He himself joined the Jesuits in He returned to Ireland in to complete his Jesuit training and was ordained priest in In he became a chaplain in the British army, serving in the U. In , he had the rather gruesome task of organising replacements for Catholic chaplains who were wounded or killed in the allied assault on Europe. He was demobilised in and, apart from one year in India, spent the rest of his years serving the Church and the people of Hong Kong.
In the Jesuit Superior General sent him to India for a year to make a survey of the intellectual resources of the numerous Indian Jesuit Provinces. The gifts that drew these offices to him were apparently family characteristics his elder brother revived the C. For many years he was lecturer on Logic in the University of Hong Kong. He took these tasks very seriously and was awarded the O.
All this may seem to add up to a very full life.
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Yet to those who valued him most, lists of posts held and of work done seem almost irrelevant. The Father Cronin they mourn was the adviser who guided them and the friend who sustained. He spent his life forming and keeping friendships - men whom he taught as boys in the s, men and women to whom he lectured in the s, former students of Ricci Hall, hosts of those with whom his busy life brought him into contact, have cherished his affection through decades and are permanently grateful for his wise counsel.
His advice was always personal and was often unexpected. It could be bracing, astringent or gentle as the occasion offered. Always it was based on a sympathetic and intelligent assessment of the person he was advising. Since the vast majority of the people of Hong Kong are Chinese, the vast majority of his friends were Chinese, but there were no national limits to his friendship. Recent years had brought many Filipinas within its scope. Other Asians, Europeans, Americans and Australians in great numbers will be saddened by the news of his passing.
Only lack of opportunity robbed him of African friends. These friendships were independent of social and economic status. Cronin, S. This is where you must be.
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Lee recalled that when he started in politics, he also visited Father Cronin, who was then seriously ill, and asked what he could do for the Church. Father Cronin told him to follow his conscience and do what he thought he should do. I suppose all of us here are people who knew Father Terence Sheridan so it is not necessary for me to say who he was nor to mention many of the things he did He was in Hong Kong for over 40 years.
He pursued the expansion of the Province and was very keen for inter Provincial cooperation in east Asia. Departures for Mission Fields in : 4th January : Frs. Collins, T. FitzGerald, Gallagher, D. Lawler, Moran, J. Cronin, to Hong Kong 6th November: Frs. Harris, Jer. McCarthy, H. O'Brien, to Hong Kong. Flinn, Daniel Joseph, , Jesuit priest and chaplain. These are but three of the very many tributes paid to Fr. Flinn, by Bishops, priests, religious and laymen from every part of Ireland.
Few of Ours can have been as well known, few so much respected as Fr. His work of organising and running the Pioneer Association made for him contacts, many personal, others by letter only, but in them all his wholehearted love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, which was the inspiration of his Pioneer work, was manifest and recognised. He was a truly holy man, in whom the love of Our Lord was a very real and very personal thing. It was thus a personal matter for him that sin should be prevented, and when committed that it should be atoned for. In the curse of intemperance he saw what he believed to be the greatest source of sin in Ireland.
That was his Pioneer creed.
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That made for him the Pioneer cause a sacred one, for he believed it was the cause of the Most Sacred Heart, and in that belief he was so sincere that his sincerity impressed even those who criticised his methods. It was this sincerity and the zeal which sprung from it, allied with the courage which is born of true humility, that won for him a deep respect, and often an enthusiastic admiration from all those who came in contact with him. In when Fr. Flinn became Central Director, there was a membership of about , in Centres.
At his death the membership had grown to , and there were more than centres.
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This great expansion did not bring with it any slackening in the very strict rules of Fr. At the Annual Meeting last November, Fr. Flinn could boast that in his 21 years as Director there had been no change in the rules in spite of very great pressure being brought on him to make changes. That is a very remarkable thing, for in the growth and expansion of an organisation there is almost always modification and adaptation. Not so the Pioneer Association under Fr.
It grew to be a movement of national importance, but Fr. Cullen's dying wish that there should be no change of rule was for Fr. Flinn a duty. Cullen, with rules no less strict, observance no less rigidly enforced. Here again it was not just sentiment nor a mere hero worship of Fr. Cullen that made Fr. Flinn adopt so uncompromising an attitude. The Pioneer Association was the fruit of fifty years of tremendous experience in temperance work on the part of Fr. Movement after movement to fight against intemperance had been started only to fail.
