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Most of the red-light districts RLDs in Belgium are made up of windows where the prostitutes sit, usually scantily dressed, trying to entice customers in although some street prostitution does occur. The main red light district in Brussels is north of the Gare du Nord. In Rue d'Aerschot , Rue de Brabant and the surrounding side-streets there are sex shops and many windows where prostitutes sit.

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Further away from the station the girls are more from Ghana and Nigeria. The Alhambra Quarter of Brussels South-west of the Gare du Nord has traditionally been an area where street prostitution has occurred. In , new regulations were introduced to restrict the girls and also to punish kerb-crawlers.

This was overturned by the Council of State at the end of A second, smaller area of street prostitution is along Avenue Louise , where street walkers ply their trade at night. Gay prostitution occurs around the Place Fontainas.

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In Antwerp prostitution is only permitted in the area bounded by Verversrui, Vingerlingstraat and Schippersstraat, [2] locally knows as 'schipperskwartier' shipper's quarters. Prostitution in the city was previously run by gangs and violence was common. The areas in which prostitution was allowed was reduced to the Schipperskwartier, and a permit system was introduced. The permits for owners of the windows have to be personally signed by the mayor. The area was refurbished and pedestrianised in an attempt to get away from the previous seedy-looking image.

Usually, windows in red light districts are isolated from one another, but the windows here are interconnected in groups of 3, 5 or 7 so the prostitutes may socialise with each other and also aid each other in the event of trouble with a client.

Prostitution in Belgium

Between Verversrui and Schippersstraat is the Villa Tinto. Prostitution in Charleroi formally took place in various places over the city.

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In the council limited the activity to a small area, known as the "Charleroi Triangle" [11] intersection of rue du Moulin, rue de Marchienne, rue Arthur Pater, rue de la Fenderie and place Rucloux. Street prostitution was prevalent in Gosselie on the northern outskirts of Charleroi.

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The prostitutes disregarded this limit, prompting a total ban on street prostitution in These are on faubourg de Bruxelles and the N5. In Deinze there are a few windows along the Kortrijksesteenweg N There are two red-light districts in Ghent , located close to each other. There are just under 70 windows here. Following pressure from locals, the prostitutes in the windows in Ghent dress in a respectable fashion.

The remaining building were renovated as part of the gentrification of the area and prostitution stopped.

There have been windows in various streets in the docklands area of Ostend - Langestraat, Hazegras, Fregatstraat, Vrijhavenstraat and Oesterbankstraat. There are a number of windows in rue Marnix, Seraing. The council plan to stop prostitution in rue Marnix and build a new "Eros Centre". In the s the municipalities took different approaches to regulation.

Some, such as Liege and Ghent , banned window prostitution [11] or moved it out of its traditional locations in the city centres. Prostitution was known to exist in what is now Belgium since the middle ages.

Red-light districts in Belgium - Wikipedia

During the French regime — prostitutes were required to have mandatory health checks in hospitals. Over 40 minors, mainly English girls, were found to be working in brothels after being lured to Brussels [15] with promises of work in bars and nightclubs. During WW1 , the occupying Germans took over control of prostitution.

In an attempt to prevent the spread of STIs amongst their troops, the trade was strictly regulated and girls forced to undergo regular health checks. The regulatory regime was regarded as discriminatory towards women in the s, [9] leading to Isabelle Blume 's proposals being passed as federal law in The efforts by the Belgium authorities to eradicate trafficking was cited by UN Special Rapporteur Urmila Bhoola as "an example of good practice" in [18].

In , people were prosecuted for sex trafficking and victims of trafficking were assisted. The victims are given help in specialised NGO-run shelters and when they leave the shelters, they are given protection, residence and employment permits and access to legal services. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. See also: Human trafficking in Belgium. Retrieved 31 March Observatory for Sociopolitical Developments in Europe. Retrieved 11 November Department of State. Archived from the original on 17 June Exeter University. Brussels Times.

Sex trafficking and money laundering: the case of Bulgaria PDF. Risk Monitor. Retrieved 3 December Historical Dictionary of Brussels. Scarecrow Press. European Commission. Retrieved 12 November Sud Info in French.