Antwerp's Zurenborgwijk as a miniature city of illusion.
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The diversity of building style in the houses, which date roughly from the turn of the nineteenth-twentieth century, make of the area a permanent architectural exhibi Vincent speculates about the international renown which Flemish author Willem Elsschot might have achieved if efforts to publish his work in English had been more successful. However, he does not seek to portray Elsschot as a misunderstood A survey of the work of Dutch and Flemish jewellery designers. The author describes the differences between them, but also comments on the increasing cooperation between designers from the two regions.
A discussion of the work of the Dutch poet Gerrit Kouwenaar, who in his verses faces up to life's complexity with courage and impressive honesty. With five poems by Gerrit Kouwenaar in English translation. His work is based on the principle of duality, in which images are confronted with the identity of their material support; for instance, in his ironing boards adorned with hera His inventive use of the printing-press has assured Hendrik N. Werkman of a unique place in Dutch art history. This essay offers an overview of the work of this master-printer, whose social conscience and Resistance activities cost him his Millions of people have read Anne Frank's diary, but Ton Broos investigates what books Anne herself read.
This article surveys the extensive oeuvre of Gerard Reve and discusses the author's controversial attitudes to sex, death and religion. With four extracts by Gerard Reve in English translation. A look at the work of the Flemish painter Emile Claus in its European perspective.
Claus was influenced by the French impressionists, but the reception of his work in Belgium was rather lukewarm. Progressive foreign critics, by contrast, pr The author recounts the history of socialism in Belgium. In the unitary Belgian party split into separate Flemish and He tells of the Flemish city's prosperity in the Middle Ages, its difficult relations with Emperor Charles V, its development as an industrial centre in the nineteenth century and the cultural Flemish writer Stefan Hertmans' personal account of Ghent.
He says that he can't write about his city. But of course he does, and then maintains that he has said nothing at all; at most he has captured something fleeting. About the life and work of Janus Secundus and his two brothers. The emphasis here is not on Janus Secundus' brilliant Latin poetry represented by a translated fragment but rather on the brothers' position as officials at the Burgundian co Youth theatre in the Low Countries is the subject of this article.
Nijhof's survey shows that the social commitment and educational ideals of the sixties and seventies have given way to a theatre in which experience, imagination and the pla Salverda discusses the multilingualism of Dutch society as the consequence of continuing migration. The strong, open economy attracts people to the Netherlands from a multitude of countries, so that today over a hundred languages are spoken About the work of Paul de Wispelaere. This Flemish writer cultivates ambivalence and contradiction, both in his essays on literature and in his own creative work.
In his view, uncertainty and doubt are the great themes that gnaw at the hear He was the last major representative of the Dutch and Flemish polyphony which do Van Egeraat, who has had his own firm of architects since the mid-nineties, began his career as one of the founders of Mecanoo. The British Library is justifiably renowned for its holdings of early printed pre material from the Low Countries. And it's still trying hard to expand the collection and make additions where necessary.
BVN can now also be rece Oerol — a ten-day, international summer festival of theatre which includes music and dance, and also a wide variety of visual arts. The first festival, in the summer of , did little more than blaze the trail. Now each year the whole isl Ivens was born in the same year as Bertolt Brecht and Hans Eisler. And there are a number of striking parallels in their development. All three began their careers in the front line of the avant-garde movement.
Their concerns were ini According to Flemish filmmaker Storck, two taboos distinguish the documentary from the feature film. A true documentary maker will never violate human suffering, grief and death, nor the intimate act of lovemaking, whereas there is scarcely Few makers of theatre in the Low Countries today explore the limits of their medium as intensively as the Fleming Jan Lauwers.
What he tries to achieve in his productions is to make speech, text, movement and form rub up against and merge i When, in , Archbishop Thomas Becket opposed the arrogations the English king, Henry II of the Plantagenets, placed on the English church, he incurred the wrath of both the royal court and the English clergy. Was Thomas Becket also known A century ago, the whole world was following events in South Africa with intense interest.
Two small Afrikaner Boer republics were fighting there for freedom and justice against the British Empire.
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How does the new South Africa of today rem No act of war was more portentous, in the early days of World War I, than Germany's invasion of neutral Belgium. The country found itself suddenly elevated into a symbol of the conflict's higher meaning: Belgium as a martyr for the higher c Dutch is by no means dead in the United States, but its existence is somewhat akin to freemasonry. One has to know where to find its practitioners and approach them in the right way. In the meantime, the majority of Americans carry on using The Flemish Poet Guido Gezelle has become, a century after his death, something of a national institution in Belgium.
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His centenary did not go unmarked in England either. The Centre for Dutch and Flemish Culture hosted an event In this novel, Enquist challenges readers to look down at the dark ice rapidly speeding by them as they race on their mental skates across the beautiful, haunting world she creates. It is a world in which the In the Middle Ages, in the borderland where Romance and Germanic languages meet — Picardy, Flanders and Alsace — a new literary genre emerged: beast epic.
This piece is about the place of the Dutch-language Reynaert tradition in English fox From Gerlach's debut No More Hurt to her most recently published collections, her poetry clearly sets out to give an adequate description of reality, as represented in the mind.

These days, the cluttered years of the Dutch National Jazz Archives are in the past.