The Pioneer Association with its very strict and very rigid rule was begun and was successful where the other movements failed. This success both Fr. Cullen and Fr. Flinn attributed to the strict rules and the strict way in which these rules were enforced. Hence Fr. Flinn was not prepared to depart in any way from a method which was proved by experience and by its results to attain the end for which it had been started. Rule after rule was planned to check what experience had shown to be causes of lapses in the past, and to bar excuses which made pledge-breaking easy.
Cullen was fifty years at the work. His experience was tremendous. Flinn at the Annual Meeting last year, and there is little doubt that it was this great loyalty to Fr. Cullen and to the spirit of the Association as founded by Fr. Cullen which made Fr. Flinn's long period as Central Director so successful a one for the Association and so fruitful of great work to the glory of God. General : Fr. Joseph Flinn, who had been resting at Rathfarnham, died on Monday morning, 24th May, deeply regretted by all. He had daily edified the Community by his cheerfulness and courage liable as he was at any moment to serious heart attacks.
We offer his Community at Gardiner Street our sincere sympathy on their great loss. Flinn died in the early hours of Monday, 24th May, at Rathfarnham Castle, where he had been convalescing after a serious heart attack.
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Born at Arklow on 11th January, , he was at school in Liverpool and at Mungret before going to Clongowes in , where he remained until December, On the day before he left, the boys showed their appreciation of his robust character by according him a wonderful ovation in the refectory. He entered the novitiate at Tullabeg on 1st February, , and after taking his Vows studied rhetoric for two years.
He did his philosophy at Jersey from to , and in the latter year became Prefect at Clongowes, first of the Gallery , then Third Line , Lower Line , Higher Line He spent 3 years at Mungret before beginning his theology at Milltown, where he was ordained, priest in On his return from Tronchiennes where he made his third year's probation in , he started his successful career as missionarius excurrens, being attached first to St.
Ignatius, Galway then to Rathfarnharn Castle , and While at Galway he had charge of the local Pioneer centre, thus gaining experience of temperance work, towards which he was to make such a vital contribution in later years. In came the call to act as military chaplain in France during the great war. In spite of the marked distaste he had for the work it was all along more an agony than a service for him - he set about his new duties with characteristic conscientiousness.
When hostilities ceased he resumed his work as niissioner at Rathfarnhain. Flinn was thoroughly equipped for the great task which now confronted him.
As a Missioner he had won renown both here and in England by reason of his tireless zeal, and his exceptional talents as an organiser and trenchant speaker. These talents were now pressed into the service of the Pioneer movement, which for the next twenty years and more, under his fostering care, gradually attained that commanding position which it holds to-day.
Flinn's able administration are given on another page. Suffice it here to say that his name. Matthew and Fr. Cullen in the history of Temperance.
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His talents as an organiser probably outdistanced those of Fr. Cullen himself. He was a great stickler for tradition, and much of the success he achieved was doubtless due to his allowing the faultless machinery created by the founder of the Pioneer Total Abstinence Association to function undisturbed. Still the fresh impetus given the movement since must be attributed in large part to Fr, Flinn's strong personality, his gifts as a forceful speaker, the meticulous care with which he organised the annual rallies and most of all to the supernatural outlook which characterised his work.
Flinn was also a member of the Fr. Just and conscientious to a fault, strong and purposeful by disposition, Fr. Flinn possessed a character of sterling quality. Completely devoted to the cause of God, hard and austere towards himself, unworldly, he showed himself kind and sympathetic towards others with a soft spot in his heart for the poor, the underdog. To an infinite capacity for taking pains he joined an ardour and enthusiasm for work which was infectious. His devotion to the memory of Fr James Cullen was touching in its humility and self-effacement - when Fr.
England : Fr. David Gallery , Fr. Lentaigne and Fr. Joseph Flynn Kearns, Laurence, , Jesuit priest and chaplain. After school at Mungret College, he entered the Society at Tullabeg and did the second year noviceship at Emo. The normal studies of the Society brought him to his ordination on 13 May Immediately after theology, Lol as Fr Laurence was known in the Society became chaplain in the British Army from to and served on the European continent.

I saw Fr Morrison again at CelIe as he bent over my stretcher and formed the opinion that I should never look the same again.